Monday, June 27, 2016

Alps: 3 students die after a mountain road exit – Le Figaro

Nice three students, aged twenty years, died Monday afternoon after a fall “from 500 to 1000 meters” of their vehicle from a mountain road in the Ubaye Valley, according to police.

According to a source close to the investigation, the car driven by a young man who was carrying two passengers, was part of a three-vehicle convoy when it left the road for an unknown reason at 4:50 p.m.. “The alarm was raised by people who were waiting in a place of rendezvous,” said the police, indicating that the route exit occurred near the neck of La Bonette-Restefond in the valley


a helicopter of the gendarmerie and a helicopter civil security, armed with the medical staff of UAS participated in relief operations alongside the gendarmes high mountain gendarme platoon Jausiers and mountain Group of firefighters.


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