The British referendum on the Brexit demonstrates that “we must lance the boil” of a Europe seen as “punitive” by its citizens, said Prime Minister Manuel Valls Tuesday detailing how to “move to a new high step “.
in a speech of nearly a half-hour before the national Assembly, the head of government said that the choice of the British out of Thursday’s EU showed” discomfort peoples “who, he said,” doubt Europe. ” “They feel it imposes its choices and systematically works against their interests,” he said.
“Europe will be with the people. Otherwise it will dislocate” Mr. Valls has yet analyzed denying that the European project “capsized and sank, driven by the growing weight of populism”. “I caution those who believe that we will strengthen our sovereignty by drawing a line on Europe,” he also launched the sovereignists, starting with the National Front.
Speaking needed a “shock”, he asked his British counterpart David Cameron out of “in-between, ambiguity” and activate “as soon as possible clause withdrawal of the European Union. ” “It’s not the British Conservative Party, which must impose its agenda”, he launched the applause of members.
As for ways to “move to a new big step” European, he recalled the democratic deficit which it has so far suffered.
“We thought we could enlarge, expand, forced march, that + not + be forgotten thanks to more Europe, that referendums could be circumvented, the growing rejection of Europe is looked after by pedagogy “, detailed the one who had originally called for a vote + not + to the European Constitution in 2005.
” We avoided real debates and we left a boulevard to populism “, he launched
-. Do not play the” sorcerer’s apprentice “-
for those on the right considering or demanding a referendum on Europe, he reminded the risk of “playing the sorcerer’s apprentice.” “A referendum can not be the way to get rid of a problem,” he ruled.
The prime minister called for “initiative” of France “putting security issues at the heart of Europe.” He thus called for “truly control our borders” but “not out of Schengen” and organize a common defense “worthy of the name.”
About the economy, he said that Europe could not be “the Trojan horse of globalization”, repeating his rejection of the Treaty of transatlantic free trade with the United States as provided today and again advocating a “tax harmonization and social “in the EU.
He also defended a Europe “effective” would be on the offensive where it is “useful,” and able to delete “when skills must remain national or regional.” Advocating the idea of Jacques Delors of a Europe of nation states, Mr Valls suggested the possibility of integration at different speeds. “If we have to carry some 27 that are not ready to do, and do it well.”
So he defended again “democratic governance” of the single euro zone pronouncing themselves against “punitive Europe, acquired the ultra-liberal theories and fiscal austerity,” referring to the rule that public deficits can not exceed the equivalent of 3% of a country’s GDP, to penalties
06/28/2016 4:49:56 p.m.. – Paris (AFP) – AFP © 2016

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