A scathing repudiation. Confirming that the sabotage of railway lines charged to the Tarnac group did no terrorist, the investigating chamber of the Court of Appeal of Paris has just shattered the thesis for eight years by prosecutors. Since the arrest of Julien Coupat and his then-girlfriend, suspected of planting a hook on the catenary of a TGV line in November 2008, the floating concept of “terrorist act” has gone through the Tarnac affair.
Fruit of the political use of the ultra-left under Sarkozy and the vagaries of the DCRI (Central Directorate of internal security), the file will however deflate over the seven years of education, which have highlighted the many failures of the police investigation. A folder that eventually switch to summer 2015. Going against the foot of the prosecution’s submissions, the two investigating judges then dismiss the aggravating circumstance of “terrorism” to Julien Coupat and two of his cronies. While admitting that the actions were committed “the obvious purpose of disrupting the operation of a cog considered state, the SNCF,” judges emphasize “that beyond caused obvious damage, manifest disturbance of the public order and the inconvenience caused to users, these actions can not be considered to have intimidated or terrorized all or part of the population, “ and ” despite used the war rhetoric “ the coming insurrection, the book attributed to invisible Julien Coupat Committee.
the case could have ended there. But three days later, indicating that the folder is always highly political, the Paris prosecutor’s office appealed the order of the judges. The prosecutor François Molins knows the subject, who was chief of staff of Michèle Alliot-Marie, Place Beauvau, when the case broke. “He found himself a prisoner of the political instrumentalization of eight years earlier record” analysis a senior judge. A position that will be followed to the letter by the General Prosecutor. “The content of the book written by Julien Coupat leaves no doubt about the purpose of overthrowing the government by violence and destroy the current Western society,
The ultra-leftist bogeyman
End of the debate? Probably not. Eight years after the sabotage, the record still appears even more sensitive that between doubly resonant with the news. With the terrorist context of all, in a country traumatized by the attacks of Charlie and November 13. “Since the intention is not to hurt an act can not be considered terrorist, Marie Dosed protests, lawyer for two preventable in Tarnac folder. If action to delay a train is a way of terrorizing the state, how far are we? Terrorize France, it’s not that. “ Resonance with the social, too. As eight years ago, the ultra-left is still Scarecrow pointed by the government, as shown by the debates about overflow sidelines of the labor law. Mid-May, the National Assembly, Manuel Valls did not hesitate to stigmatize “the black bloc, these friends of Julien Coupat, all those organizations who do not like democracy” . Prime Minister relied in particular on a note of ISB (which replaced the DCRI in 2014) stating that “Network Julien Coupat, committed against the law El Khomri, encouraged the rioters, without taking part in abuses “. As a stuttering history, which could still bounce back.
Stripped of its terrorist qualification, the trial Tarnac group could be held in the first half 2017, during the presidential campaign. Unless the public prosecutor decides to file a cassation

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