The big issue region of merging the regions of Aquitaine, Limousin and Poitou-Charentes is now called “New Aquitaine,” a name largely approved Monday in Bordeaux, by the plenary of the regional council chaired by the Socialist Alain Rousset. “We now call New Aquitaine and we’ll each other and honor him,” said the head of the regional executive after the vote confirming the new name. This term however only become official after validation by the State Council, which must issue an order later than 1 October. “The word New is a way of looking to the future,” said Alain Rousset front of 183 regional councilors. The name “New Aquitaine” will be followed by the name of the three former “sister regions” Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes, under an amendment adopted EELV group before the final vote.
“the land of mixed water, we have to make them live and invigorate” said Alain Rousset. The final vote was on a single resolution proposing to rename the old SALW and designate Bordeaux as capital of the new regional entity and as area hotel headquarters. A working group, established in February 2016, had been commissioned to reflect the name of the new community, under the chairmanship of Anne-Marie Cocula, University of ex-president Bordeaux and former vice president of the region. “The name is an umbrella brand. It will not erase the identities. This is an anticipation choice, “she said Monday.
‘Eleanor’ departed
The 22 members, elected representatives and experts of the commission it presided went from April to May to meet the inhabitants of the twelve departments. Meanwhile, an online platform recorded more than 41 000 proposals a year. “The risk of eat by the Aquitaine” represented fear the most frequently expressed by the participants of the old Poitou-Charentes and Limousin regions, said the historian. Although “the duchy of Aquitaine occupied the region as it is today,” she recalled
Among the proposals apart, “Eleanor.” – In reference to Eleanor of Aquitaine, queen of the Franks and England in the twelfth century – has eliminated itself, for it is she who coined the divorce. “It would have been difficult to start a new project with such a story,” according to Anne-Marie Cocula. The working group considered adding an adjective to Aquitaine: the name “Grande Aquitaine” had “claim to place themselves above others” finally “New Aquitaine” won because it name is “synonymous with rebirth,” as historian.

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