Wednesday, June 22, 2016

labor law: the fate of Thursday’s event still pending – The World

Philippe Martinez, general secretary of the  CGT and Jean-Claude Mailly, secretary general of  Force Ouvrière at the Paris demonstration against  the law to work June 14

After 24 hours negotiations, the fate of the planned demonstration in Paris, Thursday, June 23, as part of a day of mobilization against the bill work throughout France, had still not ruled on Wednesday morning. In the day Tuesday, unions (CGT, FO, FSU, Solidaires, UNEF, UNL and LDIFs) persisted in their refusal “ emphatic ” of a “static gathering” Place de la Nation, a solution advocated by the government. After the violence that marred previous days of mobilization, the Executive remains hostile to processions, and threatened to ban the event

Read also:. Work Act: unions reject “categorically” to renounce Thursday scroll

the unions initially wanted to scroll between Place de la Bastille and Place de la Nation. A short drive to “consider” they believe security conditions. Tuesday, they said it had made “alternative proposals course” : Bastille, Place d’Italie, or Denfert-Rochereau Place d’Italie. “The discussions are ongoing and at this stage no decision has been taken” , claimed to be the police headquarters in the late afternoon.

In the day, Bernard Cazeneuve had again invited the unions to accept a “proposal responsibility to make possible the expression they wish in a maximum security environment” . The interior minister insisted on the “extremely high threat level with a level of extremely strong solicitation for several weeks of the security forces” , mobilized “on the Euro “ football ” border migration in a particular context “ and ” in the context of law enforcement operations “. These “are made difficult by the significant presence of violent groups. There were more than 500 policemen injured “.

Sarkozy against the ban, his party

At the political

level, reactions multiplied to comment on persistent iron arm between the government and unions. A right and left, opinions differ. In Berlin, on the sidelines of a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the Party Republicans (LR), said Tuesday he was not “unreasonable ‘s prohibit unions to scroll, while recalling that if they “ take the initiative to organize a protest, they face the consequences, including financial consequences when there is damage “. “ I do not think it’s reasonable that a republican government decides to ban protests “, except “ When is the fact of groups and factions dangerous and violent , “has he added

This position contradicts the official line LR. spokesman of the party, William Larrivé, on Monday called for the prohibition of the event . “Do not wait until Thursday night to find excesses, we must anticipate” , he declared. Alain Juppé, Mr Sarkozy’s main opponent in the primary right, was considered, Wednesday 15, the day of the event which had degenerated in Paris, he had to ban demonstrations if “clear threat to the public order “.

another future rival, François Fillon, said he, in an interview with Le Figaro to be published Wednesday that ” all anyone can understand that without questioning the right to demonstrate, the government requires organizations to postpone the protests after Euro “ of football, which ends on 10 July. Christian Jacob, owner of RS MPs, public order must “be maintained. The government to find ways “

Read also:. Work Act: Cazeneuve warns that unions parade Thursday” does not appear possible “

on the left, several Socialist MPs warned on Tuesday that it would be in their eyes “unimaginable” a left government ban a demonstration. “I do not want and do not imagine prohibited, except to the CGT scapegoat and victim of the left in power” , said MP (PS) Pascal Terrasse, near Emmanuel Macron. The “rebellious” Pascal Cherki (left wing of the PS) found that “ if unions want to make a protest, it must take place” . The boss of the Socialist deputies Bruno Le Roux, he felt that the ability to manifest would be “preserved” , but held that “ the rioters have taken over the protesters to many occasions . “


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