Wednesday, June 29, 2016

investigation after death threats against Charlie Hebdo – The Express

Charlie Hebdo is again the prey of death threats. And these, after the attack against his local 7 January 2015 that made twelve victims are of course taken seriously. Le Parisien shows that the Paris prosecutor opened an investigation for “death threats” June 22 Repression Brigade of crime against the person (the BRDP) is in charge of the investigation.

Several threats within days

In mid-June, very worrying messages are posted on the official Facebook page of the satirical weekly. At the same time, the writing was receiving at his new address a handwritten letter just as threatening. A source close to the case, and mentioned by Le Parisien , gives some details: “These threats have concentrated on a relatively small period of time, three or four days in

mid-June . There is in particular a question of killing, again, several members of the writing. ”

The direction of Charlie Hebdo then promptly decided to file a complaint. Near the newspaper assures that the title had not been subject to such threats for some time. Because of the attack that killed the writing on the morning of 7 January 2015, Charlie Hebdo team is always surrounded by heightened security measures. Nobody for the moment, was arrested as part of this new deal.


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