SCAN THE POLICY – The reinvestiture the deputy mayor of Levallois had created a stir among Republicans because of his productions multiple exam. It now grows his former parliamentary attached to succeed him.
“If we invest that those who have not been convicted by the courts, we n ‘more candidates in the Hauts-de-Seine! “, launched on the tone of humor, Patrick Balkany to Express 12 June 2013. Reinvested automatically by the Committee inauguration of the Republicans there ten days under its status as incumbent, the mayor of Levallois-Perret sows unease within his political family. Longtime friend of Nicolas Sarkozy, the member is particularly the subject of four indictments and convictions of three (in 1996, 1999 and 2004). Several candidates for the primary have not failed to criticize that choice and Francois Fillon has even announced that he would return it if elected. Not a chance. according to information from L’Observateur Scan confirmed Tuesday, the former boxer wishes to waive the deputation
“I put my name on the list, but I look to find a young woman to replace me, “said Patrick Balkany before a member of the nomination committee Republicans, there are about two months. The iconic mayor of Levallois-Perret chose Agnes Pottier-Dumas, 31, to take her on. It is his former parliamentary attached, Councillor of his city and member of Valérie Pécresse firm. If the deputy mayor does not disclose now, “is to give himself time to think,” says a close, but also to protect the riding entrenched right of the predation of a possible strong candidate. “There is no real internal contender in this division at the moment”, is do we reassure the CNI.
Rue de Vaugirard, we are assured that the decision to Patrick Balkany predates the controversy. It also denies rumors that the wife of the
After the announcement of the nomination of Patrick Balkany, an online petition of protest was launched with some success: more than 120,000 signatories have already supported. unintended consequence of the uproar or not, on his Twitter account, the vice president of the national commission investiture (CNI) Roger Karoutchi announced Tuesday morning that Patrick Balkany finally precipitated Announces Decision. “At the urging of Patrick Balkany, I will present today the nomination of Agnes Pottier Dumas for the riding of Levallois / Clichy” wrote the Senator.
Patrick Balkany is not the only Baron the right of the Hauts-de-Seine automatically renewed for the laws, and that might not go after. One of his opponents inside, Patrick Devedjian, president of the county council of Hauts-de-Seine and MP would be in the same case. The president of the largest metropolis of Paris Patrick Ollier would also review the scenario of succession in the 7th district of Hauts-de-Seine.

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