Tuesday, June 7, 2016

1995-2017: Nicolas Sarkozy, Alain Juppe, words and deeds – Le Figaro

FIGAROVOX / SERVICE – The slogans and symbols Alain Juppe is more left than Nicolas Sarkozy; their actions when they govern, Nicolas Sarkozy is left Alain Juppe said Thomas Guenole.

Thomas Guénolé is a political scientist and lecturer at Sciences Po, doctor of political Sciences (Sciences Po – CEVIPOF). He is the author of Petit policy lie guide First editions published by March 2014.

FIGAROVOX. – Alain Juppe has the reputation of being more left than Nicolas Sarkozy. Is this true?

Thomas GUÉNOLÉ . – On their economic proposals, to use an old term plan, it is rather “white cap and white cap.” Both want to reduce government spending of about 100 billion euros, that is to say an amputation of 8%. The two parallel want lower taxes and remove the ISF. Both want to finish removing payroll taxes on wages that are at minimum wage. Both want to leave the company agreements decide, in every society, where Sunday work and what the work week. Both want degression of unemployment benefits, even if it already exists. Both want to join the next staff the pension plans of private sector employees and repel the statutory retirement age to at least 64 years. Both want to restore the rule of non-replacement of staff on two retiring. Both want to restore at least a waiting day for civil servants. And so on.

There are certainly some variations: for example, tax, Nicolas Sarkozy proposes to reduce estate taxes while Alain Juppe prefer to lighten taxation on capital gains and dividends. But it is in the area of ​​the shade; not in that of the real difference.

Are there not a still large differences between them on identity issues?

In these areas, if ‘we stick to the postures and slogans, they seem poles apart. On the one hand, Nicolas

In these areas, if we stick to the postures and slogans, they seem poles apart.

Sarkozy claimed in 2006 the concept of national identity, he frequently puts on the table the question of the compatibility between Islam and the Republic, and he talked about immigration quotas in the early 2000s in another Alain Juppe in 2014 theorized the concept happy identity, including a peaceful Islam that can be read in a manner consistent with republican values. And in an interview with World 1 October 1999 he said that given its population, Europe needs more foreign workers.

In contrast on concrete proposals, again it would rather “white cap and white cap.” Both are for annual immigration quotas by country of origin. Both want to toughen the conditions for family reunification. Again there are some variations: for example, Nicolas Sarkozy wants to eliminate the state medical aid to illegal immigrants, while Alain Juppe wants to ban the acquisition of French citizenship to people born in France when their two parents are illegal immigrants.

At most, we can consider that the proposals of Nicolas Sarkozy on failed asylum seekers do go further Alain Juppe. But again, we are in the field of shade; not in that of the real difference.

If you look at what they did when they were in power, they are always so similar?

No. And it’s interesting, because beyond postures and promises, when we examine who did what when it was in power between Nicolas Sarkozy and Alain Juppe right most is not who you think.

On the economic front, first. They certainly have the same fundamental: lowering the tax burden, undermine social protections of the Labor Code, to trim the civil service, reduce the number of staff; and make an economic austerity. But when looking at the acts, President Nicolas Sarkozy has systematically stopped in his austerity policies as soon as the potential for social conflict or rejection in opinion became very strong. Alain Juppe Prime Minister, instead, went after his reform agenda despite the social conflict and rejection, to cause major general strikes of 1995.

President Nicolas Sarkozy has turned his cutie when he was confronted with the Great Crash of 2007-2008, to adopt an economic policy of Keynesian stimulus.

Similarly, Nicolas Sarkozy President transferred its cuti when he was confronted with the Great Crash of 2007-2008, to adopt an economic policy of Keynesian stimulus: whiling away the debt, to the Big Loan, and so on. Alain Juppe Prime Minister, however, remained on the same austerity policy line against relapse of the economy in the doldrums for years 1994-1996. The result is this unexpected conclusion: if we stick to the facts, when they exercise power, the economic policy of Nicolas Sarkozy is more left than that of Alain Juppe

and on identity issues?

to answer this question we must first dispel the fog of postures adopted by one and the other. Nicolas Sarkozy has gone very far in the slogans and symbols: ” France, you love it or leave it ”, the Ministry of National Identity, opening a formal debate on the identity Alain … Juppe also, but in the other direction: the identity concept happy about French Islam, his triptych slogan ‘sooth-gather-reform’ ‘…

By cons, if you s ‘stick to what they have actually done, their balance sheets are similar. On the one hand, the government of President Nicolas Sarkozy has pursued a very active policy of deportation of illegal immigrants. And previously Minister Nicolas Sarkozy has enacted in 2006 a law that toughens immigration policy in France. On the other side, the Prime Minister Alain Juppé government adopted the Debré Act of 1997: This law hardening treatment of illegal immigrants; and legalized the act of taking fingerprints of immigrants in the absence of any arrest, at a time when we did not do for French citizens. This is also the government of Alain Juppe Prime Minister who stormed the Saint-Bernard church occupied by illegal immigrants.

In short, repaint their positions on immigration “Nicolas Sarkozy Alain Juppe hard against soft,” is to misunderstand their concrete actions on these topics when they govern, which are roughly equivalent.

If they have almost the same proposals, if they ruled much right on identity issues, and if economics Alain Juppe has ruled to the right of Nicolas Sarkozy , should we conclude that overall, Nicolas Sarkozy is left Alain Juppe?

If we stick to the concrete, to action, yes. Specifically: the slogans and symbols Alain Juppe is more left than Nicolas Sarkozy; their actions when they govern, Nicolas Sarkozy is left Alain Juppe.


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