Here our entire live #METEO
1:41 p.m. Hello lams71 @ , according to the Ministry of the Environment, a plateau will be reached this evening in Paris. The level of the Seine should then remain stable throughout the weekend, “before starting the decline” . The latter will take time
1:40 p.m. . Hello, how long for a return to normal
1:37 p.m. : According the Ministry of Environment, the level of the Seine “progressing [now] more slowly, on the order of 3 cm per hour” .
1:31 p.m. The Seine just reached 6 meters, announced the Ministry of Environment. A peak is expected in the evening around “6.30 or 6.50 meters” .
1:28 p.m. : A journalist of Libération attends the evacuation works in the Louvre. Here are some of his photos.
1:22 p.m. Hello @anonyme is actually reports the website Sytadin. The floor is flooded at the Porte de Bercy on the device
1:18 p.m. . Hello. Femetures at Porte de Bercy?
1:01 p.m. : I invite you to watch the special edition of” 13 hours “of France 2 on the floods in France. She just started
12:58 . A Sartrouville, John Paul II High School closed, the banks of Seine flooded Carrières- sur-Seine, it’s not just Paris, the flood moves downstream
12:52 in Paris, the flood of the Seine could exceed 6 meters Friday, a level not seen for more thirty years. The town hall Crisis following the situation closely. The photographers also.
12:41 : And the Seine continues to inflate, inflate, inflate … See photos of the reporter on the Sunday newspaper. It is located near the port of Arsenal.
12:35 : the museum, located along the Seine, arranging for the evacuation of works stored in its reserves, said the management. They must be transported to the exhibition halls in the building’s upper floors.
12:29 the Orsay museum will remain closed until Tuesday because of the flood of the Seine, announces the .
12:28 : Let’s review the main information in mid-day:
• the flood of the Seine could reach 6.20 m in Paris in the late afternoon or early evening. The never-seen since the last major flood from 1982 to 6.15 m. The capital is ready.
• The red alert flood was lifted this morning in Seine-et-Marne. More no department is on high alert. But 13 departments are nonetheless still orange alert.
• Francois Hollande this morning opened an international conference in Paris. The head of state called the international community to regroup on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
• The train moves into the strike, traffic is disrupted. But for the third consecutive day, the strike rate has fallen to 10.5%. Down five points from yesterday.
11:51 national Library of France is also closed today. “This is a preventive measure There are no special danger.” , ensures employee
11:54 : I contacted several Paris museums located along the Seine. Here is the situation in the late morning.
• The Museum of the quai Branly triggers its flood risk prevention plan from 7,30 m. “the museum is new, it is well protected from the rising waters. for now, we remain in increased surveillance, but there is nothing to regret.” regular checks are carried out in pits waters. The level is currently relatively low.
• the Petit Palais , the teams began this morning to move the works located in reserve in the basement . Approximately 4000 small objects are concerned. This is jewelry, medals, coins and pottery. The majority of the collections are in outsourced reserves.
• Grand Palace is an exhibition space and has no reserves. “The art is unachievable by water. We just evacuated the underground parking. “
11:42 : Street Bridge Bief in Ballancourt-sur-Essonne, are more up either …
11:42 : In the Essonne, floods are there, but the situation seems to be improving a little.
11:35 : Hello, Marne is placed in yellow vigilance by Vigicrues, although there may be some places overflow. It is indeed only 4.66 m at the measuring point of Gournay-sur-Marne, against 6.99 m in 1910
11:35 : Hi there is much talk of the Seine I would like if possible to have the Marne
11:21 : the Ile Saint-Louis seen from the island of the City
11:15 : Over much margin bridge of Arcola …
11:14 : the Interior Ministry confirms Point . The government has activated its contingency plan of government work. In case of major flooding of the Seine, some departments or even the Elysee could be flooded. The plan provides a last resort to relocate services at the Chateau de Vincennes.
11:09 @tissime : That’s fair enough. Janet Bruno, head of the modeling pole Vigicrues, tells me that the level of the Seine in Paris increased by 2 cm per hour, or 24 cm in 12 hours.
11:05 : Regarding the maximum height, I feel we win between 20 and 50 cm per half day. How reliable can we give these forecasts?
11:08 @anonyme : It’s hard to say. I asked Janet Bruno, head of the modeling pole Vigicrues. He told me that indeed, reservoirs improve the management of the crisis. But how? To find out, we must know the reservoir levels before the flood. Now he has no such information. Also, compare the level of rainfall in 1910 and one of these days. This will be done post
11:03 . Maybe that’s the hundred-year flood and if the Seine is 6 m instead of 8.62 m it is because the tanks and other devices that have limited effects
10:57 : This is the new Vigicrues situation map for the basin of the Seine
<. p>
10:55 Vigicrues raises his red vigilance floods in Seine-et-Marne. No more rivers are affected by this highest level of alert.
10:51 : Contacted by info francetv, Vigicrues estimates that the flood peak of the Seine, the maximum level should be reached by late afternoon -Midi or early evening in Paris. It should be between 5.80 m and 6.20 m. The above should last part of the weekend.
10:49 the flood peak of the Seine “could reach 6.20 m” this afternoon in Paris, the risk prevention service. The flood would be more important than in January 1982 (6.15 m) but much lower than that of 1910 ( 8.62 m) .
10:39 Yes, @jst: Météo France announces rain on Paris today until late afternoon. But only scattered showers. Nothing like this earlier in the week.
10:38 : Hello I want to know if rain is expected today on Paris
10:31 : Bridge closed to traffic, homes evacuated … in the Essonne as the water rises, especially in Juvisy Draveil or
10:30 .: amazing view from the deck of the Archdiocese in Paris
10:28 : The Seine continues to go to Paris. The river reached 5.62 m at 10 am at the Austerlitz bridge, the measurement point Vigicrues.
10:20 : Vinci also reported on the roads reopened in Loiret, including some sections of A10.
10:16 : the department of Loiret an update this morning on roads still flooded. Here is the card he has just published.
10:09 the red alert is lifted in Seine-et-Marne, the last department still concerned. Thirteen counties in Ile-de-France and Centre are now placed in amber alert by Météo France.
10:02 : in detail, 9,400 customers are victims of cuts in Seine-et-Marne, 6500 in Essonne, in the Val 800 -de-Marne and 140 in the Yvelines, as a point broadcast by Enedis. In the department of Loiret, 2000 customers are without electricity and 1200 in the Loir-et-Cher
10:01 About 20 000 households remain without power this morning in the Loiret, Loir-et-Cher and Ile-de-France because of flooding, according to the manager of the French electricity distribution network Enedis.
9:58 : #CrueSeine position this morning at Pont de Sully. Many large debris carried by the river.
10:00 : At the Louvre museum, the gallery of Islamic art has been completely emptied of its works at night as a precaution. The director of department post a picture of the operation on Twitter.
9:28 : the platforms of the national Assembly are flooded. The Palais Bourbon expects the eventual release of the “flood level” by the prefecture to shelter the works stored in the reserves of his penny-ground as the Louvre and Orsay museums.
9:20 : Well, this morning the pontoon has completely disappeared … the banks are already under water a little further … ( La Frette sur Seine – 95)
9:16 : “There is no danger today on the heritage of Paris museums.” Bruno Julliard, first deputy to the mayor of Paris in charge of Culture, assured on France Inter this morning
9:11 Let’s review the information in this early morning:
• the Seine-et-Marne is the only one still placed in red vigilance department to flooding. Twelve counties in Ile-de-France and Centre are the ones always orange.
In Paris, the Seine was in flood. A peak should be reached to nearly 6 m. Museums Orsay and Louvre are closed, they evacuate their works in the flood zone. Paris is on the alert.
• For the third consecutive day, traffic will be disrupted by the SNCF strikes against the Labour Law. Floods also cause disturbances.
• Serena Williams facing Kiki Bertens, number 3 Stan Wawrinka against No. 2 Andy Murray, Garbiñe Muguruza against Samantha Stosur and No. 1 Novak Djokovic against the outsider Dominic Thiem: here are the semifinals programs today
9:01 : Ségolène Royal has shown alarming this morning on France 2. ” the fear at the time of recession, we discover victims “, has she said. The environment minister also warned: the rebuilding process will be “very slow”
8:55 : Given the flood of the Seine, the Louvre and Orsay began evacuating the works stored in their flooded basements. But this morning, the Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of culture, Bruno Julliard, reassuring on France Inter
8:52 Yes alexis30 @ is what specialists call” the flood wave. ” The flood was so moved, pushed by the current, Loing, a tributary of the Seine, in the Seine. The flood should arrive in Rouen. But the prefecture expects only a few minor outbursts. I invite you to read this article from Paris Normandy
8:47 . Hello, is that ‘there is a risk that the flood spreads to the Haute Normandie and Rouen?
8:40 @la_bretonne: and attention, centennial adjective means that every year, there is a chance in a hundred to attend a such a phenomenon. And this event has a “return period” of 100 years. This means that on average it happens once a century. But this does not mean that the next will occur necessarily in a hundred years.
8:40 @la_bretonne : It’s a little more complicated than that. Loing, the flood has indeed been considered centennial, as it equaled the water levels of 1910. However, this is not the case on the Seine. The experts estimated that the river will reach a maximum of just under 6 m against 8.62 m for the reference flood in 1910.
8:25 : Why do we seem to consider that it is the hundred-year flood
8:16 @Neptune: The Seine has experienced several record floods since 1910, but no n ‘reached 8.62 m. The river rose to 7.30 m in January 1924, 7.12 m in January, 1955 (cinquantennale a flood), 6.85 m in 1945, 6.18 m in 1982 (a year flood), 5.63 m 1970 and 5.21 m in 2001 (a five-year flood), according to the regional prefecture
8:16 . After 1910 that it was the year of flooding related record? Thank you
7:54 Ségolène Royal was the guest of “4 Truths” on France 2 last few minutes. The Environment Minister is back on the consequences of floods
7:47 : train traffic remains ” greatly disturbed “ this morning in Ile-de-France, according to SNCF. Blame the strike against the labor law and bad weather.
• On the RER C, traffic is interrupted between Paris-Austerlitz and bleach and Paris-Austerlitz and Pontoise.
• On the line N, no train runs between Plaisir-Grignon and Mantes-la-Jolie.
• traffic is “greatly disturbed” between Paris-Montparnasse and Versailles .
• on the line P, the traffic is interrupted “for several days” between Tournan and Coulommiers
• the same applies to the R line between Moret and Montargis.
7:22 Hello @mtrb , you are right. This morning the Loire reached 4.21 m in Tours, close to the 4.49 m of the flood of May 2013. And Cher is 4.43 m, 4.29 against 4.85 in March 2007 and in May 2001. the river is even 4.35 m in Saumur, Vigicrues but does not place it in vigilance. Its tributaries, the Cher and Indre, is they always orange. Just as some tributaries of the Cher and the Arnon Yèvre.
6:54 : to talk about something other than Paris, the situation becomes tense Tours where Cher continues to rise. The first evacuations took place and there are fears of dike breaches. The Loire also continues to grow and reached 4m19 this morning.
7:23 : Hello. At Nemours, the decline started but there is still water in the streets of downtown. Here Vigicrues card this morning for the region. The Loing is still red vigilance, Seine and Marne in orange yellow or green.
7:24 #meteo Hello, do you hear from the city of Nemours and generally south of the Seine-et-Marne? Thank you.
6:29 : on the opposite bank, at Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, the army was called in to help continue the morning the evacuation of residents an area along the Seine
6:26 : Villeneuve-le-roi, near Orly, the streets of the Seine in neighborhoods are flooded. . This is at least the happiness Swan
6:22 : the Zouave of the bridge of Alma, the haunt of Parisians during floods, now has water up to the waist. It happened to him yesterday knees.
6:19 : The Seine continues to go to Paris. At the measuring point of the Austerlitz bridge, Vigicrues raised 5.53 m. Peaking at nearly 6 m is expected. A little below the flood from January 1982 to 6.15 m. And far from the catastrophic flood of 1910 to 8.62 m.

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