Two departments of the Normandy , Seine-Maritime and Eure, was always placed in red alert although the trend, Sunday, June 5, 2016, in the early morning, on the front of the flood , is to stabilize or even to decline. Seine fell below six meters. Seine confirmed in the night from Saturday to Sunday, its decline, down to 5.85 m at 3 o’clock.
Floods now threaten the Seine-Maritime and Eure. Vigicrues has placed in red vigilance both departments and especially the whole part of the Seine ranging from Poses (Eure) , about thirty kilometers south of Rouen (Seine-Maritime) , to the estuary. Placed in red vigilance “as a precaution” and at the insistence of the Minister of the Environment, Segolene Royal, the sector needs to be touched by the “conjunction of very high flow” of the river and strong tidal coefficients. “I think we are in a situation of red alert, especially since it is a mechanism that happens overnight. There is absolutely no need for people to be trapped and be surprised, “justified the minister during a press conference.
The sector of Elbeuf, the most affected
the greatest excesses are expected upstream of Rouen, especially in the area of Elbeuf . Traffic is already banned in some Seine axes to Freneuse and Tourville-la-Rivière. In this town, a hamlet is particularly monitored because it could be threatened by the excesses, according to prefecture of Seine-Maritime. Other overflows could occur even in Rouen and in the area of La Bouille, just downstream of the Norman capital, where the Seine Saturday evening brushed the low platforms, carrying tree branches, but not overflowing.

flooded car parks and sports fields
Eure, “there are some flooded car parks and sports fields and towpaths but no evacuation of residents took place,” said the prefecture. “We have not made any response,” said his side the departmental service of fire and rescue services (SDIS) of Seine-Maritime.
In Paris, the worst seems to be over, while the rise continues brownish waters up to 6.10 m had caused concern. And fueled the curiosity of onlookers, many rush to watch the river. Since its peak, the Seine regularly back down. This is the biggest flood since 1982 (6.18 m this year), but far from the famous flood of 1910 (8.62 m). Météo-France still plans Sunday to rain over much of the country.
Since the beginning of the bad weather last weekend, four deaths and 24 injuries were reported, said the Prime Minister Manuel Valls. The origin of the death of one of the four victims previously identified, an octogenarian, however, remains uncertain.
Francois Hollande called the flood “real disaster” while traveling in the flooded city of Romorantin ( Loir-et-Cher). On Wednesday, said the head of state, the state of natural disaster will be recognized at the Council of Ministers.
Addition Eure and Seine-Maritime in red vigilance are 15 departments in amber alert to floods in the Ile-de-France, in Lorraine and in the Centre region. Vigilance storms was lifted in five departments of the East and in the Var. As for the Paris transport disruptions remain relevant. The RATP, which triggered Friday its prevention plan, preventive care closed two subway stations and a nearby RER station river. For SNCF, which has three of its partially cut lines in the Ile-de-France, the return to “normal traffic is not expected before the second half of next week,” according to its president Guillaume Pepy.
Read also. The strike continues in Normandy. Two of the four representative unions maintained their movement for the day Sunday, June 5, 2016. The disturbances in Normandy.
On the move in a flooded area of Crosne (Essonne), Manuel Valls, in rubber boots, has also called for an end “as soon as possible” of the strike at the SNCF, for him “totally incomprehensible” in the context of the weather. In total, in the regions concerned, “there have been 20,000 evacuations,” according to Manuel Valls. On the A10 motorway, the evacuation of 200 cars and 100 trucks blocked could start earlier than Sunday, the dealer Cofiroute (VINCI) estimated.

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