Saturday, June 4, 2016

Floods: the level of the Seine in Paris descends, the flood is moving westward – The World

Near the Place du Chatelet. In Paris and the Ile-de-France, the level of the Seine raises concerns. In the capital, where the level yellow alert has been activated, the rising water is quick.

Denis Allard / REA to “the World”

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Read also: Why did the flood of the Seine was sub- estimated?

  • Four dead in floods

“We have four deaths to deplore and twenty-four wounded to stage , said the Prime Minister after a visit to the crisis in the interior Ministry. We think of the families concerned. “

A small boy of three years died Sunday at Saint-Martin-d’Ordon near Sens (Yonne) in the flooded basement of the family flag. Wednesday night, the lifeless body of a woman of 86 years was found floating in flooded its flag to Souppes-sur-Loing, in Seine-et-Marne. An autopsy was performed on Friday but, according to prosecutors Fontainebleau, the coroner was “unable to give the cause of death, and there is no confirmation of drowning” .

on Thursday, a rider of 74 years was “washed away” Yerres in Evry-Grégy-sur-Yerres, in the same department. Friday, a woman of about sixty years BC was found dead, apparently by drowning, in a garden of Montargis (Loiret), located along the river Vernisson.

  • a “maximum” of 6.10 m in Paris

the risk of overflow of the Seine seemed to move away to Paris: at 9 am Saturday, the river reached 6, 05 m, depending on Vigicrues prevention service, after a “maximum” 6.10 m recorded in the night, at 2 o’clock. “We will not go up” that this peak, said Vigicrues. This is a much lower than the flood, historic, 1910 (8.62 m), but comparable to that of 1982 (6.18 m).

The Crisis of the city, meeting Saturday morning, remains mobilized for this new phase, now referred to as “plateau”. Pending a recession early next week, services remain mobilized and pay special attention to basements, fearing a possible lift of groundwater, now sips of water.

the difficulties now are likely to focus on downstream states Vigicrues:

“on the upside of all rivers have reacted strongly, flood recession are initiated. For propagation, areas downstream are progressively affected by flooding. “

This flood will ” downstream impacts of Paris, on the campsite Bois de Boulogne which was evacuated Friday the Ile de la Jatte, the Saint-Germain island and at Rueil-Malmaison with possible evacuations “, also warned on Friday the ministry. Seine Saturday could overflow in the Eure and Seine-Maritime.

  • Crue of the Seine expected in the West

with the spread downstream flooding, which involved far mainly Ile-de-France region and the Centre-Loire Valley, should also touch Normandy. Vigicrues thus provides overflows located between Rouen and the estuary of the Seine, a phenomenon that should be amplified by the strong tidal coefficients expected for this weekend.

In addition to the 14 departments placed in orange alert because of the floods, five departments Northeast are also the subject of an orange alert for thunderstorms are expected to occur from mid-day.

  • Pannes d electricity and evacuations

Since the flooding began, 20,000 people were evacuated, “including 17 500 in Ile-de-France” , according to the Prime Minister, Manuel Valls. In such central region, 850 people were evacuated in Villandry, La Chapelle-aux-Naux and Vallères (Indre-et-Loire), located along the Cher, due to a risk of breach in a nearby dam. In Meurthe-et-Moselle, 100 people were evacuated and relocated Friday night after severe thunderstorms that caused a rapid rise of water in towns.

17,130 homes remained without power Saturday noon in the Loiret, Loir-et-Cher and the Ile-de-France because of flooding, said the french grid operator for electricity Enedis (ex ERDF). In detail, in the Ile-de-France, 15,030 homes were still victims of cuts. 8300 were affected in Essonne, 5100 in Seine-et-Marne, 960 in the Val de Marne and 670 further downstream in the Yvelines. Loiret, 650 homes were still deprived of elective, 1100 were affected in the Loir-et-Cher finally 350 clients were involved

in the Cher.

34 buildings, mostly in the service companies remain private hot water Saturday at midday because of cuts on the heat network of parrtie urban metropolis

Read also:. How will the victims compensated ?

The train traffic in Ile-de-France was still “critical” Saturday morning due to bad weather, according to SNCF . Half of Transilien lines were affected dramatically due to landslides and mudslides on the tracks. Three train lines were cut Saturday because of flooding: the D line between Melun and Corbeil, the R line between Moret and Nemours Montargis and finally via the C line in central Paris between Austerlitz and bleach. However, traffic resumed on Saturday on the line between P and Tournan Coulommiers and Friday on the N line, following the threat of a collapse of a wall in Meudon content by SNCF.

“on the thirty sites that were impacted in the Ile-de-France, there are ten for whom the work is completed and there is still some twenty sites where the SNCF network teams are mobilized for work Hauling, of confortements embankment, rehabilitation of signaling and cleaning work in the stations’ , detailed Guillaume Pepy, citing the example of the station of Les Invalides in Paris ” where water is now roughly removed but the station is a mess “.

the SNCF president Guillaume Pepy reported Saturday that a return to “normal traffic is not expected before the second half of next week” , after the decline of the Seine will be held:

“the day the track will dry when the decline will be made, it will take 48 hours of work to restore normal service so it means that it takes on a normal traffic in the second part of next week. “

However, ” if the decline was very rapid, it could be a little early but the question is whether there is a pan or if a rapid reduction and at this stage it is not known “, said Mr Pepy.

the RATP, which closed preventively two stations (Cluny la Sorbonne and Saint-Michel) near the river, has unleashed his prevention plan, in case the water would reach the 6.60 m of alert threshold. Three trucks carrying materials to build protections to the first metro stations were en route and others are ready to go

interview. “140 km of tunnels can potentially be under water, “according to the RATP

After the Louvre and Orsay closed since Thursday night to evacuate some works, the Grand Palais has also closed its doors Friday and two sites national Library of France. The President of the Republic, François Hollande, went on the night of Friday to Saturday at the Louvre to lend its support to these operations teams

Read also:. Places cultural trying to protect the waters

in Paris, twenty parks and gardens are closed, either because they are completely flooded, or because of the trees, weakened by water, threatening to fall.

  • Home Solution for the homeless

the City of Paris has announced the opening of two gymnasiums “to shelter the homeless “. Moreover, “no evacuation is planned” in the capital, “just as no cut gas and electricity, even preventively” is said Colombe Brossel, Assistant to the safety of the municipality.

the flood, however, have “downstream impacts of Paris, on the campsite Bois de Boulogne, which was evacuated Friday on ‘Ile de la Jatte, on Saint-Germain island and to Rueil-Malmaison with possible evacuations “, the ministry of the environment. Friday, “significant excesses” affected the south of Paris, Melun, Corbeil and Villeneuve-Saint-Georges.

  • “state of disaster”

Faced with significant material damage, “state of natural disaster will be recognized” on Wednesday promised the head of state. The damage should be at least 600 million euros, according to the president of the French association of insurance, which will participate Monday in a meeting between the insurers and the government to coordinate victim compensation.

the President of the SNCF, Guillaume Pepy, spoke of “catastrophic consequences” on the railway network of the country, particularly in Ile-de-France, which will amount to tens of millions euro

in pictures:. the most catastrophic floods in France since 1900


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