Sunday, June 5, 2016

Primary right: Baroin rolls for Sarkozy and Juppé tackle – Le Parisien

Two days after closing the Salon of Mayors of France, President of the Association of Elected Municipal Officers (AMF) was the guest of the Grand Rendez-vous d’Europe 1, Le Monde and iTV.

“the French are worried they are impatient, the state authority is in the process of breaking up in every direction, look at adding two months on an incredible social mobilization,” he valued. “Looking at the situation in the country, it will restore the state’s authority. It takes energy above average, and I think that Nicolas Sarkozy, very clearly, has an energy above the average, “argued Baroin.

Senator-Mayor of Troyes ( Aube) had said a few minutes earlier: “I commit myself to Nicolas Sarkozy, my choice is made for a long time. I have no doubt about his candidacy. “

Among the personalities who came to attend this one-hour interview, we saw alongside Christian Jacob, president of the LR group in the Assembly, the Senate President Gerard Larcher, quick to nodding to what Baroin and Gerald Darmanin, near Xavier Bertrand. Thierry Solère, the primary gift of the right and close to Bruno Le Maire, was also there, as well as MP Eric Ciotti, sitting at Charles Villeneuve, co-owner of the weekly current values.

D ‘ Alain Juppé, Baroin argued a lack of mutual confidence, so that “trust is the key to everything in politics.” The fact that the partner of the former “baby Chirac” Baroin Michele Laroque, a close friend of Claude Chirac, who has on several occasions already given support hired former prime minister of his father,

n has not been sufficient: Juppe Baroin hate since it was ousted from the Government Spokesperson’s Office in 1995.

as for the role that will be hers to the former president, Baroin declined to answer: “to my knowledge, there’s a name on a ballot.” And give a coat thrusting Juppé: “The primary can not be circulate there’s nothing to see . It can not be the primary polls. (…) There will be a campaign and go head down with great force, “he said.

Valérie Rosso-Debord, one of four spokesperson Republicans applauded the formalization on Twitter.

“that the President of the Association of Mayors of France, supposed to represent all the sensibilities of our local representatives, to take a position for a candidate comes into contradiction with his duty of neutrality role requires it “, immediately annoyed Nicolas Dupont-Aignan in a statement. The deputy mayor of Yerres (Essonne), President of France Arise, and presidential candidate, says that “when he said Tuesday, May 31 on France Info that he wished let his convictions to the locker room , the Chairman of the AMF has decided to deny its commitments and to support a candidate who has no doubt promised a morocco. “


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