Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Sarkozy expected to Lille for a major speech on France – Le Figaro

The head of the opposition moves in the North for a public meeting should set the tone of his campaign in the primary, even if he is not yet officially declared.

This will be the first act of the pre-campaign of Nicolas Sarkozy for the presidential nomination right. Wednesday evening in Saint-André-lez-Lille (Nord), in a speech billed as “founder” by his entourage, the party president Republicans plans to extend other speeches since his return in September 2014, on the theme of the Republic and its values. But this time, Nicolas Sarkozy wanted to expand the scope of his remarks to recover the tone of one of his first speeches on the theme of “eternal France.” He had done it May 9, 2006, in Nîmes. Even then, the head of the UMP was not declared candidate for president and he would maintain this false suspense until January 2007. He had, for the first time, with this speech contest Henri Guaino. A new pen, which would be required to take a decisive role in his side.

“Yesterday, publicly said that there was French identity was seen as an unbearable provocation. Today, the pride of France’s flag. “

This time, Nicolas Sarkozy, author of The France for life wants to take the importance of “cultural debate and major policy.” It’s Edouard Balladur, his former mentor, who brought the confirmation there is little Current Values ​​: “The question of identity is at the heart of the presidential election.” The themes of belonging to the nation, the state authority, secularism will be at the center of his speech Wednesday night at a public meeting. “It will be a solemn speech where he will address the people of France, over what it means to be French,” says one in his entourage. “Yesterday, publicly said that there was French identity was seen as an unbearable provocation. Today, the pride of France is a flag, “said Nicolas Sarkozy recently at a conference of the reflection group” France proud. “

On the bottom strikes carried out primarily by the CGT, the Republican President also intends to denounce the “tyranny of minorities”.

On Tuesday evening, Francois Fillon, more pugnacious than ever, closed a speech on the economic and social proposals by an ode to France “reconciled with its history and proud of its identity.” This is however not to the liking of Gerald Darmanin. The LR mayor of Tourcoing listen Nicolas Sarkozy on Wednesday night. But he cautions in a paper entitled “Advocating for a French Islam”: “the so-called electoral benefit is found to be the herald of the” roots “. Cleaved. Too bad if this policy is disastrous for the country. “


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