Three women who had accused the Green MP Denis Baupin assault and sexual harassment complaint filed Thursday. In an interview published in The Obs , the Parliamentary denies the charges.
They are to be three complainants. Isabelle Attard, Green MP Calvados, Sandrine Rousseau, spokesman for the party Europe Ecology-The Greens (EELV) and Elen Debost, Deputy Mayor of Le Mans EELV. They filed a complaint Thursday in the brigade fighting crime against the person (BRDP), seizure of investigations by the prosecutor of Paris.
An investigation was opened by the prosecutor in stride the revelation of the scandal by France Inter and Mediapart relaying testimonies of eight women, including the three complainants against Denis Baupin, for sexual assault charges and harassment . The facts remontraient until the mid 1990. Other testimonies were added Monday, still in the media: a total of thirteen women are said, at this stage, victims of Denis Baupin
complaints. came a day after the interview with the husband of the Minister of housing Emmanuelle Cosse L’Observateur . He refuted the charges of which he is the target, to recognize that the “game of seduction.” Four elected environmentalists, including the three complainants had immediately regretted this “defense strategy” and called other possible victims to testify in turn.
Isabelle Attard had evoked “the almost daily harassment provocative SMS , salacious. ” “It was not salacious SMS, rather than compliment, seduction,” said Denis Baupin in the interview. He said he had “found these SMS” and have entrusted to his lawyer “for the police to have knowledge.”
The MP of Calvados, which has already been heard by the police, explained she no longer had the phone where the SMS were kept but for some, she remembered “by heart” and was open to close.
His parliamentary attaché, too heard by the police, told Agence France-Presse have given investigators the SMS that sent him elected, between July 2012 and August 2013. SMS by showing him that “she did not know how to understand Denis Baupin she was not interested. They speak volumes about his state of mind. “
In his interview to The Obs , Denis Baupin admits to having” long been in the register of seduction and in a form of libertinism corresponding to the culture of environmentalists. “He added that” there may have been misunderstood situations of debauchery. ”

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