The flood red alert was lifted Friday morning in Seine-et-Marne and no French department is therefore on high alert. “We’re really in recession. This is not to say we did more feet in the water (in some cities) but is on track, it will not rise expected in the coming days “ is Janet said Bruno, head of Vigicrues modeling pole. Remain vigilant orange Ile-de-France, Cher, Indre, Indre-et-Loire, Loir-et-Cher and Loiret. A meeting of ministers concerned by the floods has been underway since the beginning of the afternoon. Libération an update on the situation.
Flood Pics
The Seine. After several days of exceptional rainfall, flood of the Seine reached 6.05 meters to 17 hours under the bridge of Austerlitz in Paris, a level not seen for over thirty years. According to the Minister of the Environment Ségolène Royal, the river level will stabilize tonight, “between 6.10 and 6.40 meters” . Since Tuesday, the traffic is prohibited on the Seine.
The flood “should have impacts downstream of Paris on Le Bois de Boulogne, Ile de la Jatte, the Ile Saint-Germain, and in Rueil-Malmaison with possible evacuations “, announced the Ministry of Environment. As twelve other departments, the capital is placed in orange alert, red level is triggered only from 7.13 meters. Several metro and RER stations located along the Seine are closed, although RATP reassured about the state of the network stating that his “alert threshold was 6.60 m” . According to François Duquesne, director Vigicrues interviewed by France Info, the consequences for the Parisians will “limited” “In the most pessimistic scenario, to 6.50 meters, there might be a number of flooded basements riverside. At 6.30 meters, there will be much less inconvenience. “
The Loing and its main tributary Ouanne experienced an exceptional flood, the slow decline is underway but levels remain very high Vigicrues the website said. Cher is also at a very high level and flood peaks are expected Friday night or Saturday. Given the fragility of the dikes, 3 000 were therefore evacuated preventively in Indre-et-Loire, said the prefecture on its website. The Loire will reach its highest level Friday evening.
Routes. The prefecture of Hauts de-Seine announced proceeding with the closure of Duplex, a highway tunnel A86 , from 15 hours. Two sections of the A10 , cut since Tuesday morning, were locally reopened Thursday night but access to the highway is still banned on several sections: from Paris to the south, the highway A10 is closed from the toll of Saint-Arnoult, but not in the other direction. From Bordeaux to the north, the highway is closed to tours. But in the other direction, traffic is possible between Orléans-Centre and Tours. Traffic monitoring service advises all users wishing to travel to the agglomeration of Orléans “to defer travel” until Monday. 5000 drivers found themselves trapped by flooding Tuesday for more than ten hours on the A10 for several kilometers.
Thursday afternoon to allow the evacuation of 300 vehicles stranded on the A10 Vinci Autoroutes wanted to implement pumping and diking to achieve a “dry corridor” protected by temporary dikes reminds France Bleu Orleans. The pumping operation, which ultimately was unable to take place Thursday is underway on Friday. 200 employees are mobilized.
Several roads were also cut in the Cher and around Blois. You can track the traffic on the site highways 18.
RATP and SNCF. The traffic is very disturbed in the Paris region transport (RER B, D, E, C and tram), especially in the east of the Ile-de-France (due to flooding but also because of the strike). RER C along the Seine, is interrupted between Paris-Austerlitz and Javel, Paris-Austerlitz and Pontoise (Val-d’Oise) and the line, qu’empruntent 500,000 passengers per day on average, will be completely closed on Friday from 20 hours. “the traffic will remain disrupted until at least Monday, June 6 included” says the SNCF.
on line N , no train runs between Plaisir-Grignon and Mantes-la-Jolie, traffic was also disrupted between Paris Montparnasse and Versailles. On the online P , traffic is interrupted “for several days” between Tournan and Coulommiers and the line R, between Moret and Montargis, municipalities affected by the floods.
in Paris, two metro stations Saint-Michel (line 4) and Cluny-La Sorbonne (line 10) are also closed. RATP said that the alert threshold for its metro network is at a height of 6.60 meters from the Seine.
About 20,000 homes are still without power in the Loiret, Loir-et-Cher and the Ile-de-France said the manager of the French electricity distribution network Enedis. In detail, 9,400 clients were victims of cuts in Seine-et-Marne, 6500 in Essonne, 800 in the Val-de-Marne and 140 in Yvelines, in a point spread Friday morning. In the department of Loiret, 2,000 customers were without electricity and 1200 in the Loir-et-Cher. In Paris, a aquabarrière (2 meters tall and 230 meters long) started to be installed at an electric transformer station near the Alma Bridge to protect the facility from the rising waters of the Seine .
Since last weekend, 20 000 people were evacuated and not harmed by the emergency services during 16 000 procedures on the whole territory. In Essonne, in particular in Longjumeau whose center was completely flooded, residents, no electricity and heating, were evacuated by boats. In addition to people already displaced Villandry (Indre-et-Loire), a preventive evacuation of La Chapelle-aux-Naux on the banks of the Loire, is also scheduled for Friday afternoon, because of risks of breach of a dam.
Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (Val-de-Marne), the army has evacuated hundreds of residents Friday due to the flooding of the Seine. At Crécy-la-Chapelle (Seine-et-Marne), is the Grand Morin river overflows.
Field crops, market gardening, arboriculture as livestock are affected by floods in the Ile-de-France said Friday professionals, asking the State to study the possible benefits. In a joint statement, the Interdepartmental Chamber of Agriculture, the FDSEA and young farmers of Ile-de-France “call out state services to take all necessary measures in order to recognize the exceptional nature of this climatic event, and to study, in conjunction with farmers, possible compensation ways “.
in the major crops of wheat, barley or oats, “many hectares of cereals are paid” . Spring peas “is asphyxiated and turns yellow” , while diseases develop particularly in faba bean by occupation. For gardeners, these excessive rains flood more impact than in the winter when plants are minimal because in the spring are the plants ready to be sold are concerned. Thus, strawberries open field and other red fruits and salads are devastated. “The producers located in the valleys of the Mauldre, the Yvette and the Seine are most affected” , the statement said.
Buildings, museums and parks closed
Museums. Orsay museum , closed since Thursday night to shelter its reserves threatened by flooding of the Seine, keep doors closed until Tuesday because Monday is his usual closing day. On the other bank, Louvre , the most visited museum in the world with some 9 million people a year, is also closed on Friday to evacuate “preventive” works stored in its reserves. Grand Palace also closed its doors early Friday afternoon.
Library. The two sites of the National Library of France (BNF) in Paris are closed to the public and researchers from Friday and until Sunday evening.
national Assembly. the national Assembly expects its eventual side trigger “flood plan” by the prefecture to put too protected the works stored in the reserves of the basement of the Palais Bourbon.
Parks. the park Buttes-Chaumont and forty squares in Paris were closed because of the fragile soils and risks of falling trees. The council has also decided not to hold as expected the opening night of parks and gardens this weekend.
This morning, the Minister of Culture, Audrey Azoulay , held a meeting with officials of public cultural institutions and territories affected by the floods. Tourists currently in Paris were showered earlier this week by torrential rains that raises the level of the Seine, and deprive them of riverboats and also visits to some museums, closed to put part of their collections free
Sodexo Sports and Leisure. – which owns 65% of the boats sailing on the Seine – says “redirect 60% of the clients to other facilities that we own such as the Lido, the Eiffel Tower or the House of arts and crafts. Every night it’s still 700 people to reclassify “, summarizes the Executive Director Nathalie Szabo-Bellon. Other national tourist jewel in the Loir-et-Cher, Chambord Castle, surrounded by the waters, remained also closed Friday.

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