Monday, August 10, 2015

Back in Dijon, Rebsamen government resign Aug. 19 – The World

Labour Minister François Rebsamen must become mayor of Dijon August 10th.

François Rebsamen will remained sixteen months in government. The current Minister of Labour, which should become mayor of Dijon Monday, August 10, plans to tender his government’s resignation “August 19, at the end of the next Council of Ministers’ , t- ad it in the Paris .

M. Rebsamen will find Burgundian capital in the seat he held from 2001 to 2014, date of its entry into the government of Manuel Valls. He will succeed his former deputy Alain Millot, who died July 27 at age 63 years. At the city council meeting at 2:00 p.m., Mr. Rebsamen will initially candidate for mayor of mandate. At 17 hours, it should then also find the seat of President of the Urban Community of Greater Dijon, too busy for sixteen months by Alain Millot.

“A huge misunderstanding”

The minister and put in agreement with the non-accumulation of the rule set in the code of ethics that members of the government must sign. Yet July 27, communication of Mr. Rebsamen had been somewhat floating, sources from his cabinet citing that he had no intention of resigning before “his ministerial commitments [to be completed]

A phrase which earned a tune Prime Minister. Manuel Valls emphasized that ” François Rebsamen on its [will] it perfectly, it can not be the head of an executive and also a member of the government “

Read the story.: Departure Rebsamen: quack last before the holidays

Today, Mr. Rebsamen ensures that this is “a huge misunderstanding”


“I never thought to combine loads mayor of Dijon and labor minister. [...] I know very well that we can not do both, and I have never considered. “

” The feeling of having done my job “

If it says ” frustrated “ to the idea

of ​​leaving the labor ministry after “helped put in place a number of features make life easier for businesses without diminishing the rights of employees” , François Rebsamen had explained last week in World that he respected a “commitment” by returning to Dijon.

“I had committed with Alain Millot I’ll come back when it is no longer mayor. He said he would let me space when I would no longer minister. I was reelected mayor in March 2014, it is normal that I assume today in these tragic circumstances, the responsibility that Dijon has entrusted to me. “

In any case, Mr. Rebsamen is leaving the government ” with the feeling of having done well [s] we work and the esteem with the social partners “. In terms of unemployment, it is estimated that “2015 looks better” than previous because “recreates jobs our economy” . As to its law on social dialogue, adopted by Parliament on July 23, she “contains many advances for employees” . “I am convinced that the measures we have taken will facilitate hiring for SMEs with the return of growth” , he advance.

Read also: What does the Rebsamen law on social dialogue?

Who to replace it?

To succeed Mr. Rebsamen rue de Grenelle, several possible profiles. Hollande may want to choose the tranquility and reappoint a faithful among the faithful, as Stéphane Le Foll – which would moreover a way to smuggle the Ministry of Agriculture, where the crisis breeders him through a bad patch.

But Mr Hollande may also want to take this opportunity to send a strong signal to its majority, by choosing a figure embodying a shift in economic policy. In this case, a profile such as the MP “rebellious” Jean-Marc Germain, former director of cabinet of Martine Aubry and husband of Anne Hidalgo, would probably close ranks a few weeks before regional elections. Unless the Head of State took the opportunity to remind the government an environmentalist. This time, in the longer term perspective of the presidential election


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