All of his white sails under a blue gray sky, surrounded by a forest of masts of sailing yachts and tall ships sail with their traditional red catechu, The Hermione , a replica of the frigate La Fayette appeared Monday around 13 hours at the entrance of the Narrows of Brest. Before her, in contrast with its modernity, the Latouche Treville , another frigate, two centuries later output while steel naval arsenals, opened the sea, while the Recouvrance , Brest and symbol replica of a sloop schooner from 1817, beautifully brought up the rear. The frigate then fired six guns before his topmen start to get into the yards to furl the sails when the ship approaches the port. Bagad of ringers, traditional Breton training, accompanied by music maneuver, since 1948 Shelly General Leclerc . The “Petit Minou lighthouse” which marks the entrance to the harbor of Brest, was past 13 pm to 15 this magnificent armada.
By mid-morning, the first “fans” to aboard tall ships went to meet the ship. And at midday, dozens were on piers close to the dock where she Malbert has to dock, one cable from the castle of Brest. The Hermione will remain until August 17 in Finistère Port: a “down to the village” dedicated offer visitors an exhibition on the ship, but also demonstrations, water initiations, debates, or meetings with members of the crew to hear the story of their odyssey …
“Good luck”
Certified copy of barque on which the Marquis de La Fayette had gone in 1780 to bring the support of France to the American rebels against England, The Hermione had left the island of Aix on April 18, with President Francois Hollande. Even US President Barack Obama had gone there of her message, wishing “good luck” to the crew. Thus knighted as a symbol of Franco-American friendship, the ship, whose construction lasted 17 years, finally took the sea. Destination the coast of the eastern US, including New York, where, sailing at the foot of the statue Freedom, he was the guest of honor of the nautical parade on the occasion of the US national holiday celebrating the country’s independence July 4, 1776.
And for three days of festivities, thousands of people were able to walk on the wooden bridge, browse corridors and visit the boat over 65 meters long moored at the foot of skyscrapers in lower Manhattan. In total, the transatlantic journey was marked by stops 18, the last to Saint Pierre and Miquelon, before returning a bit hectic. From the French archipelago, depression, first announced as a hurricane, gave cold sweats to the crew.
“All hands to battle”
On the bridge, the “commotion of fighting,” said the log line: everybody is preparing for a tobacco suddenly worthy of those experienced by topmen eighteenth century. Finally, the hurricane storm and falls in big gale. The swell still reach 7 meters in height, and the ship will beat its speed records, reaching 13.3 knots (24.6 km / h) for vessels over 1200 tons. When he arrives in Brest, about 80 people will be on board, more than 60 volunteers, organizers of the Brest stage.
At the end of his Brest step, the three-master will head Bordeaux, where he was already docked before leaving for America in October 2014. Approximately 13 000 people were then pressed to visit the building. Then he will regain its home port, Rochefort, in Charente-Maritime, where also was built in 1779 the original frigate which sank 14 years later off Croisic following a navigational error, in Loire Atlantic. It is again expected in Brest next year for international maritime Festivals, the largest gathering of sailing and seafarers.

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