Tuesday, August 11, 2015

François Rebsamen elected mayor of Dijon – Le Monde

François Rebsamen, surrounded by his councilors, after his election as mayor of Dijon on Monday 10 August.

Dijon rather than France: it is the choice that the labor minister François Rebsamen made in reverting, Monday, August 10, mayor of Dijon and president of the urban community with scores clear: 46 votes of 57 for mayor and 51 votes out of 79 at the Grand Dijon. The mayor of the capital of Burgundy since 2001 preferred the “most beautiful mandates” “a choice of the heart” , he said – reinforced by the particular circumstances of his return, namely the death, July 27, Alain Millot, his first deputy and confidant since 2001, to whom he had entrusted the keys of the city to its coming

into office in April 2014.

good defender accumulated and if it were up to him, François Rebsamen would have retained his post as minister while regaining its mayor mandate. A position he held until recent days, falling to the latest possible departure from the Ministry of Labour. At the risk of uncomfortable Francois Hollande, he is near, by forcing a reshuffle in a difficult economic context, who has made the decline in unemployment the condition of his possible candidacy for re-election. Also at risk of leaving the image of the ugly duckling, disloyal to a government that has made the non-accumulation rule a non-debatable.

Finally, the labor minister tender his government’s resignation on August 19 next, after the Council of Ministers of school. He said Monday in an interview with Paris ….


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