It has held sixteen months. Monday reelected mayor of Dijon, a seat he held from 2001 to 2014, François Rebsamen leaves the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Vocational Training and Social Dialogue without much regret, has not always been elbow room to be heard even within his political family, despite its proximity to the president. His departure will be formalized on August 19, when he will hand his resignation from the government.
No sooner had he regained his place at the head of the city council he-won deal with the right, fifteen years ago, François Rebsamen defended her of trying to “scroll” by abandoning his ministerial duties.
He emphasized that this return to the capital of the Dukes of Burgundy was “not programmed”. Besides, how could he be? When he joined the government, his first deputy Alain Millot, had succeeded him as mayor and is the disappearance of the latter on July 27, suites from cancer, who decided to take over the reins ” her city. He will also become Chairman of the Grand Dijon agglomeration community.
The months have passed, nothing worked
Field Man and seasoned policy, the minister s ‘was drawn early criticism for speaking in favor of a reinforcement of the control of the unemployed Pole Employment, to verify that they are seeking employment much. His stance was based on the observation that in a country like France, which has more than 3.5 million unemployed, 450,000 jobs are unfilled
(Boris Manenti / L’Observateur)
Upon his appointment in the government of Manuel Valls, the Minister of Labour had kept endorse the disastrous formula of its predecessor Michel Sapin who had bet on a reversal in the curve of unemployment in the short term. But the months passed and nothing worked. Despite the social treatment measures announced, helped them and other training supports jobs, the cohort of unemployed rose inexorably. But, according to Pascal Pavageau, confederal secretary of the Force Ouvrière (FO), it would be “totally inappropriate” to attribute to the Minister the unemployment figures resulting from the choice of government policy.
If a responsible is
Rebsamen will open the way for Macron
François Rebsamen leave his name to a law, the law specifically on social dialogue, a simplification of the text of the operating rules of representative bodies (works council, staff representatives, committee on health, safety and working conditions) in companies in order to reduce the number for better efficiency.
Unions and employers have welcomed with warmth, first fearing it prefigures a “unraveling” of social dialogue, representatives of employer organizations felt By contrast, it did not go far enough.
François Rebsamen and directions of his ministry had worked hard to prepare what became the Macron law, especially on the relative component work on Sundays and reform of labor courts, but, as some of his colleagues in the government, the Minister of Labour had not appreciated as Economy text assumes that unions see as “ultra-liberal “. “Rebsamen failed to win arbitration to enforce the social elements of the text. It is an admission of weakness,” they say in FO.
But whether the union side or employers, all praise its “availability” and “responsiveness”. “” He was always listening, “said Pascal Pavageau FO, who regrets that François Rebsamen goes hand even though it remains to set to music his reform on social dialogue, a task that will fall to his successor.
Wishing to go head up, one that still for a few days Labour Minister ventured a prediction: “With all running devices”, growth “will reach 1.5%, as the economists predict, at the end of the year. “In short,” Unemployment will decline, “Has he said. But if his prediction comes true, it is his replacement who will reap the benefits.
Denis Demonpion
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