Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Segolene Royal wants to allow mayors to reduce traffic speed – L’Express

Minister of Ecology, Ségolène Royal, wants to give more power to mayors who want to reduce traffic speed on sections of motorway crossing their town.

“When the mayors ask slowing traffic speed in urban areas crossed, I will give them that responsibility,” announced Minister on Europe 1, promising to “give more power to autonomy to local officials “on the subject.

This announcement, which will be made “in the fall”, meets the demand of “Mayors of large cities crossed by highways and suffer pollution peaks,” said the minister reached by telephone for a tour of southern Africa to prepare for the COP21.

Fifteen cities concerned

Sunday, his office had indicated that Ségolène Royal was in favor of lowering to 90 km / hour speed on highways through cities, as requested by the Mayor of Valencia, in the Drôme. The city is bisected by the A7 “Autoroute du soleil”, very busy during the holidays, but also the rest of the year, due to its strategic location in the Rhone Valley. Currently, the speed is already reduced by 20 km / h to 110 km / h.

According to the mayor of Valencia, fifteen cities in France would be concerned with highways passing within 300 meters from the center.


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