the anniversary of the death of Clement Meric has triggered hostilities between anti-fascist activists and police. Clashes erupted on Saturday, June 4 at Paris during a march of hundreds of anti-fascist demonstrators – one thousand according to police – gathered in memory of the young man killed three years ago in a fight with skinheads . Several damages were found on site. Four people were arrested around 18 hours
The procession which started from the Place Stalingrad little after 14 hours with cries of “You do not forget we do not forget “, ” All cops are bastards “, ” Everyone hates the police “, ” no fascists in the neighborhood, no quarter for fascists “, brought together many young people, some wearing hood on head and eye protection, and waving red flags. A sign proclaimed “Clement, you sing louder than them” .
“impairments” and “violence”
Some demonstrators threw mirrors to police. Members of the security forces were blocking a gateway to counter demonstrators trying to cross to the other dock. CRS reinforcements arrived shortly before 16 hours
Protesters then sent smoke and glass bottles at police, who responded by throwing tear gas and charged on the quai de
After bursting “of violence and abuses” , the chief of police asked the organizers, according to the police headquarters, “call to disperse the procession” , while the police actions were “complicated by the presence of the canal Saint-Martin” . The event, originally scheduled between Place Stalingrad and Ménilmontant was interrupted by the prefect when the procession headed towards the Quai de Valmy, “where significant damage and increasing violence” were observed
Read also:. Reconstitution of the brawl that led to the death of Clement Meric
judges have ruled out any intention of killing
the death of Clement Meric, 18, June 5, 2013 in Paris had caused a stir. After the investigation was completed on March 22, four skinheads were indicted, including two for voluntary violence causing death without intention to kill, the facts subject to the Assize Court, and two for violence.
at the heart of their investigation, the investigating judges had rejected an intent to kill in their indictments, including against two main blamed, Esteban Morillo and Samuel Dufour, which were released after more than a year of detention.
Minister of the interior at the material time, Manuel Valls had evoked a “murder” and Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, had promised to “cut to pieces” of extreme right groups.
in the aftermath, the government had dissolved Third Way, which came from the skinhead, and his stewards, the revolutionary nationalist Youth (JNR), headed Serge Ayoub, a veteran of the movement
Read also:. in the Survey right-wing activists

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