Saturday, June 4, 2016

Floods: Seine-Maritime and Eure threatened, recession began in Paris – Le Monde

Near the Place du Chatelet. In Paris and the Ile-de-France, the level of the Seine raises concerns. In the capital, where the level yellow alert has been activated, the rising water is quick.

Denis Allard / REA to “the World”

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Read also: Why did the flood of the Seine was sub- estimated?

  • Four dead in floods

“We have four deaths to deplore and twenty-four wounded to stage , said the Prime Minister after a visit to the crisis in the interior Ministry. We think of the families concerned. “

A boy of three years died Sunday at Saint-Martin-d’Ordon near Sens (Yonne) in the flooded basement of the family flag. Wednesday night, the lifeless body of a woman of 86 years was found floating in flooded its flag to Souppes-sur-Loing, in Seine-et-Marne. An autopsy was performed on Friday but, according to prosecutors Fontainebleau, “no confirmation of drowning” .

On Thursday, a rider of 74 years was “washed away” Yerres in Evry-Grégy-sur-Yerres. Friday, a woman in her sixties was found dead, apparently by drowning, in a garden of Montargis (Loiret), located along the river Vernisson.

  • a “maximum” of 6.10 m in Paris

the flood of the Seine in Paris fell below 6 meters, returning 5.99 m to 17 hours, according Vigicrues. Since the peak of 6.10 meters reached last night at 2 am, a slow decline has begun, a two centimeter per hour. This is a much lower than the flood, historic, 1910 (8.62 m), but comparable to that of 1982 (6.18 m).

“The maximum happened, but there may still be some lifts, given the many rivers that flow “, said Saturday Bruno Janet, head of Vigicrues modeling pole. “If the recession is well underway, the rate of descent will be more regular, then it will accelerate. In 1910, it took a month to return to normal, but this will be much faster, between 5 and 15 days “, has he said.

  • Crue of the Seine expected to Western

the difficulties now are likely to focus on downstream Vigicrues says. In Normandy, part of the departments of Seine-Maritime and Eure was placed on red alert because of flood risks – vigilance regarding the sector of the loop of the Seine between Rouen and Elbeuf, and Eure, between Poses and the Seine estuary.

These areas are affected by major flood of the river due to concomittance very powerful flows, strong tidal coefficients, but also risk of thunderstorms. “The red alert is placed on the Seine downstream sector as a precaution, because these factors occur in the night” says Vigicrues.

“Overflows the most important will be concentrated in Rouen upstream “ and especially in the area of ​​Elbeuf, says the site. Rouen to the estuary, it is expected overflow of the Seine localized, especially in the area of ​​Rouen and La Bouille, downstream of Rouen. Similarly, Poses sector until the loop Elbeuf may be affected by flooding. The significant levels of flooding should be between 2:00 and 3:00.

The Minister of the Environment was Ségolène Royal, could soon called to remain vigilant in the West but in the East then eighteen departments are currently under orange alert for floods or storms, and two red vigilance.

the government will lead “by the end of the month” a new simulation exercise of a major flood, after the one in March, she also said.

  • power outages and evacuations

Some 13 000 homes remained without power Saturday in the Loiret, Loir-et-Cher and the Ile-de-France because of flooding, said late in the day the network manager electricity distribution Enedis french (ex-ERDF). Friday night, the company had reported about 18 000 households without electricity.

In detail, in the Ile-de-France, 11,400 homes were still victims of cuts (in 6600 the Essonne, 2900 in Seine-et-Marne, 1200 in the Val de Marne and 700

in the Yvelines). Loiret, 350 households were left without electricity, 1000 in the Loir-et-Cher and finally 250 in Cher.

Since the flooding began, 20,000 people were evacuated, “including 17 500 in Ile-de-France” , according to Manuel Valls. In the central region, 850 people were evacuated in Villandry, La Chapelle-aux-Naux and Vallères, located along the Cher, due to a risk of breach in a nearby dam. In Meurthe-et-Moselle, 100 people were evacuated and relocated Friday night after severe thunderstorms that caused a rapid rise in water

Read also:. How the victims will they be compensated?

Hospitals and community health have not been spared by the weather, with people “evacuated, closed and deferred services operations, due to the risk of flooding or work of rupture “ in the Centre-Val-de-Loire and Ile-de-France, announced Saturday the Ministry of health. Nearly 500 patients were evacuated a dozen hospitals and more than 800 residents of nursing homes.

The train traffic in Ile-de-France was still “critical” Saturday morning, according to SNCF . Half of Transilien lines were affected dramatically due to landslides and mudslides on the tracks. Three train lines were cut Saturday because of flooding: the D line between Melun and Corbeil, the R line between Moret and Nemours Montargis and finally via the C line in central Paris between Austerlitz and bleach. However, traffic resumed on Saturday on the line between P and Tournan Coulommiers and Friday on the N line, following the threat of a collapse of a wall in Meudon content by SNCF.

“on the thirty sites that were impacted in the Ile-de-France, there are ten for whom the work is completed and there is still some twenty sites where the SNCF network teams are mobilized for work Hauling, of confortements embankment, rehabilitation of signaling and cleaning work in the stations’ , detailed the SNCF president Guillaume Pepy, citing the example of the station Invalides in paris “where water is now almost withdrawn, but the station is a mess” . According to Mr. Pepy, a return to “normal traffic is not expected before the second half of next week”

interview. “140 km of tunnels can potentially be under water, “according to the RATP

on the A10, vehicles stranded by floods begin to be evacuated early Sunday, according to the concessionaire Cofiroute (VINCI). About 200 cars and 100 trucks are stuck between two sheets of water that covered the highway between kilometer points 86 and 93. To evacuate, the construction group Vinci, Cofiroute’s parent, is in the process of drain a channel about 800 meters long, built with 3000 bags of rubble.

After the Louvre and Orsay closed since Thursday night to evacuate some works, the Grand Palais has also closed its doors Friday and two sites in the national Library of France

Read also:. the cultural sites are trying to protect the waters

in Paris, twenty parks and gardens are closed, either because they are completely flooded, or because of the trees, weakened by water, threatening to fall.

  • Home Solution for the homeless

the City of Paris has announced the opening of two gymnasiums “to shelter the homeless” . Moreover, “no evacuation is planned” in the capital, “just as no cut gas and electricity, even preventively” is said Colombe Brossel, assistant to the mayor of the security.

  • “natural disaster of State”

Given the extensive damage materials, “state of natural disaster will be recognized” on Wednesday promised the head of state. The damage should be at least 600 million euros, according to the president of the French association of insurance.

The President of the SNCF, Guillaume Pepy, spoke of . “catastrophic consequences” on the railway network of the country, particularly in Ile-de-France, which will amount to tens of millions of euros

in pictures: the most catastrophic floods in France since 1900


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