The level of the Seine exceeded 6 meters Friday, June 3, 2016 . – 20minutes

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    The flood record is now 4 dead and 24 wounded




    The flood of the Seine in Paris “reached a peak at night 6.10 m.” She has fallen below 6 m in Paris.


  • 19 departments placed in orange alert for floods and storms


    More than 17,000 homes were still without power



20: 15: Vehicles stuck on the A10 could be released Sunday

This is the announcement that Cofiroute, to read here.

19 h 35 : Hollande announces measures for those who were “victims of agricultural disasters”

Romorantin (Loir-et-Cher), François Hollande came to “express solidarity the nation “. His visit, explained the President of the Republic to Europe 1, also had the objective of “good measure the extent of damage and the decisions we have to take” after the weather.

According to him, the state of natural disaster will affect “probably two-thirds of Commons of Loir-et-Cher”. Hollande also announced specific measures for those who were “victims of agricultural disasters.”

“There will be (…) specific interventions for artisans, for traders, for the companies” , he said.

the president announced the next visit of the Minister of Culture, Audrey Azoulay, Chambord whereas the peak of the tourist activity is looming.

19 h 20: The Grand Palace reopens Sunday in Paris

the Grand Palace, which had closed early Friday afternoon because of the flooding of the Seine, announced it would reopen Sunday at 10 pm.

the Louvre and the Musée d’Orsay are meanwhile closed until Tuesday included for the first Monday included for the second.

19 h 10: a part of the Seine-Maritime placed in red vigilance “precaution”

part of the Seine-Maritime department was placed red alert because of flood risks. This measure concerns the sector of the loop of the Seine between Rouen and Elbeuf.

the area of ​​Seine-Maritime on red  alert flooding, Saturday, June 4, 2016.
The area of ​​Seine-Maritime on red alert flooding, Saturday, 4 June 2016 – Google Maps

The decision taken “as a precaution” while this sector will be affected in the night by the “conjunction of very high flow” of the river and strong tidal coefficients, said the prefecture of Seine-Maritime.

According to the prefecture, the significant levels of flooding should be between 2 and 3 o’clock in the night from Saturday to Sunday.

18 h 05: the orange alert point with a newcomer, the Var

Meteo France has issued an orange alert “storms” on the Var department for severe thunderstorms until tonight

the vigilance orange “storm” is held in five departments. Ardennes, Marne, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Meuse and Moselle for storms . strong locally provided until 22 am, with hail and heavy rain

flood side, 14 departments are orange alert “flood” Seine-Maritime, Eure, the eight departments Ile-de-France, Indre-et-Loire, Loir-et-Cher, Indre and Cher.

18: Royal announces new by flood simulation exercise in late June

the government will take “by late “a new simulation exercise of a major flood of the magnitude of that of 1910, Ségolène Royal announced.

a first exercise of this type, called Sequana, was conducted in March and “improved coordination of state agencies and local authorities”, said the Minister of the Environment.

17 h 40: Ségolène Royal ready to trigger red alert in Seine-Maritime

“We’ll know in a semi- time if I have to trigger red alert in Seine-Maritime, “said Segolene Royal on BFM TV.

the Minister of Environment fears a” cumulation “overnight for the effects of congestion tablecloths groundwater and large tides.

France is “well prepared” for such events, she said.

17 h 25: the Seine passes under 6m in Paris (5.99 m)

the decline of the Seine continues with a symbolic passage below 6 m, 5.99 m. “The maximum happened, but there may be a few lifts, given the many rivers that flow,” said Janet Bruno, head of the modeling pole Vigicrues.

“When the recession is well underway, the rate of descent will be more regular, then it will accelerate. In 1910, it took a month to return to normal, but this will be much faster, between 5 and 15 days. Without precipitation, it could be of the order of 5 to 7 days, but due to rainfall, we will exceed the week, “he said.


16 h 40: Over 1200 patients evacuated in regions Centre-Val-de-Loire and Ile-de-France

“the situation is under control in hospitals and nursing homes, but the state remain extremely vigilant, “said Marisol Touraine in a statement. The Minister of Health spoke on the impact of weather on hospitals and community health. The statement said “many people were evacuated, closed and deferred services operations, due to the risk of flooding or breakage of the book, in the Centre-Val-de-Loire and Ile-de-France “. In detail, 125 patients were evacuated from two health facilities and 402 residents of seven nursing homes in the region Centre-Val-de-Loire and 355 patients were evacuated from eight health facilities and 407 residents of fourteen establishments medical social Ile-de-France

16.30. Holland in the Loir-et-Cher

Francois Hollande arrived in a few minutes in Romorantin (Loir-et-Cher), the capital of Sologne hit hard by the weather of recent days. The president will meet with elected officials and residents

3:10 p.m.. Firefighters of Paris intervened 700 times since Monday

3:05 p.m.: A Chateau in Yvelines swans are on the road

3 p.m. How unique measuring station of Paris became blind

Why did the flood of the Seine been underestimated for hours? Blame it on two small sensors, the only measure the Seine in Paris, that waste has probably blinded and with them, the authorities. Thursday night, the one measuring station of the Seine in Paris, installed at the bridge of Austerlitz, began to misfire,