Five other departments of Ile-de-France and Centre were still orange alert (Essonne, Indre-et-Loire, Cher, Loir-et-Cher, Indre ), according to the bulletin of Météo France 10 hours
the rains. – exceptional for May – which caused extensive damage and numerous evacuations in a large northeast quarter of countries, ended on Tuesday, but a new rainy episode won the country since Wednesday night, by the Belgian and German borders, even if the expected totals should be lower. Precipitation were ongoing Thursday morning in the Paris region, the Centre, Burgundy and Franche Comté, in the last newsletter.
Some 24 000 homes were without electricity in the three departments the Seine-et-Marne (9300), Essonne (5100) and Yvelines (1600), according Enedis (formerly ERDF), which has deployed several hundred technicians and dozens of generators. In the Central Region, where “flood recession are being” , according to spokesman Enedis dénombrait to 11 h 30 approximately 8400 homes without electricity: 7000 Montargis and 1400 in Romorantin ( Loiret).
- a major flood in training on average Seine

Paris and Ile-de-France, the level of the Seine raises concerns. In the capital, where the level yellow alert has been activated, the rising water is fast. The Seine had risen to 4.96 m, Thursday noon, at the Gare d’Austerlitz. Since the night before, part of the river banks closed.
Paris is so far not threatened by a catastrophe comparable to that of 1910, the Seine had reached 8.42 m and especially flooded subway stations, paralyzing the city. In March, a giant exercise mobilized for fifteen days the services of the State, municipalities and businesses to limit the impact of a new flood of this magnitude which, according to the OECD, could cost 30 billion euros .
Read the interview: Crue of the Seine, “A crisis scenario is highly probable”
However, the level of the Seine will continue to rise and is expected to exceed 5 meters, reaching in the next night or Friday a flood peak potentially beyond 5.5 m, according to the daily point of the Ministry of environment. This Thursday, the level of vigilance on Paris could be revised upwards and move to the orange while occasional outbursts are not excluded, beyond the flooding of riverbank pathways. The average Seine section was passed this morning orange alert, in Seine-et-Marne to the upstream of Paris. Cities like Melun and Corbeil-Essonnes will be affected in the day.
Guillaume Pepy, Chairman of SNCF, has confirmed to Paris the RER C may soon be closed in paris itself if the level of the Seine exceed 4.75 m. A bus replacement service is already programmed.
- Manuel Valls at the bedside of the Seine-et-Marne, on red alert
on a visit to Nemours, in Seine-et-Marne on Thursday morning, the Prime Minister announced Thursday morning the creation of “outstanding support fund” for local communities affected . by floods and promised quick implementation of natural disaster procedures
Manuel Valls called for stay “extremely cautious” , although the Loing began to decline: “We can consider that in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais and in the east of France things are totally controlled, but in the central region, and here in the Ile-de-France region, the situation remains extremely tense, difficult “
Read the story. a Nemours flooded by the waters of the Loing, a night of sleep and anxiety
the city of Nemours was cut in two by the waters and Mayor Valerie Lacroute, who evacuated 3 000 13 000 to shelters deplored downtown “ totally under water “where” all the shops are destroyed. ” Homes in the flooded part have neither electricity nor heat nor water. The levels reached during the flood of 1910 (4.25 m) were exceeded in Nemours when the flood peak was reached at midnight (odds 4.63 m).
On Thursday morning, the decline was beginning very slowly in the center but the situation remained worrying in the department. “The decline began, we lost 20-25 cm since this morning,” , said Jean-Luc Marx, prefect of Seine-et-Marne, adding that in contrast, ” in Melun, Seine continues to rise “, while heavy rains resumed Thursday morning.
Ten kilometers south, the lifeless body of an octogenarian was found Wednesday evening in its flag flooded Souppes-sur-Loing. However, the prefect said this morning that his death was “not linked” in the flood.
Mr. Marx also said Wednesday on France Info be suspended for two days “classes in schools, colleges and high schools” in seventeen cities of “critical sector Loing” , a tributary of the Seine. The president of the Ile-de-France Regional Council Valérie Pécresse announced that it would propose an emergency fund of one million euros for the Ile affected municipalities.
- in the Loiret, the top raw than 1910
throughout the course of the Loing, many cities were affected, as Montargis. The sub-prefecture of the Loiret was submerged under 1.80 meters of water Thursday morning. He would have fallen in the department the equivalent of one and a half months of rainfall in three days, and almost two thirds of the municipalities are affected by the floods. The 300 firefighters mobilized conducted over 2000 interventions since the beginning of weather. Floodwater on the Loing basin reached higher levels than the 1910 flood.
On the A10, is still closed Thursday morning from the toll Saint-Arnoult-en-Yvelines in management of Orleans, 650 motorists were stranded Wednesday by floods and evacuated evening by military trucks to transport troops. Access to the capital of the Loiret remains as impossible by the A71 from Vierzon and Bourges. In total, twenty roads remain closed to traffic, according Vinci highways.
- Train Traffic difficult
strike affecting some traffic add the elements. Flooding has caused disruptions in the Paris region transport (RER B, D, E and Tramway). No Transilien train, Intercity or TER and traveling between Paris-Montparnasse and Versailles-Chantiers, SNCF hoping “return to normal” by Monday.
RATP announced earlier this afternoon that the central section of the RER C (Austerlitz and bleach) would be suspended from 16 hours.
Moselle, train traffic between Thionville and Luxembourg interrupted since Monday, is expected to remain disrupted for several days. This line is taken every day by some 10 000 people.

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