Near the Place du Chatelet. In Paris and the Ile-de-France, the level of the Seine raises concerns. In the capital, where the level yellow alert has been activated, the rising water is quick. Denis Allard / REA to “the World” > Access portfolio
the situation could become complicated downstream and in the northeastern departments.
Read also: Why did the flood of the Seine been underestimated?
- A “maximum” of 6.10 meters in Paris
At 9 pm Saturday, the river reached 6.05 meters, as Vigicrues prevention service, after a “maximum” of 6.10 meters recorded in the night, 2 heures.Il is says Vigicrues, a flood “well below” to that, historical, 1910 (8.62 m), but “comparable to the 1982″ (6.18 m).
“We are in a [phase] stabilization, even if we still have one or two centimeters more» , said Saturday Bruno Janet, head of Vigicrues modeling pole. The environment ministry had said on Friday that it would be “tea more than one peak, this high level to remain relatively stable throughout the weekend before beginning the decline” .
This flood will “downstream impacts of Paris on Le Bois de Boulogne which was evacuated Friday Ile de la Jatte, Ile Saint -Germain and to Rueil-Malmaison with possible evacuations “, also warned on Friday the ministry. Seine could also spill over on Saturday in the Eure and Seine-Maritime.
- Vigilance orange floods and storms
Like other twelve departments, Paris remains orange alert for floods. In the last newsletter from Météo France, five eastern departments were also placed in amber alert storms (Moselle, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Meuse, Marne and the Ardennes), which could cause overflows Orne of the tributaries in the region.
- the RATP prevention Plan
the RATP, which closed in preventively two stations (Cluny la Sorbonne and Saint-Michel) near the river, has unleashed his prevention plan, in case the water would reach the 6.60 m of alert threshold. Three trucks carrying materials to build protections to the first metro stations were en route and others are ready to go.
Side SNCF, half of Transilien lines were affected so very important because of landslides and mudslides on the tracks
interview. “140 km of tunnels can potentially be under water,” according to the RATP
After the Louvre and Orsay closed since Thursday night to evacuate some works, the Grand Palais has also closed its doors Friday and two sites in the national Library of France. The President of the Republic, François Hollande, went on the night of Friday to Saturday, the Louvre to lend its support to these operations teams
Read also. The cultural sites try to protect the waters
- Home Solution for the homeless
the City of Paris has announced opening of two gymnasiums “to shelter the homeless” . Moreover, “no evacuation is planned” in the capital, “just as no cut gas and electricity, even preventively” is said Colombe Brossel, Assistant to the safety of the municipality.
the flood, however, have “downstream impacts of Paris on Le Bois de Boulogne which was evacuated Friday on Ile de la Jatte, on the Ile Saint-Germain, and in Rueil-Malmaison with possible evacuations “, the ministry of the environment. Friday, “significant excesses” affected the south of Paris, Melun, Corbeil and Villeneuve-Saint-Georges
Read also:. “There ‘ there is no technical solution to stop a major flood in Paris “
- hundreds of evacuations in France
in the Centre region, 850 people were evacuated in Villandry, La-Chapelle-aux-Naux and Vallères (Indre-et-Loire), located along the Cher, due to a risk of breach in a nearby dam. In Montargis (Loiret), a woman in her sixties was found dead. The day before, a rider of 74 years was found drowned in the Seine-et-Marne.
Meurthe-et-Moselle, 100 people were evacuated and relocated Friday night after severe thunderstorms caused a rapid rise of water in towns.
- “natural disaster of State”
Faced with significant material damage “state of natural disaster will be recognized” on Wednesday promised the head of state. The damage should be at least 600 million euros, according to the president of the French association of insurance, which will participate Monday in a meeting between the insurers and the government to coordinate victim compensation.
Read also: How will the victims compensated?
The President of the SNCF, Guillaume Pepy, spoke of “catastrophic consequences” on the railway network of the country, particularly in Ile-de-France, which will amount to tens million euros.
a total of 18 000 households were still without power Friday night, according Enedis (ex ERDF), the company responsible for the management of the electricity distribution network La France. Since last weekend, 20,000 people were evacuated and taken away by the rescue services, in 16,000 interventions throughout the territory.
in pictures: the most catastrophic floods in France since 1900

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