Part of the investigation into the disappearance of MH370 landed Saturday morning in France. The fin found Wednesday on a beach Meeting arrived at Orly airport. A partial number found on this “flaperon” confirms that it comes much of a Boeing 777 aircraft type that the MH370. The analysis of this fragment begins Wednesday afternoon, after conveying in a specialized laboratory in the neighborhood of Toulouse, under the Ministry of Defence. The suitcase found near the wreckage will also be analyzed by the Criminal Research Institute of …
Friday, July 31, 2015
Flight MH370. DIRECT. Boeing will send its own experts in Toulouse – Ouest-France
0:43. Boeing sent a technical team in Toulouse
The American aircraft manufacturer Boeing announced Friday that he would send a team “technical” in France to take part in the expertise of debris wing set to begin next Wednesday near Toulouse.
“At the request of the civil aviation authorities conducting (the) investigation, Boeing will send a technical team to take part in analysis of the fragment found on the island of Reunion “, writes the aircraft manufacturer in an email to AFP.
Boeing has however refused to specify how many technicians will be dispatched and when. “Our goal (…) is not only to find the device but also to determine what happened and why” , said Doug Alder, a spokesman for the aircraft manufacturer .
7:20 p.m.. The flight to repatriate aircraft debris left Paris to Reunion
The flight to repatriate the metropolis wing fragment found Wednesday in Reunion left the island at 9:15 p.m. local (7:15 p.m. hour Paris).
Along debris two meters and will be routed to Orly airport in Paris on the Air France commercial flight (AF671), whose arrival is scheduled at 6:09 (ET Paris) on Saturday.
It must then be conveyed near Toulouse, “escorted by gendarmes” , a source familiar with the matter, to be analyzed by a laboratory-dependent Ministry of Defence, which will tell for sure if it comes from Malaysia Airlines flight disappeared since March 2014.
The debris will be appraised from Wednesday afternoon, said the Paris prosecutor. The duration of the expertise was not specified. The results will be compared with the research conducted for 16 months in the Indian Ocean by an international coalition led by Australia.
5:50 p.m.. The expertise of the wing fragment found in Reunion start on Wednesday
A meeting of the French judge will take place in Paris on Monday with Malaysian experts. As for the analysis of the debris found in Reunion, they will start Wednesday said the Paris prosecutor. The pieces of a suitcase failed to Reunion will also be appraised.
3:15 p.m.. The debris will be appraised “next week”
The debris will be appraised “next week” , according to a French source close to the case.
2:36 p.m.. The beach of St. Andrew and any debris “delivered” to onlookers
Dozens of onlookers Reunion traveled Friday morning the beach, on which was found a scrap of airplane. A lawyer of the Bar of Saint-Denis on the shore and found a product vial for hair to the instruction entirely in ideograms job.
“Going up the coast with my full 4X4 Wood rejected by the sea, I met gendarmes and policemen. We politely said hello, but nobody asked me anything “, he observed.
trampled by hikers accustomed to frequent the fitness trail along the coast, as well as by dozens of onlookers and journalists who flock since Wednesday, the area where were found the wing piece of debris and the suitcase was not secured by the police.
A helicopter of the gendarmerie, responsible for the investigation with the purpose of identification of aircraft debris, flying over the sea at low altitude for a few minutes Friday morning, but there was no ground search.
2:35 p.m.. L e aircraft debris to leave Reunion 9:15 p.m. local to Paris-Orly.
According to an airport source, the aircraft debris found Wednesday on a beach to leave the meeting 9:15 p.m. local (7:15 p.m., Paris time) to reach the Paris-Orly airport in France.
1:58 p.m.. Only Boeing may give final confirmation
The final confirmation of the origin of debris must come from Boeing, according to Malaysian Deputy Transport Minister Abdul Aziz Kaprawi “Only Boeing can verify” as well Flaperon comes the Boeing 777 which was on the flight MH370, has he said. The flaperon has indeed undergone changes, “made by Boeing” , he said.
1:20 p.m.. The wing has the part number “657 BB”
The wing fragment found Wednesday brings the partial number “657 BB” , according to the pictures of debris.
24:45. A Malaysian manager ensures that the resolution of the mystery is MH370 “close”
The Malaysian Deputy Minister of Transport believes that solving the mystery of the disappearance of the Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines in March 2014 (flight MH370) is “close”.
“I think we are closer to the resolution of MH370 mystery. This could be persuasive evidence that the MH370 crashed in the Indian Ocean “, said Abdul Aziz Kaprawi AFP.
12:20. The number on the aircraft debris “confirms that this is a Boeing 777″ , said Malaysia
A partial number found on the debris of confirms that the object plane from a Boeing 777 aircraft of the same type as that of Malaysia Airlines (flight MH370) disappeared in March 2014, said Friday a Malaysian manager on Friday. “ This information comes from MAS (Malaysia Airlines). They informed me” , told AFP the Malaysian Deputy Minister of Transport, Abdul Aziz Kaprawi .
On Twitter, documents that accredit this information already circulating for several hours:
10:30. Indonesian detergent bottle and a bottle of mineral water, Chinese
The two plastic bottles found Friday morning (see 8.15 below) were given to the police brigade Gendarmerie Air Transport (GED).
This is a detergent bottle, where you can read “Jakarta, Indonesia” and a bottle of mineral water bearing ideograms.
“I came this morning to see the cleanup crew and I found this bottle (detergent) “, explained Philippe Sidam, association president E. 3 ” On the bottle it says “ Indonesia Jakarta “. I thought, maybe that’s part of the aircraft “, he said.
Meanwhile Romain Penel, who found a bottle of mineral water “Nongfuspring” says it is “many a Chinese mineral water brand” .
10am. The debris will leave this Friday and will arrive in France on Saturday
According to AFP, the debris found Wednesday at the meeting must go on Friday to arrive Saturday in Balma, near Toulouse where it will be analyzed by a laboratory-dependent the Defense Ministry to the Directorate General of Armaments.
9:30. The pain and anger of a French, whose wife and children have disappeared
“This is a moment of extreme pain. If confirmed that it is indeed debris of the plane, for us it is the end of a story, which no longer allows no hope “. Ghislain Wattrelos, whose wife and two of his three children disappeared aboard Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, expressed his anxiety on Friday on Europe 1.
” We had a tiny hope “ . “There was no evidence of a crash, so somewhere there was all still a small hope that the plane had landed somewhere. I have not slept all night, I do not stop thinking. All that I lived for fourteen months came back to me “ says the father.
” Grief is totally impossible to have for my son and me. We want to know what happened, we want to know where they are “, he said.
” From the beginning, I accuses France of n have strictly nothing done, or to discover the truth or to help the search. The first lie that we are Malaysians and Australians. The Malaysian authorities do not give me any information. I have never been in contact with them.
For a number of months, the only ones who give me information, they are the Australians, bizarre. They are not in charge of the case officially. They send me an email regularly to keep abreast of the research area “, details of missing this close, which has several hypotheses on the tragedy. “I rather think the diversion. Thereafter, he was shot or there was a mechanical problem, or it landed somewhere “.
9:20. Although it comes right the Malaysian aircraft, “The debris will not help to find the wreckage”
The Australian Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss has recognized that This debris “could be a very important piece of hardware” , but felt it was “almost impossible” to find the main wreckage from this element.
Sixteen months after the disappearance of flight MH370, “the whims of the currents make a reverse modeling almost impossible” , Warren Truss said during a press conference. “I do not think it helps a lot to locate the plane” , added Mr Truss who is also Minister of Transport.
8:15. Two bottles with Indonesian and Chinese inscriptions found at St. Andrew
According to the website of local information, two plastic bottles were found on the coast of St. Andrew – at the level of Etang de Bois Rouge – the same place that the wing aircraft debris found Wednesday. Enrollments in Indonesian or Malay (according to sources) and Chinese are visible on both bottles.
6:15. Australia believes to have sought the wreck in the right place
Australia said Friday that the discovery of a fragment of probable flight MH370 on the island of La Reunion does not call into Because the search area of the wreck in the southern Indian Ocean.
Given the projections drift debris of the aircraft based on current, “we remain convinced of look for the right place “, said the Australian Transport Minister Warren Truss. “The confirmation that the airplane fragments discovered in Reunion are those of the MH370 rather reinforce the idea that we are the right place” , he said.
5:55. For the Australian BEA, doubts should be raised “within 24 hours”
For the director of the Australian Bureau of Transportation Safety MH370 who heads the search operation in the Indian Ocean, the last doubts should be raised “within 24 hours” .
“We are increasingly convinced that the remains are those the MH370 “ said Martin Dolan told AFP Friday.
” We continue to work with our French and Malaysian colleagues to analyze the available information, therefore we are not 100% certain, but we hope very quickly reach this level of confidence. We hope to achieve in the next 24 hours “, has he added.
Relive the day Thursday, hour time including the discovery of a suitcase shredded in Saint-André, on the island of Reunion, where the debris was found Wednesday.
The choice of capitals announced new major regions – FranceTV info
Updated published on
Manuel Valls presented this Friday, July 31, the capitals of the new large regions from the redistribution. Amiens (Somme) be regional capital is soon past. The Amienois who hoped to maintain their status with fatalism welcome the decision because Lille was chosen as capital of the new large area.
“Lille and Amiens, even when there are large cultural differences” is surprised a passing micro France 3. In 2016, the Regional Direction of Cultural Affairs the Regional Health Agency and the Regional Directorate of Finance will move to Lille. The mayor of Amiens feared the loss of attractiveness in his city. “The risk is a risk of downgrade. Well known that decision makers, business leaders when they plan to settle down, they look where decision centers are. I c ‘ is what worries me “, explains Brigitte Fouré, mayor of Amiens (UDI). Traders also fear a drop in their sales. The government will formalize these choices in 2016. After the regional assemblies renewed.
The JT
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On the same subject
Montpellier is preparing for the great upheaval – Le Figaro
Toulouse was named regional capital of the great Midi-Pyrénées, Languedoc-Roussillon region by the government at the expense of the Prefecture of Hérault.
Montpellier will not agriculture and agricultural capital of the future great Midi-Pyrénées Languedoc-Roussillon region. DRAAF (Regional Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Forestry) for the thirteen departments will be based in Toulouse, as the regional prefecture and main State services (finance management, Dreal, Direct) . Montpellier will benefit the headquarters of the regional directorates of cultural affairs, youth, sports and …
Preliminary PremièreLes outstanding issues of territorial reform – Le Figaro
The territorial redistribution raises many questions among elected officials and the public service on issues including cost savings and clarification of skills.
• The sling retoquées regional capitals will she continue?
The war of influence that mayors indulge Toulouse Montpellier is matched only by the struggle of Brigitte Fouré, UDI mayor of Amiens, for his city remains “political capital” of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Picardy region, Lille ‘capital economic “. The executive decided yesterday in favor of Lille and Manuel Valls, visited Thursday at Amiens to clear the situation, said that two regional branches (agriculture, youth and sports) would remain in Amiens. “The account is not there,” complains Brigitte Fouré that “continuing the battle” with a petition in favor of Amiens which gathered 22,000 signatories. She has the support of the LR MP Alain Gest, who considers that “the State has decided to destabilize the territory of this region.” Gest has filed a bill to create a status of “vice capital” in …
Flight MH370: the debris comes from many Boeing 777 – Les Echos
The remains of 2 meters found Wednesday on the eastern shore of the island of Reunion good from a Boeing 777. It is the belief with which came the Malaysian and Australian authorities, and that many observers, based on the type number on the piece, which corresponds to that of a Boeing 777 Flaperon wings in the service manual of Boeing 777. A photo published on the debris Newspaper Site Reunion “Clicanoo” allows to clearly see the serial number. Now the only Boeing 777 to have disappeared over the Indian Ocean is the Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines disappeared March 8, 2014.
Deputy Minister of Transport of Malaysia said Friday that resolving the mystery of the disappearance of the Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines in March 2014 (flight MH370) was “close “ after the discovery of a fragment of an airplane wing in Reunion. “I think we are getting closer to solving the mystery of the MH370. This could be persuasive evidence that the MH370 crashed into the Indian Ocean, “ Abdul Aziz Kaprawi told AFP, after stating that a partial number of the debris confirmed that this fragment came from a Boeing 777.
Waiting for official confirmation
Mem optimism toward the Director of the Australian Bureau Security transport that directs the MH370 search operations in the Indian Ocean. “We are increasingly convinced that the remains are those of MH370″ said Martin Dolan told AFP Friday. “The form of the fragment is much like a specific item 777″ , he added, confirming the view of many experts.
From Wednesday, experts from Boeing cited by CNN had indeed already identified on pictures Flaperon a Boeing 777, a mobile part located on the rear of the wing, allowing to control the aircraft’s motion. However, the information must be officially confirmed by the French authorities. However, authentication of the room has been entrusted by a judge of the High Court of Paris, in charge of the French judicial inquiry into the crash MH370, technical center of the Directorate General of Armaments, which located near Toulouse. The debris was to be delivered today.
A piece of luggage
Other debris may come from the MH370 flight have also been discovered in recent hours in Reunion. After a piece of brown suitcase Thursday morning, two bottles of Asian origin who were handed to police of the Brigade of the Gendarmerie Air Transport (GED). This is a detergent bottle, where you can read “Jakarta, Indonesia” and a bottle of water wearing ideograms.
In contrast , Deputy Prime Minister and Australian Transport Minister Warren Truss, considers it “almost impossible” to find the main wreckage from a debris found sixteen months before the meeting. “The vagaries of currents make a reverse modeling almost impossible,” he says. “ I do not think it helps a lot to locate the plane,” he added. He however, said earlier that the discovery of these remains the Australian authorities comforted in their belief that research conducted for several months under their leadership in the southern Indian Ocean, 4000 km of Reunion, targeting “the right place”. “The confirmation that the airplane fragments discovered in Reunion are those of the MH370 rather reinforce the idea that we are the right place” .
No debris found so far
So far, no wreckage had been found, despite several false alarms and significant resources mobilized to explore a large area west of Australia, where the unit was likely to have crashed, having exhausted its fuel reserves. The possibility that a piece of the plane coming aground on the pinhead what the island of Reunion, after drifting in the Indian Ocean over 6000 kilometers, seems extraordinarily thin. But it would nothing impossible. The flaperons to 777 are metal boxes, allowing them to float. The piece is found covered with shells, indicating that it has long séjournée in water. Furthermore, the general direction of ocean currents and sales in the southern Indian Ocean, ranging from east to west, is consistent with this scenario. Especially that there is almost no land on the route between Australia and Reunion, to obstruct this drift.
Consistent with the direction of the ocean currents
If this hypothesis is confirmed, it will not solve the mystery of flight MH370, but it could allow investigators to better understand the crash area, from the speed and direction of ocean currents. A very rough year, which had shown its limits in the search for the flight Rio-Paris Air France, but nevertheless would restart research. Furthermore, if a wing debris could float, other floating debris is likely to be discovered. Many parts and aircraft equipment are unsinkable effect. African coasts could be their final destination. Other debris may eventually provide clues to the circumstances of the crash, according to their deformation or state. In the immediate future, this discovery will perhaps at least partially dissipate cruel uncertainty for families of victims, twisting neck complotistes certain theses, like the one that wants the unit was shot down by seeking to s’ crash on the US base in Diego Garcia
An investigation remained at the stage of hypotheses
Anyway, this discovery would be the most important advance since the beginning of the investigation, which remains at the stage of speculation and conjecture. So far, the only elements available to the investigators an interception radar device over Malaysia, indicating that the plane left two hours earlier from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, had turned around to some reason, after cutting all radio contact, and automatic satellite contacts at regular intervals, which had allowed to reconstruct the trajectory of the plane, to the south of the Indian Ocean. What the thesis misuse. However, investigations on both the crew and passengers had not identified any potential suspect of such a criminal act.
Right to be forgotten: the beginning of a new standoff between Google and the CNIL – The Obs
Enough is enough. No, Google does not extend the right to be forgotten, that is to say the fact to dereference some web pages at the request of users. Imposed by the European Union, the National Commission on Informatics and Liberties (CNIL) claims that this right applies to dereference longer just a European scale, but to all websites of the American giant in International.
“We respect the position of the CNIL but we disagree in principle the idea of a national data protection agency claims a global authority to control the information to which access Internet users around the world “, criticized Google in a posting on his blog.
Flashback. Last year, the European Court of Justice ruled in favor of a Spaniard Costeja Mario Gonzalez, who complained of seeing out during a search on its name, an old foreclosure 1998. If Google has tried to hide behind the neutral status (it indexes web pages, but not drafts), the European Court demanded that the company allows users to demand the removal of search engine results including their names if they are “inadequate , or no longer relevant or excessive for the purposes of the processing “.
Please Google, forget me
Nearly 300,000 applications right to oblivion
While challenging the ruling, Google has implemented in the wake a form for citizens 32 EU countries to request the removal of some of these results. After stating his name and provided a copy of an identity document, the user can request to “dereference” (remove results) a web page.
Since then, the US giant received 290 353 applications involving over a billion web pages, for a suppression rate of 58.7% results. In France alone, the number of applications totaled 60,241, covering 203,889 web pages, with a rate of 52.3% suppression. The most frequently designated pages are linked to social networks (in order of importance: Facebook, YouTube, Google+, and Twitter).
“We have worked hard to implement the freeze the right to be forgotten with rigor and completeness in Europe, and will continue to do so, “argues Google.
But this right to be forgotten is a limit. The results are actually removed from the search engine, but only its European versions. A delisting application will therefore apply for research on or, for example. But not for the American version …
“We believe that no country should have the authority to decide what content can access someone in another country,” estimated the responsible private matters at Google, Peter Fleischer. Before recalling that “97% of French Internet users accessing Google from a European version.”
Towards a new fine?
It still remains 3% access on international versions ( head). Thus, hundreds of individuals have seized the CNIL to call for the delisting applies on all the search engine versions. Last June, the CNIL has sent a formal notice of the US giant, starting with the same arm wrestling.
Faced with the negative response from Google, the CNIL two months to decide to launch (or not) sanction proceedings against the American. It may impose a fine up to 150,000 euros.
In January 2014, it had already sentenced to the maximum penalty, combined with the obligation to publish a statement on its homepage for 48 hours . If 150,000 euros may seem like a good face small fine 1.6 billion in advertising revenues estimated in France is having to issue a statement on its home page that had remained in the craw of Google.
The threat to use again this sanction could shake Google, but not sure it is enough to force him to implement the right to oblivion internationally. A (new) showdown between the French and American David Goliath clicks.
How to exercise its “right” to oblivion on the Internet (click to enlarge):
Flight MH370. DIRECT. The debris of a Boeing 777 comes as Malaysia Airlines – Ouest-France
1:58 p.m.. Only Boeing may give final confirmation
The final confirmation of the origin of debris must come from Boeing, according to Malaysian Deputy Transport Minister Abdul Aziz Kaprawi “Only Boeing can verify” as well Flaperon comes the Boeing 777 which was on the flight MH370, has he said. The flaperon has indeed undergone changes, “made by Boeing” , he said.
1:20 p.m.. The wing has the part number “657 BB”
The wing fragment found Wednesday brings the partial number “657 BB” , according to the pictures of debris.
12:45. A Malaysian manager ensures that the resolution of the mystery is MH370 “close”
The Malaysian Deputy Minister of Transport believes that solving the mystery of the disappearance of the Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines in March 2014 (flight MH370) is “close”.
“I think we are closer to the resolution of MH370 mystery. This could be persuasive evidence that the MH370 crashed in the Indian Ocean “, said Abdul Aziz Kaprawi AFP.
12:20. The number on the aircraft debris “confirms that this is a Boeing 777″ , said Malaysia
A partial number found on the debris of confirms that the object plane from a Boeing 777 aircraft of the same type as that of Malaysia Airlines (flight MH370) disappeared in March 2014, said Friday a Malaysian manager on Friday. “ This information comes from MAS (Malaysia Airlines). They informed me” , told AFP the Malaysian Deputy Minister of Transport, Abdul Aziz Kaprawi .
On Twitter, documents that accredit this information already circulating for several hours:
10:30. Indonesian detergent bottle and a bottle of mineral water, Chinese
The two plastic bottles found Friday morning (see 8.15 below) were given to the police brigade Gendarmerie Air Transport (GED).
This is a detergent bottle, where you can read “Jakarta, Indonesia” and a bottle of mineral water bearing ideograms.
“I came this morning to see the cleanup crew and I found this bottle (detergent) “, explained Philippe Sidam, association president E. 3 ” On the bottle it says “ Indonesia Jakarta “. I thought, maybe that’s part of the aircraft “, he said.
Meanwhile Romain Penel, who found a bottle of mineral water “Nongfuspring” says it is “many a Chinese mineral water brand” .
10am. The debris will leave this Friday and will arrive in France on Saturday
According to AFP, the debris found Wednesday at the meeting must go on Friday to arrive Saturday in Balma, near Toulouse where it will be analyzed by a laboratory-dependent the Defense Ministry to the Directorate General of Armaments.
9:30. The pain and anger of a French, whose wife and children have disappeared
“This is a moment of extreme pain. If confirmed that it is indeed debris of the plane, for us it is the end of a story, which no longer allows no hope “. Ghislain Wattrelos, whose wife and two of his three children disappeared aboard Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, expressed his anxiety on Friday on Europe 1.
” We had a tiny hope “ . “There was no evidence of a crash, so somewhere there was all still a small hope that the plane had landed somewhere. I have not slept all night, I do not stop thinking. All that I lived for fourteen months came back to me “ says the father.
” Grief is totally impossible to have for my son and me. We want to know what happened, we want to know where they are “, he said.
” From the beginning, I accuses France of n have strictly nothing done, or to discover the truth or to help the search. The first lie that we are Malaysians and Australians. The Malaysian authorities do not give me any information. I have never been in contact with them.
For a number of months, the only ones who give me information, they are the Australians, bizarre. They are not in charge of the case officially. They send me an email regularly to keep abreast of the research area “, details of missing this close, which has several hypotheses on the tragedy. “I rather think the diversion. Thereafter, he was shot or there was a mechanical problem, or it landed somewhere “.
9:20. Although it comes right the Malaysian aircraft, “The debris will not help to find the wreckage”
The Australian Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss has recognized that This debris “could be a very important piece of hardware” , but felt it was “almost impossible” to find the main wreckage from this element.
Sixteen months after the disappearance of flight MH370, “the whims of the currents make a reverse modeling almost impossible” , Warren Truss said during a press conference. “I do not think it helps a lot to locate the plane” , added Mr Truss who is also Minister of Transport.
8:15. Two bottles with Indonesian and Chinese inscriptions found at St. Andrew
According to the website of local information, two plastic bottles were found on the coast of St. Andrew – at the level of Etang de Bois Rouge – the same place that the wing aircraft debris found Wednesday. Enrollments in Indonesian or Malay (according to sources) and Chinese are visible on both bottles.
6:15. Australia believes to have sought the wreck in the right place
Australia said Friday that the discovery of a fragment of probable flight MH370 on the island of La Reunion does not call into Because the search area of the wreck in the southern Indian Ocean.
Given the projections drift debris of the aircraft based on current, “we remain convinced of look for the right place “, said the Australian Transport Minister Warren Truss. “The confirmation that the airplane fragments discovered in Reunion are those of the MH370 rather reinforce the idea that we are the right place” , he said.
5:55. For the Australian BEA, doubts should be raised “within 24 hours”
For the director of the Australian Bureau of Transportation Safety MH370 who heads the search operation in the Indian Ocean, the last doubts should be raised “within 24 hours” .
“We are increasingly convinced that the remains are those the MH370 “ said Martin Dolan told AFP Friday.
” We continue to work with our French and Malaysian colleagues to analyze the available information, therefore we are not 100% certain, but we hope very quickly reach this level of confidence. We hope to achieve in the next 24 hours “, has he added.
Relive the day Thursday, hour time including the discovery of a suitcase shredded in Saint-André, on the island of Reunion, where the debris was found Wednesday.
Australia “increasingly convinced” that the debris is from the MH370 – Le Figaro
COMPUTER GRAPHICS – The Australian transport minister said Friday the discovery of a fragment of probable MH370 flight on the island of La Reunion do not question the search area of the wreck.
The debris corresponds to a piece of Boeing 777. This aircraft wing fragment, discovered on the island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean, could come from the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared in 2014 with 239 people on board, according to French and Australian sources. 2 meters long, it was found Wednesday on a beach on the eastern coast of the island. Now it is “the same type” as those of Boeing 777, said one of these sources. The region experienced air crashes involving other devices but none involving a Boeing 777. The debris should be quickly identified because each piece is numbered in an airplane. This piece must be sent this weekend in France for analysis.
“The piece of luggage was there yesterday, but nobody really paid attention,” said Johnny Begue Photo Credits: – / AFP
• Two bottles and a bag also found
Other debris were found nearby. According BFMTV and the site Reunion, two bottles, bearing inscriptions in Malaysia and a small suitcase in a very bad state ran aground on the coast of St. Andrew, the same place as the debris of plane or near the Bois Rouge pond. “The piece of luggage was there yesterday, but nobody really paid attention,” said Johnny Begue, a member of an association to clean the coastline, which the day before had spotted the aircraft debris. “You have to consider the new evidence with great caution because of Asian freighters sailing off the coast Reunion and waste can therefore fail the coast,” nuance A helicopter of the French Gendarmerie flew over the area in the day to explore the coast and the ocean surface, without identifying other rooms.
• Australia shows its confidence
The last doubts should be raised “in the next 24 hours,” says the director of the Australian Bureau of Transportation Safety, Martin Dolan. The latter leads the research operations of Malaysia Airlines device in the Indian Ocean. “We are increasingly convinced that the remains are those of MH370,” said Martin Dolan told AFP Friday. “We continue to work with our French and Malaysian colleagues to analyze the available information, so we are not yet 100% certain, but we hope very quickly reach this level of confidence.” Given the debris drift projections the aircraft based on current, “we remain convinced of seeking the right place”, for his part said the Australian Transport Minister Warren Truss.
“We are still not 100% certain, but we hope very quickly reach this level of confidence. “
• The debris will be appraised next week
In view of the appearance of the debris, it could be a flaperon. The drivers operate this component bordering aircraft wings during takeoff or landing. It will be routed to a testing laboratory in Toulouse, expert in technical investigations after plane crashes under the Ministry of Defence. Barring unforeseen circumstances, he has to leave Friday from Reunion to arrive Saturday in Toulouse, and it will be appraised ‘in the course of next week. ” French investigators working under an open judicial May 7, 2014, justified by the presence of four French on board the missing plane. The survey and analysis office was seized to coordinate the French and international technical investigation survey conducted by Australia.
• Experts consider this plausible scenario
«Il it is likely that the debris found in Reunion is properly a piece of the Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines, “Judge Joel Sudre, a French oceanographer expert” Reunion is very far from the area where the research is conducted is consistent but with what we know about the currents and information from satellites, “noted Joel Sudre. He said the wreckage could be derived from Western Australia to Reunion at the discretion of South Equatorial Current. In such a scenario, satellite images of the shallow marine power could help locate “within days” the crash zone. No trace was found of the MH370 since March 8, 2014.
• At this time, the mystery remains
The discovery of these new debris is expected to finally solve the mystery. Today, speculation remains mainly concentrated around a mechanical or structural failure, or a terrorist act, but nothing came until support one or the other scenario and mystery surrounding this tragedy fueled complotistes a host of theories. On 29 January, Malaysia formally declared that this disappearance was an accident and that passengers and crew were presumed dead, angering families. The most credible explanation, according to officials of the survey is that a sudden drop in the level of oxygen in the unit made the crew and passengers unconscious. The plane would have flown on autopilot until its sea fall for lack of fuel.
Flight MH370: different hypotheses to explain his disappearance – the Parisian
EW | Jul 31, 2015 6:25 | Updated:. July 31, 2015, 8:58
- The Cockpit for disabled first class
VIDEO. Visit EE Bay by a pilot of the company Varig
Second possibility of voluntary accident, suicide driver, precipitating with his crew and passengers would not be unprecedented. We remember well on the A320 Germanwings in March, but it is not alone. According to the US Agency for Civil Aviation (FAA), the suicide of a driver is the cause of less than 0.5% of fatal air accidents. “This aircraft has remained under control until the last minute,” said Tim Clark in the World. The boss of Emirates Airlines, the airline with the largest fleet of Boeing 777 in the world is the most authoritative voices to denounce the flagrant lack of transparency in this matter. But the pilot, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, nothing unbalanced. With 18,000 flight hours on the clock, the 53 year old man has no family problems, or open political demands. But for Malaysia, there is no doubt that contact with the plane was cut deliberately. What about then the famous “goodnight” uttered by the pilot shortly before the disappearance of the plane?
- Lack of oxygen on board
Another possible reason half a turn suddenly would start a fire. As explained Liberation, the plane was carrying about 400 kilograms of lithium batteries, the gas is terribly poisonous if this one were to catch fire.
- Conspiracy theories hidden landing and other smoking
While scientists and journalists yesterday invaded the island of Reunion, Piton de la Fournaise, the only active volcano coastal entered an intense phase of activity. In fear of an imminent eruption, the investigation team had to evacuate the study area cabin song. It was enough to webosphère to speculate on new, more outlandish theories each other. Gondola head, a possible disappearance of the aircraft in the volcano’s crater
If this theory is more than smoking, research submarine the plane have detected permi numerous submarine volcanoes, a great step forward for the scientific world, explains NBC news.
- A terrible combination of circumstances
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Right to be forgotten: Google defies France – Le Figaro
The US company said “no” to the injunction of the CNIL, the French Data Commision French and freedoms, to extend the ‘right to be forgotten’ to all versions of its search engine. CNIL has two months to bring its response.
This is a “no” firm and final. In a message posted on Thursday, Google says it has no intention to extend the right to the European oblivion to all versions of its site, as requested by CNIL since June 12 Sure to be within its rights despite the formal notice sent by the French authority of protection of privacy, Google remains stuck to his guns. European decisions apply to Europe and not beyond.
Since a judgment of the EU Court of Justice issued in May 2014, Europeans can ask the search engine remove links when the results are “inadequate, or no longer relevant or excessive”. Google has received some 290,000 applications, of which 60,000 in France, covering more than one million Internet addresses. Its teams will then charge to assess the relevance of the request, they can reject it.
The conflict between Google and the CNIL door on the perimeter withdrawals. When comply, the search engine removes the links on European versions of its pages (.fr, .es,, etc.), and not on the global release (.com), and those of countries outside Europe. However, according to the French authorities, “the delisting to be effective, should cover all extensions.”
Google does not hear it that way. The search engine considers that such a provision would be “disproportionate and unnecessary.” Only 3% of French people search without using the local version of the engine, it should be recalled at Google. The measure would also not provide for the judgment and ECJ would be dangerous, since it would also lead to remove links in Europe, if the right to be forgotten were to be spent in other countries. This would result in a decline in freedom of expression online, Google fears that therefore wishes to withdraw the notice of the CNIL.
The French authority considers these arguments “for a share of political” and said that it relied on the contrary “on a strictly legal reasoning”. CNIL has two months to bring its response. Opening a litigation phase could lead to a search engine penalty under the “Data Protection” law. Google has already been convicted in the past for its information collection practices as part of its Street View program or about its privacy policy. CNIL had, however, every time, support in other European countries.
Accident? Missile? Theories (wildest) on the disappearance of flight MH370 – The Obs
The history of the MH370 resurfaced. The theories surrounding his death too. The debris of an airplane wing found Wednesday on the shore of La Réunion will perhaps know the fate of the Malaysia Airlines flight. On March 8, 2014, a Boeing 777 takes off from the Malaysian company Kuala Lumpur and headed to Beijing. But he never will land in China. What cause a series of assumptions, some more plausible than others.
After one hour flight, the aircraft had disappeared from monitors. A Malaysian military radar had nevertheless located. The aircraft veered to the west, began a descent to finally go up. The following hours, the Boeing and its 239 people aboard are found. Research give nothing.
# A human cause?
The fatal aircraft accidents are mostly caused by humans. According to a report from the Civil Aviation Authority, error handling or appreciation of the crew has been identified as the main cause in 52% of cases between 2002 and 2011. Weather conditions concern only 5% crashes and technical failures by 9%.
For the Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, the MH370 flight movements were caused by “deliberate action”.
The pilot seemed very well how to avoid civilian radar. He seems to have learned how to avoid them. “
In fact, the plane disappeared from radar screens civilians shortly after takeoff. But a military radar had helped track him down. The unit had suddenly facing the Indian Ocean, so he had to follow the road south of the Gulf of Thailand.
The captain, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, was no novice (18,000 hours . flight) Fariq Ab Hamid, the first officer of 27 years, had however only 2700 hours on the clock Unlike Andreas Lubitz. – who deliberately crashed the plane of Germanwings in March – the MH370 drivers n ‘ were described as unstable or depressed.
# A technical accident?
According to the Wired site, the most logical hypothesis was proposed by Chris Goodfellow, an American pilot. Lithium batteries contained in the cargo would have exploded and caused a fire in the aircraft. The pilots have hijacked the Boeing to the nearest airport, but intoxicated by the smoke, they would have lost consciousness.
# A terrorist act?
Malaysia officially launched an investigation into terrorism. A track that, if it were verified, would allow the company to be cleared. The presence of illegal passengers reinforces this theory. Two Iranians of 19 and 29 years traveling with false passports stolen from an Italian and an Austrian. Two unknown suspects.
A terrorist track that attracted Rupert Murdoch. Billionaire ahead even without providing any evidence to éttayer this theory, he is a Taliban attack. The Islamists have hit hard to “create tension in China” and the plane would be in Pakistan, “as bin Laden,” imagines the newspaper magnate, slightly paranoïaqu e.
“The world seems riveted to the disappearance of the 777. The plane did not crash perhaps but was stolen, hidden, perhaps in northern Pakistan, like bin Laden.”
Still no terrorist group has claimed the disappearance of MH370.
# The US military?
For Nigel Cawthorne, English journalist and writer, the Boeing 777 was accidentally shot down by a missile during military exercises of US and Thai military, over the China Sea. A theory he exposes in his book “Flight MH370: the mystery”, released only 72 days after the announcement of the disappearance.
These things happen. No one wants a new Lockerbie, so those who are involved in their interest to be silent. “
And if the missile had hit its target voluntarily? The plane had suddenly changed course and headed for the Indian Ocean. The US naval base of Diego Garcia was then in his direction.
According to Marc Dugain, former president of the French airline Proteus Airlines, the US military would have feared an attack and would have simply eliminated the hijacked plane. A thesis supported by many experts.
# … and most theories Crazy
Objective:. intimidate the West, recover a board object or make contact with one of the passengers According to the US expert Aviation Jeff Wise – obviously big fan of “James Bond” – the MH370 was diverted to a Russian base in Kazakhstan The order would emanate directly from the Kremlin
Moreover,.. three Russian or Ukrainian citizens were among the passengers. Muscled men, “one to be able to fight with Liam Neeson in flight,” he writes in “New York Magazine”. A strong argument.
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice has to behave themselves. The Boeing 777 would have become invisible in flight, which would explain his disappearance from radar screens. This technical feat was developed by the US company Freescale.
Now, some twenty employees were on board … Coincidence? For conspiracy theorists, the link is obvious. The Chinese would then hijacked the plane to a secret base to retrieve this new technology.
- About the fourth dimension
Another hypothesis put forward by Internet users: the time warp. The aircraft would be engulfed in a kind of “wormhole” – “tiny shortcut through time and space,” says scientist Stephen Hawking. – Before reappearing in another dimension
A plane disappears from radar screens and which can not be found … The story does not fail to recall that of “Lost.” JJ Abrams series follows the fate of the survivors of Flight 815 of Oceanic Airlines company. Passengers stranded on a mysterious island in the Pacific and trying to survive in this hostile environment. They will spend long years.
Juliette Pousson
MH370: questions raised by the discovery of debris in Reunion – The World
Many clues are consistent to say that the aircraft debris found on a beach on the island of Reunion is from the Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines, disappeared over the Indian Ocean March 8, 2014 with 239 people on board. But there is still no certainty, the authorities, be they French or Malaysian, pending the identification to be held in France in the course of next week.
- What is the object that was found in Reunion?
An aircraft debris of 2 meters was found July 29 on the eastern shore of the island. The piece in question could be a “flaperon” flaps arranged along the wings as pilots operate on takeoff and landing.
Based on photos received from the room, a French expert aviation safety, Xavier Tytelman, noted on his Twitter account “amazing similarities between a flaperon and debris found 777″ .
According to the Guardian , a mechanic for the airline Air Austral, based in Reunion, studied Flaperon with French military officials. He concluded that he was certain “99%” that is a debris of a Boeing 777. Citing sources close to the investigation, AFP also claims that the wing fragment is discovered “same type” as Boeing 777s.
But facing these expert opinions, the authorities procrastinate. If the Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said that the room belonged “very likely” to a Boeing 777 and “the place is consistent with analysis provided to the drift The team of Malaysian investigation “, it did not go as far as saying that it was a piece of the MH370 flight.
The Bureau of Investigation and Analysis ( BEA), which must inspect the room, said that “there is no official confirmation at this stage on the nature of the play” . The prefect of Reunion and the French Ministry of Justice added:
“At this stage, the source of the debris is not identified. No hypothesis can not be excluded, including from a Boeing 777. “
- Why the debris he was found in Reunion?
The region experienced air crashes, but none involving a Boeing 777. Four major accidents of this type of device were recorded in twenty years and a priori one, than the MH370, occurred south of the equator. This suggests that if this is actually a piece of the Boeing 777, it could only come from the theft of Malaysia Airlines.
The type of piece that was found in Reunion generally carries markings or identification numbers. The local press says that the serial number would be “657-BB”. Which proves, according to the website, which relies on the maintenance manual of 777, the flaperon belongs to a Boeing aircraft.
The fact that “one finds Debris in Reunion does not mean that the MH370 has been so far “ says Xavier Tytelman. By spoiling off Australia, its remains have simply been swept away by the current, and fail at this place after a year.
The South Equatorial Current is indeed very powerful. The Daily Mail Australia has a map showing the results of scientific research investigating the disappearance. According to their calculations, which take into account the strength of the current, debris from the unit could result in the Reunion Island between eighteen and twenty-four months after the incident.
- Why has the expertise she held in France?
The debris in question will be transported to a branch of the Directorate General Armament (DGA) in Toulouse this weekend. It will then be appraised by agents of the BEA and other experts of aeronautics in a laboratory under the Ministry of Defense and specialist in technical investigations after aviation accidents.
According to an agreement International, Malaysia is the country responsible for the search and investigation. But this country has entrusted the management of Australia search operations as they occur off its coasts. An international survey is conducted for over a year by Malaysian and Australian experts, who rely send a team to the Reunion.
This expertise, different from the French, will coordinate research and determine if it is indeed the instrument of flight MH370. If Malaysia and Australia have insistently demanded the repatriation of this piece, France flatly refused. Four French were present in the MH370 flight, and a French anti-terrorist investigating judge has been commissioned to investigate. In addition, the flaperon was found on French territory.
The application Rebsamen in Dijon, a new communication quack – Le Figaro
POLITICAL SCAN – Some confusion has surrounded the announcement of the candidacy of François Rebsamen in Dijon as a result of conflicting statements between his office and the government
The Minister of Labour may well be a close friend of President François Hollande, since his appointment to the Ministry of Labour, did not spare the nerves of the Executive multiplying of hiccups communication. The last could also announce the departure of former Senator of government: it will run for mayor of Dijon, following the death of Alain Millot Monday. If elected, this return to City Hall should not allow it to remain Minister in the charter of ethics displayed on the website of the Elysee. But while the new tomb of his candidacy in the afternoon, confusion sets in. Dispatch after dispatch, the Elysee and the minister’s office contradict its continuation or not the government.
Even before the release of the AFP, the minister says in Le Figaro in the afternoon that his eventual return to Dijon constituted “not a good exit.” Minutes later, the Elysee indicated that the intended use, François Rebsamen unleash the Ministry of Labour if elected. An assertion quickly contradicted by the minister’s office to AFP: “the Minister will not resign.” Quickly, the arguments of the rue de Grenelle are expanding: the exceptional circumstances related to the death of Alain Millot suggest an outstanding management and François Rebsamen has yet to complete a number of important issues. Is then invoked the “jurisprudence Cuvillier.” In the aftermath of the 2014 municipal elections, the Secretary of State for Transport was re-elected mayor of Boulogne-sur-Mer but had won the right to stay in government until the next reshuffle at the end of August.
This is a similar configuration as is the Minister of Labour: remain in place until a possible reshuffle would take place late 2015 or early 2016, after the regional elections. This quack communication course has not escaped the opposition. “Rebsamen ad wanting to be mayor of Dijon and president of the urban community while remaining in government. The Elysee said no. Normalized disorder, “noted Senator Roger Karoutchi Republicans. Admittedly, François Rebsamen is customary to such incidents since joining the ministry in April 2014.
In December 2014, he announced that the government was considering lengthening the time for contribution pensions, against the advice of the government. In October 2014, he gave an interview to the magazine Burgundy The Mirror . François Rebsamen says it “has long been fighting for a liberal vision of the economy,” talks about reform 35 hours, work on Sundays. It also will tackle Michel Sapin. Published in the morning at 7am, the article is removed catastrophe on request of his cabinet three hours later because of the impact deemed catastrophic for his image. In September 2014, it bothers the president Francois Hollande stating that he wants to strengthen the control of the unemployed seek to ensure they work well. Even annoyance caused to the preceding month of June when François Rebsamen refuses to comment on the bad unemployment figures.
MH370: “The debris could lead us to the crash site” – Le Figaro
A debris failed since Wednesday on the island of Reunion challenges investigators. It could be a piece of MH370, disappeared Wed., March 8th, 2014, and since remained mysteriously found. The researchers will trace the history of ocean currents to see more clearly.
A year and a half, the shadow of the MH370 Malaysia Airlines always flat. This Thursday, it’s a wreckage of a plane found on a coast of Reunion Island who raises the investigation remained stalled since the crash, March 8, 2014. Last March again, the Malaysian authorities were committed to persevere in aircraft research, never located. According to the Malaysian authorities, he would have crashed off Australia, the Indian Ocean, for lack of fuel. Only certainty, the Malaysian government said in January that it was an “accident”. But no trace, no proof. But on Wednesday, the remains of what may be the flap of a wing was found in Saint-Andre, Reunion and a suitcase.
From What elements do we have at this stage?
According to the Survey and Analysis Bureau, the debris “almost two meters long and one meter wide” found correspond “to a flap of the wing of an airplane.” “A flaperon” says Sébastien same Barthe, a member of the BEA. This element of a plane is arranged at the trailing edge of the wing. Can be used in both directions, it deploys the landing and takeoff.
On the one found in Reunion, have set shellfish. According to the Clicanoo , the local newspaper, which interviewed Joseph Poupin, marine biology researcher at the Naval School of Brest, to analyze the photographs, these little animals find it for about a year and a half. For the expert, living beings present on the cabin belong to the species Lepas Anatifera, who lives in warm and temperate waters. Another item of interest to investigators: a tattered suitcase was found on the pebble beach this morning at the same place as the aircraft debris. The piece suitcase was recovered by the police from the BGTA (gendarmerie air transport) charge of the investigation for analysis.
A body of evidence in favor of the thesis of the MH370
According to the Malaysian Prime Minister Razak Najip the aircraft debris would “very likely a Boeing 777 “. But for the moment impossible to say whether it comes from the MH370, disappeared on March 8, 2014. Xavier Tytelman, aviation expert, leaves little room for doubt: “The last signal of the plane was spotted with large the Australian coast . The currents could therefore have logically take the debris from the plane to the coast of Reunion. ”
debris for nearly a year and a half and have traveled through sub-equatorial ocean current 5,000 kilometers separating the island of Reunion in the crash search field, off Australia. Already last year, the Australian oceanographers UWA University predicted that the remains of the aircraft might have run aground at about the island of Madagascar, near Reunion, reported Thursday the Daily Mail .
Dominique Barthélémy, told Le Point , the cabin of the aircraft could well have lead in this area: “The general circulation of currents [in the southern hemisphere, Ed], which varies relatively little between summer and winter, rotates in the opposite direction clockwise. Near the equator, the South Equatorial Current goes from east to west, and then separates into Agulhas current, quite violent, between Madagascar and Africa. The second part, the current Mozambican touches the coasts of Reunion. “
Doubts persist
Debris found in Saint-Andre, Reunion Photo Credits: Reunion 1st / AP
But for Gérard Fletzer, aviation expert and former airline pilot, we must remain cautious: “Other crashes occurred years the sector. One was a Yemenia Airlines Airbus A310 in 2009, crashed off the Comoros; the other a twin-engine Piper Aztec, diparu in 2006 off Pierrefonds and never recovered. ” Similarly, a reference does not seem to corroborate the thesis of MH370, the debris apparrait code “BB670″. Xavier Tytelman, “This code does not correspond to the registration of an airplane, or the serial number of a device. By cons, if it belongs to the flaperon MH370, then it is clear that this reference will be identified quickly. In a few days we will have a definitive answer, “he said.
A revived investigation
Seized on Thursday by the Prefecture of La Reunion, the Survey and Analysis Bureau is responsible for coordinating the investigation between the Malaysian authorities, the police and Australian air transport (GTA). This Thursday morning a meeting was held at BEA to launch the investigation into the failed debris. The Malaysian Minister of Transport, Dato Sri Liow Tiong has announced that it sent “a team to investigate” on site, hoping to establish an identification of the aircraft as quickly as possible. Australia, which coordinates the international research in the Indian Ocean has also grafted with the investigation. On site in the late morning, the stars sent by GTA sought other debris at sea.
Replace the history of the current to find the crash site
From the beginning of Thursday afternoon, the Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Rajak announced that the aircraft debris Toulouse will be sent to the center DGA Aeronautical Techniques (DGATA) center of expertise and ground test systems and appliances, which depends on the Technical Department of the General Directorate of Armament of the French Ministry of Defence . Moreover, a Malaysian team-including representatives of the Ministries of Transport, the Department of Civil Aviation and Malaysia Airlines – is heading to the Rose City, and a second to Reunion
. Gerard Feldzer, identification is essential. “If it is indeed the MH370, it Flaperon can guide us to the crash site,” says aviation consultant. “It will make modeling trajectories and historical currents up to relocate the site of the plane crash,” says the expert.
Currently, only 50,000 of the 120,000 km2 of the search area were squared by research.
Flight MH370: the aircraft debris Reunion will be analyzed in France – Le Point
The aircraft debris found on the island of Reunion, in the Indian Ocean, will be transferred to France to be analyzed by specialized investigators, hoping to solve the riddle of the MH370 flight, the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 disappeared in 2014 he could come. “Preliminary information suggests that the debris is most likely a Boeing 777, but we need to check if it comes from the MH370 flight,” said Thursday the Malaysian Prime Minister, Najib Razak.
It will be fed into the premises of the BEA, the specialized department of inquiry of the French Civil Aviation in Toulouse (south-west France) for examination, he said, without specifying how soon the transfer could take place. Malaysian experts arrived Thursday in La Réunion, a hotel source said. The provenance of the fragment is “not identified” and “no hypothesis is excluded, including from a Boeing 777″, said the French authorities.
The BEA “was seized to coordinate the French investigation and the international investigation, led notably by Malaysian and Australian experts, “said the prefecture of Reunion, the French department of overseas northeast of Madagascar. With a length of two meters, the debris was found Wednesday in Saint-André Reunion, on the east coast of the island, by the employees of an association who cleaned the beach.
“A very important development”
To add to the mystery, a piece of brown suitcase was found in the same place on Thursday morning. A helicopter of the French Gendarmerie flew over the area in the day to explore the coast and the ocean surface. “This is obviously a very important development,” said the Australian Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Warren Truss, whose country coordinates the international research in the Indian Ocean to find traces of the plane. “The meeting is very far from the area where the research is conducted is, but is consistent with what we know about current data and information from satellites,” he noted. “There are great chances that the debris found in Reunion is properly a piece of the Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines,” said Joel Sudre, a French oceanographer expert sharing the same analysis. He said the wreckage could be derived from Western Australia to Reunion at the option of the south equatorial current (SEC). In such a scenario, satellite images of the shallow marine power could help locate “within days” the crash zone.
Malaysia has dispatched investigators in Reunion. Based on the pictures of the debris, they think it might be a flaperon B777, said Malaysian Deputy Transport Minister Abdul Aziz Kaparvi. The flaperons are small flaps bordering aircraft wings, the pilots operate on takeoff or landing. The Malaysian Minister of Transport, Dato Sri Liow Tiong, hoped to identification “as soon as possible.” The hypothesis of a debris MH370 is not the only envisaged by the aviation community where we also mentioned, among others, that of a fragment of an Airbus A310 of Yemenia, crashed in 2009 off Comoros.
Mechanical failure or structural
Malaysia Airlines declined to “speculate on the origin” of the room. But the announcement of his discovery has aroused strong feelings among 239 relatives of missing the flight, plunged back into intense anxiety. “It all started again, constantly watching the mobile phone while waiting for news,” said Gonzales Jacquita, wife of the purser, Patrick Gomes. “We do not want to hear again some officials say they are safe to 99%. What we want is a confirmation 100%”, said relatives of Chinese victims, the largest number on the mail WeChat. “I hope he will confirm that he is indeed the MH370. I want to end this mystery,” added the Malaysian G. Subramanian, whose son was on the plane. No trace was found of the MH370 since March 8, 2014, despite intense research led by Australia in the southern Indian Ocean, where satellites have “hung” last communication systems the device.
The speculations remain mainly concentrated around a mechanical or structural failure, or a terrorist act, but nothing came to support the hitherto either scenario and the mystery surrounding this tragedy has fueled a string of complotistes theories. On 29 January, Malaysia formally declared that this disappearance was an accident and that passengers and crew were presumed dead, angering families.
The most credible explanation, officials the investigation is a sudden drop in the level of oxygen in the unit made the crew and passengers unconscious. The plane would have flown on autopilot until its sea fall for lack of fuel.
The aircraft debris is “very likely a Boeing 777″ – Liberation
The precautions are no longer appropriate. Although no detailed analysis has yet been made on the aircraft debris found Wednesday at the meeting, several experts and politicians say it is most probably a wingtip of a Boeing 777 . And, therefore, it could come from the MH370 flight Malaysia Airlines, lost with all hands March 8, 2014 with no definitive explanation has been given.
Vice Malaysian Transport Minister Abdul Aziz Kaparvi said that Malaysian investigators who examined photos of debris think it might actually be a flaperon – spoiler arranged behind the edge of aircraft wings, pilots operate on takeoff or landing – Boeing 777. “It is almost certain that it is similar to that of a Boeing 777″ , he told AFP. Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said Thursday that he too had debris “very likely a Boeing 777″ . But he had to see if it came from the MH370 flight.
A mechanic of Air Austral, based in Reunion, was able to observe the company debris investigators and told reporters to be sure 99.9% of it comes right 777, reports the British newspaper The Guardian. According to the same pilot, the 657-BB serial number was written on the metal. Now this number corresponds, according to the nomenclature of Boeing, a flaperon.
According to CNN, investigators interviewed locally Boeing experts by submitting their photos and, according to them, again the consistent elements to affirm that this is a piece of the Boeing 777.
Focus on the debris found off of St. Andrew. (AFP Photo)
On Wednesday, several aviation enthusiasts and experts had auscultated pictures sent by the local media. Among them, Xavier Tytelman, air safety specialist. “A reference is indicated on the debris: BB670, he wrote on his blog. This code does not correspond to the registration of an airplane, or the serial number of a device. By cons, if it belongs to the flaperon MH370, then it is clear that this reference will be identified quickly. In a few days we will have a definitive answer. “ The flaperon, mobile spoiler at the rear of the wing, is used to control the trajectory of the plane. Xavier Tytelman, the similarities between a flaperon Boeing 777 and recovered debris is evident.
With a length of two meters, the debris was found in Saint-André Reunion by employees of an association in charge of cleaning the shore. “This is obviously a very important development, and if it indeed comes from debris of MH370, this will allow families to mourn” , said Australian Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Warren Truss , whose country coordinates the international research in the Indian Ocean to find traces of the plane. “The meeting is very far from the area where the research took place [off Australia, note] but is consistent with what we know about common information and data satellites “, he said.
plane debris found in Saint-Andre, Reunion
The last known contact the plane, one hour after takeoff, was between Malaysia and Vietnam. But communication systems nevertheless have “hooked” several times satellites to replenish its presumed trajectory until its probable drop in the sea south of the Indian Ocean, off the western coast of Australia.
The Office investigation and accidents (BEA) is entered, said Thursday the Prefecture of Réunion. He will be responsible for “coordinate the French and the international investigation survey, conducted in particular by Malaysian and Australian experts” , said the prefecture in a statement. The Malaysian Minister of Transport, Dato Sri Liow Tiong Lai said Thursday from New York have “sent a team to investigate,” on site. This information has not been confirmed locally.
The unit, left for Kuala Lumpur Beijing with 239 people on board, had disappeared one hour after takeoff 8 March 2014. It has not never traced, despite intense research led by Australia in the southern Indian Ocean.
Patrick Buisson indicted in the case of surveys of the Elysee – The World
Le Monde | • Updated | By Emeline Cazi

One was in the shadow political advisor to President Sarkozy. The second, always linked to the former head of state, his strategist. Patrick Buisson and Pierre Giacometti were summoned by police, Wednesday, July 29, as part of the case of the Elysée polls. After a brief hearing, Patrick Buisson has been indicted for “crime of favoritism concealment” , “misuse of company assets” and “misuse of public funds by an individual” with the judge’s financial hub Serge Tournaire. The merits of the case has not been addressed, but should be in the fall.
The hearing of Pierre Giacometti, former director of the Ipsos polling institute and chairman of the firm Consulting-Giacometti Peron, was much longer. His detention began Wednesday morning and was extended Thursday morning. After the interrogation, two scenarios are possible: Mr. Giacometti free spring or is brought before the investigating judge for a possible indictment
This investigation opened in 2010 <. em> “crime of favoritism” and “embezzlement” remember what the exercise of power under the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy. As often, the latter is absent omnipresent in history, due to the criminal responsibility of a head of state. But impossible to conceal his name: these are the companies of its two closest advisers who benefited, during the whole five years, more than advantageous contracts polls orders and consulting services
. The investigation …
MH370: an aircraft debris found in Reunion stimulus mystery – Le Figaro
Employees in charge of cleaning regained an airplane wing on the eastern shore of the island of Reunion. An investigation must determine whether it is or not a remaining Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines disappeared March 8, 2014.
which aircraft may well come the debris found Wednesday in Reunion? A possible link with the MH370 flight Malaysia Airlines, disappeared March 8, 2014, raises many questions on the island of the Indian Ocean. The wing piece was found Wednesday on the shore of St. Andrew, in the east of the island, by employees of an association in charge of cleaning the shore. It is almost two meters long and one meter wide. The object appears to have spent some time in the water as it is inlaid with seashells. An investigation has been assigned to the Brigade of the Gendarmerie Air Transport (GED) to determine its origin.
No track is currently favored by investigators who must first determine what type of device that could have belonged debris. “When we have done, it will be possible to determine the company,” say sources close to the investigation told AFP. According to American sources quoted by AP, “debris in the pictures belong to the same type of aircraft as the flight disappeared from Malaysia.” This would be a wing piece “unique Boeing 777″ which is the same device as the flight MH370 Malaysia Airlines.
“I sent a team to investigate,” said, for his part, the Malaysian Minister of Transport Dato Sri Liow Tiong Lai to the press on the sidelines of a debate of the UN Security Council in New York. “You have to check the debris before it can confirm.”
The unit, out of Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board, had disappeared one hour after takeoff. The disappearance of flight MH370 is one of the greatest enigmas in the history of civil aviation.
On a dedicated website, a French expert, Xavier Tytelman, evokes “incredible similarities between the flaperon of a Boeing 777 and the debris found” – in support scheme. “Given the leading edge, this is neither a shift nor a wing, but a box flaps of an airliner. The flap is the rear part of a wing, “he explains. The debris also carries the BB670 reference. “This code does not correspond to the registration of an airplane, or the serial number of a device, he wrote. By cons, if it belongs to the flaperon MH370, then it is clear that this reference will be identified quickly. In a few days we will have a definitive answer. “
This wing could also belong to other aircraft lost at sea in the region. In May 2006, a twin-engine had crashed into the sea near Pierrefonds airport. Three people died. The cabin of the Piper Aztec, had never been found by authorities. ette wing could also belong to an A310 of Yemenia Airways, which had crashed off Comoros in June 2009. 153 people were killed.
The authorities recovered the wing Copyright: YANNICK PITON / AFP