The fire is still not under control. A forest fire in Saint-Jean-d’Illac destroyed at least 330 hectares of pine in the Gironde since Friday. In the evening of 40 accommodation in Saint-Jean-d’Illac, 80 in the neighboring commune of Pessac, and a nursing home with nearly 80 residents were evacuated as a precaution warned the prefecture, is 400 to 500 people . No accommodation has been reached by the fire at this point.
Canadair aircraft and a water bomber Dach, who had supported firefighters from late Friday afternoon until night had again come into action in the early morning on fire of Saint-Jean-d’Illac about 20 km south of Bordeaux, did we said from the firefighters of Gironde.
The important feature nearly 300 firefighters and sixty trucks on site, remained mobilized, although it has been slightly reduced in the night of few vehicles that were committed on a few sensitive points fire.
A Canadair over Saint Jean d’Illac about twenty km from Bordeaux FEDOUACH
The weather is improving
The fire, which broke out around 2:30 p.m. Friday still is not “fixed”, but the weather situation has “improved” with the wind dropping in the second half of the night and at dawn, between 10 and 20 km / h, according to firefighters. According Météo-France should not exceed 15 km / h in the day.
The wind reaching 50 km / h in the evening Friday and by turning moments had constituted the main enemy of firefighters Friday in time several swings of fire over the front of struggle against the flames. The Gironde prefecture had to take in a Saturday morning updated on the situation. The gendarmerie was responsible for the investigation of the origin of fire, speed with which it has grown intrigued with early relief.
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