COMPUTER GRAPHICS – The Australian transport minister said Friday the discovery of a fragment of probable MH370 flight on the island of La Reunion do not question the search area of the wreck.
The debris corresponds to a piece of Boeing 777. This aircraft wing fragment, discovered on the island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean, could come from the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared in 2014 with 239 people on board, according to French and Australian sources. 2 meters long, it was found Wednesday on a beach on the eastern coast of the island. Now it is “the same type” as those of Boeing 777, said one of these sources. The region experienced air crashes involving other devices but none involving a Boeing 777. The debris should be quickly identified because each piece is numbered in an airplane. This piece must be sent this weekend in France for analysis.
“The piece of luggage was there yesterday, but nobody really paid attention,” said Johnny Begue Photo Credits: – / AFP
• Two bottles and a bag also found
Other debris were found nearby. According BFMTV and the site Reunion, two bottles, bearing inscriptions in Malaysia and a small suitcase in a very bad state ran aground on the coast of St. Andrew, the same place as the debris of plane or near the Bois Rouge pond. “The piece of luggage was there yesterday, but nobody really paid attention,” said Johnny Begue, a member of an association to clean the coastline, which the day before had spotted the aircraft debris. “You have to consider the new evidence with great caution because of Asian freighters sailing off the coast Reunion and waste can therefore fail the coast,” nuance A helicopter of the French Gendarmerie flew over the area in the day to explore the coast and the ocean surface, without identifying other rooms.
• Australia shows its confidence
The last doubts should be raised “in the next 24 hours,” says the director of the Australian Bureau of Transportation Safety, Martin Dolan. The latter leads the research operations of Malaysia Airlines device in the Indian Ocean. “We are increasingly convinced that the remains are those of MH370,” said Martin Dolan told AFP Friday. “We continue to work with our French and Malaysian colleagues to analyze the available information, so we are not yet 100% certain, but we hope very quickly reach this level of confidence.” Given the debris drift projections the aircraft based on current, “we remain convinced of seeking the right place”, for his part said the Australian Transport Minister Warren Truss.
“We are still not 100% certain, but we hope very quickly reach this level of confidence. “
• The debris will be appraised next week
In view of the appearance of the debris, it could be a flaperon. The drivers operate this component bordering aircraft wings during takeoff or landing. It will be routed to a testing laboratory in Toulouse, expert in technical investigations after plane crashes under the Ministry of Defence. Barring unforeseen circumstances, he has to leave Friday from Reunion to arrive Saturday in Toulouse, and it will be appraised ‘in the course of next week. ” French investigators working under an open judicial May 7, 2014, justified by the presence of four French on board the missing plane. The survey and analysis office was seized to coordinate the French and international technical investigation survey conducted by Australia.
• Experts consider this plausible scenario
«Il it is likely that the debris found in Reunion is properly a piece of the Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines, “Judge Joel Sudre, a French oceanographer expert” Reunion is very far from the area where the research is conducted is consistent but with what we know about the currents and information from satellites, “noted Joel Sudre. He said the wreckage could be derived from Western Australia to Reunion at the discretion of South Equatorial Current. In such a scenario, satellite images of the shallow marine power could help locate “within days” the crash zone. No trace was found of the MH370 since March 8, 2014.
• At this time, the mystery remains
The discovery of these new debris is expected to finally solve the mystery. Today, speculation remains mainly concentrated around a mechanical or structural failure, or a terrorist act, but nothing came until support one or the other scenario and mystery surrounding this tragedy fueled complotistes a host of theories. On 29 January, Malaysia formally declared that this disappearance was an accident and that passengers and crew were presumed dead, angering families. The most credible explanation, according to officials of the survey is that a sudden drop in the level of oxygen in the unit made the crew and passengers unconscious. The plane would have flown on autopilot until its sea fall for lack of fuel.
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