New ways to fight against fraud, creating a multi card and a “passport talent” … The Assembly began Monday night reviewing the draft law on the right strangers. Unsurprisingly, the text carried by the Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, is considered too restrictive by environmentalists, the extreme left and the associations of human rights and too lax by right-wing opposition and extreme right. What plans? What arguments does he is opposed? Update on the state of the debate.
The war of figures
Is defined as “foreign” a person resident in France and does not have French nationality; an immigrant is a person born to foreign nationals abroad. A foreigner is not necessarily immigrant (it can be born in France, it is the case of minors) and an immigrant, not necessarily abroad (since it may have acquired French nationality). France, according to Insee, had in 2012 3 980 635 foreigners, including 35% from the European Union (a figure that has increased sharply between 2009 and 2012) and 40.2% from Africa – in most countries . Maghreb
In a paper published in December 2014, the Government emphasizes that France receives only 200,000 new legal immigrants per year, or 0.3% of its population, “the lowest proportion Europe “. The same document adds that 63% of immigrants entered France in 2012 were at least hold a bachelor-level degree, and a student of higher education is on eight foreign nationals today. In their arguments against the socialist project, Republicans argue, them, other figures, including the increase of over 153% of illegal entries in Europe between 2014 and 2015.
“Multi Card”
This is the key measure of the proposed text: after obtaining a first one-year card, foreign residents could be issued a residence permit 2 to 4 years. This, explained the rapporteur Erwann Binet at the opening of the debate, to give them “a stability perspective, an ability to project beyond a few months” and to “end the endless lines waiting “to prefectures. Holders of this new card could then ask the 10-year residence permit, automatically renewable, which are now benefiting 1.8 million foreigners in France. This would involve, said the Socialist Kader Arif in his opinion for the Committee on Foreign Affairs, to build a “true migration path based on the progressivity of the right to stay.”
Problem, for associations signed the manifesto “Give us the Resident Card! “This escalation is not guaranteed since the issuance of the cards is left to the discretion of prefects. Above all, they emphasize the long-term card, when created in 1984, was intended to “become ordinary residence permit for all of those who had settled permanently in France or had intended to settle because of their family or personal ties “- while successive policies have ceased to limit its scope. There are 30 years, adds a report in late June on notice Defender Jacques Toubon, France delivered annually 60,000 titles 10 years, there are more than 17,000 today. This card, he added, was conceived as the “starting point” and the “condition” of successful integration … “The tightening of conditions for granting” turned it into “reward”.
The ‘talent’ favored
The text provides a “passport talent” of four years for qualified foreign or with specific competence (artists, scientists, researchers, sportsmen, entrepreneurs …). This card, which groups under one banner several existing residence permits, provides more favorable conditions than the general multi-year card: the foreign national will have access in his first admission to stay in France and will arrive with his spouse and children minors. In all, some 10,000 people could get a year.
A better welcome foreign patients
The bill also plans to facilitate obtaining or renewal of residence permits for foreign patients: the decision will be made by the medical service of the French Office for Immigration and Integration (Offii) in view not only of the existing care provision in the country of origin, but also the health system (which can block access to needed care). Jacques Toubon regrets, however, that the draft law has not clarified the situation of carers for sick children.
A muscled fight against fraud
The prefectures would have access to information from other governments or private actors (social security, schools or higher education, health facilities, banks) to control the statements of foreign residents or the authenticity of their Documents -. a text layout contested by environmentalists Deputies and the Left Front
Bernard Cazeneuve wishes convince socialist parliamentary facilitate deportations for failed asylum with deadlines more courts to challenge the expulsion decisions. However, foreigners arrested illegally will see their cases reviewed by a judge of freedoms and detention 48 hours after their arrest (and not after five days, as is the case since the 2011 Besson Law ). The maximum duration of administrative detention, however, remains 45 days -. But the house arrest would be preferred him
The opposition to the offensive
These last two provisions are Republicans pounce, requiring 180 days retention time. Nicolas Sarkozy’s party denounces the “worldliness” of the socialist project and should file some sixty amendments. Guillaume Larrivé, its main speaker even defends against a project. Reduce immigration, in particular by introducing quotas debated and voted on each year by the Assembly
The National Front, he denounced a law “criminal”, a “mad immigrationist drift.” The party “wants to approach zero the number of legal entries each year in France, while it remains at 200,000 since the Sarkozy years,” says its president Marine Le Pen in a statement. In its program, the FN argues bring to 10,000 the number of annual legal entries. Marine Le Pen also features in this release a “restoration of our national borders, the systematic deportation of illegal home and removing all social incentives for illegal immigration.”

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