Wednesday, July 1, 2015

GPA. A couple convicted uses a surrogate mother – Ouest-France

A gay couple was sentenced Wednesday by the criminal court of Bordeaux to 7,500 euros fine suspended each for incitement to abandonment of a child born in France of a surrogate mother as part of a gestation folder for others (GPA).

GPA Cyprus

The couple had used an agency located in Cyprus who had been in contact with a Bulgarian-born woman living on the island and willing to be the surrogate mother of their future child.

While the GPA banned in France, the couple hosted at his home in Gironde mother, her son and his companion during the last two months of pregnancy until delivery at the end of 2014.

When hearing, the couple’s lawyer argued that the contract was signed in Cyprus and the offense could not be made in

France, but the court found that the birth of the child in Gironde enough to reattach the offense to France.

The Court of Cassation must rule Friday on registration with the civil status of children born in France by GPA abroad.


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