Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Heat wave. DIRECT: paralyzed Vannes, back to normal otherwise – Ouest-France

The heat wave descends for the second consecutive day on France. New heat peaks are expected after the record of the previous day: 38 degrees in Limoges, 37 in Nantes and over 40 ° in the Gironde. Forty departments are concerned with the orange alert heatwave.

More than 600,000 homes were without power Tuesday night in Britain but especially in the Loire Valley, according to Electricity Transport Network (RTE) which explains incidents by strong temperature fluctuations.

10:30. Soon a heat wave plan around the world?

The United Nations on Wednesday called for widespread heatwave plans like what has been done in France since 2004, warning that the frequency of these waves heat such as that which currently prevails in Europe and Asia, will increase due to climate change.

For the first time, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Meteorological Organization World (WMO) have joined forces to develop a manual for use by experts and authorities outlining the health consequences of heat waves and explaining the need to develop plans heatwave including systems says “alert heat health “.

10:15. On Twitter you take with humor and warmth philosophy

10am. Valves still paralyzed

If the power is back in Ille-et-Vilaine, Vannes has more power again! The city is paralyzed for 7 h 15 20,000 homes are no longer supplied by ERDF.

9:55. Back to normal in Ile-et-Vilaine

Up to 140,000 homes were without power Tuesday night north of the Ille-et-Vilaine, after the explosion of an electrical transformer in La Richardais. But the prefect announced the return to normal. More info in our article.

9. Valves still broken

20,000 homes were still without electricity in Vannes and its suburbs around 9am.

8:45. Reminder heatwave emergency number

If you want information about the heat wave and the main recommendations to be followed in case of hot weather, it reminds you of the free emergency number: 0800 June 66 66 . It is available daily from 9am to 19pm.

8:25. Circulation of RSP slowed in Île-de-France

The circulation of RSP in Île-de-France is slowed because of the heat. The J line transilien, SNCF provides a special device including Gare Saint-Lazare: “red vests” will be present between 16h and 19:30

8:15.. Return of fat breakdown in Vannes and chipboard

If the power is restored in the Pays de la Loire, this is not the case in Metro Vannes. For about an hour, 100 000 of 120 000 homes are still without power in Vannes and its suburbs until Quiberon. “It is a continuation of the cut last night concerning a source substation located in Theix, near Vannes” are we told RTE.

Firefighters have taken a dozen times for elevators and blocked according to testimonies collected on social networks, sectors of Quiberon and St Anne d’Auray would also without electricity.

8am. It is already hot

It was already between 22 and 24 degrees at 5 am in Paris, Rennes, Clermont-Ferrand, Toulouse, Bordeaux and Lyon, according to Météo France.

8am. 20 pigs succumb to heat

Firefighters intervened around 1am in a pigsty of Saint-Ouen-La-Rouërie (Ille-et-Vilaine) because of the power blackout in west and the heat wave. Rescuers cooled beasts and farm buildings with water hoses but twenty pigs succumbed to the 1000 account

that the livestock.

7 pm 50. Always cuts in the Morbihan

power cuts remain in the Valves sector, where firefighters carry dozens of interventions for people trapped in elevators.

The current having been restored this morning early, then again interrupted while scalability of Earlier today, many people found themselves stuck in elevators.

7 pm 30. Electricity was restored in the Loire Country

The electricity was completely restored in the Pays de la Loire in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, but 5,000 homes were still private in Brittany, in the Saint-Malo Wednesday morning at 7:00.

In the night, up one million homes were without electricity in these two regions. A consequence of the high temperatures and temperature differences between morning and evening, which caused “of material damage” .

Some 200 000 households were affected in Cholet and in the country of Mauges, 230 000 households in the city of Nantes and the Pays de Retz and 400 000 households in the department of Vendée.

In Britain, have been particularly affected regions of Vannes and Josselin (Morbihan) and St Malo. About a hundred employees of RTE intervened in the night while western France to restore power, according to RTE.

The situation should return to normal in Britain before 8:00.

6 h 50. St. Malo still without electricity

Beny Didier, Director West RTE confirmed Wednesday morning on France Info than ten thousand homes were still without power in the St. Malo area but that everything should be back to normal within ten minutes.

He also said that the peak of the fault has been established around 2am with between 500 and 600 thousand homes without electricity, mostly in an enlarged area of ​​the Vendée in Nantes.

6 h 45. At work in hot weather you have rights

With these unbearable temperatures, employers are required to follow certain steps to ensure the safety and protect the health of its employees. More information on the legislative provisions in this article.

But for those who want to come in shorts and flip-flops to the office, it is still complicated. So can we go to Bermuda to work, here you are told.

6 h 30. 40 departments in orange vigilance

The heat wave continues on Wednesday. 40 departments are still orange alert, the Centre in the North East via the Ile-de-France.

The temperature could reach 39 degrees in Paris, while the peaks of almost 40 degrees are provided in the south of Champagne, Burgundy and the Périgord.

6 h 00 . Large hot shot on the ERDF network

Tuesday evening around 22h electrical transformer La Richardais, near Saint-Malo (35) caught fire due to the heat. Consequently, more than 600 000 homes were without electricity in Brittany and Pays de la Loire.


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