Thursday, July 2, 2015

Hollande still not off – BBC

POLL – The unpopularity of the Head of State, particularly in his camp, opened political space for Dominique Strauss-Kahn, according to the TNS Sofres barometer of July for the Le Figaro Magazine .

Source Le Figaro Magazine

The text was read by 2.7 million people! By publishing on the social network Twitter a document in which it gave its recommendations on Greece, Dominique Strauss-Kahn set the tone: free of legal threats against him, the former IMF chief wants to make its voice heard. And for him, nothing like the Greek crisis to demonstrate that what he proposed in 2011 maybe was not such a bad idea …

In any case, DSK can enjoy a political space that opened to the left. The rejection of Francois Hollande in his camp is now a real political issue for the PS at least two years of presidential elections. The head of state had managed to stop the bleeding disappointed of his five years at the beginning of the year. Disappointment is distributed over again in July with over half of the PS supporters (54%, + 13) that do not trust him! All the patient work of reconquest of public opinion, all movements carefully prepared, all ads to recover an electorate that had strayed, have not managed to stem the flight of support.

Manual Valls obviously not taking advantage of the weak position of the head of state, the prime minister who modeled his strategy on his own, preferring to wait for the presidential decision. In government no minister is able to weigh, except Ségolène Royal, but it assured to have waived any presidential ambition. It therefore seems logical that part of the Socialist electorate turns to the one that was still before May 2011, his favorite: Dominique Strauss-Kahn. The road is still

long for the former IMF chief, much of the French obviously being not yet ready to forgive his private behavior. And especially it has not yet decided if he would go back in a political struggle

D’autant at right, the political situation is also far from clear. The two favorites in the primary in 2016 were down to just those who go to the polls, Republicans supporters. They still have a good lead over their competitors, but Nicolas Sarkozy and Alain Juppé have their approval rating crumble when it goes back to François Bayrou. Here too the political space opens the mayor of Pau, always on the lookout, will surely not fail to fill him which is now on the third place. And he seems determined to want to leave for a future political struggle …

PAPER – The entire TNS Sofres barometer for July 2015 Figaro Magazine

Barometer found in the Figaro Magazine, on newsstands Friday <. / p>


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