Monday, February 29, 2016

Details of the “reserve” used by MEPs in 2015 online – The Point

The “reserve” of some 80 million used by MPs in 2015 was published Monday on the Assembly’s website, with a split almost equally between support to municipalities and associations. Buying a lawn tractor, Restos du Coeur, or repair halls … This is the third time that the use of this reserve, which also have the senators, and made public at the initiative of the Socialist president of the Assembly, Claude Bartolone.

long perceived as a black box, it is always criticized, as recently by the “associated Taxpayers” which sees a “clientelist practice.” In 2015, members had requested “the allocation of 81.2 million euros in subsidies” on some 90 million voted appropriations, said the Assembly, which allowed, as in 2014, to return to the State 8.75 million euros “to participate in the effort to save”.

EUR 360 000 refugees

According to the general rapporteur for the Budget, Valérie Rabault ( PS), responsible for the management of this parliamentary reservation, the amounts were distributed among municipalities of investment projects (52%) – such as the purchase for 15,000 euros a lawn tractor in Vienna – and payments to associations. Every member receives an average of 130,000 euros, of which he is free to decide the allocation. The officers of the Assembly have 140 000 euros, the Vice-Presidents, Quaestors group presidents and committee chairmen have 260 000, the President of the Assembly 520 000.

the largest amount paid in 2015 came from institutional reserve of the Presidency of the Assembly 360 000 for assistance to refugees, with the same reservation also funded the Council of State (250 000) Jean Jaurès foundation (200 000), or the foundation “Energy for Africa” ​​by Jean-Louis Borloo (50 000). Some elected officials have chosen to focus their windfall on their common, like the chairman of the finance committee, Gilles Carrez (Republicans), top of the table with the granting of EUR 200 000 in Perreux-sur-Marne ( Val de Marne), of which he is mayor, for “works of local interest.”

beneficiaries various


also favored their common associations or s’ finding there as environmentalist Christmas Mamère, the newcomer to the government Hélène Geoffroy (PS), André Santini (IDU) or elected or LR Patrick Ollier Patrick Balkany, the latter having notably released 70,000 euros for an association that organizes “getaways and travel for Levalloisian”. Claude Bartolone, elected in Seine-Saint-Denis, has contributed 190,000 euros to the town of Bondy for the construction of a sports field, as financing local associations such as the Restos du Coeur 93 or Little Brothers of the Poor .

the leader of the Socialist deputies – whose group has distributed EUR 39.9 million – Bruno Le Roux has supported sports clubs, Restos du Coeur, Secours populaire or like many other socialist elected the League of education. LR side, where the envelope was 26.3 million, the leader Christian Jacob has allocated 12 000 euros to his city of Provins (Seine-et-Marne) for the redevelopment of the pavilion sports.

as for the other group leaders, the leader of the elected left Front André Chassaigne has such dedicated its funds mostly to joint his district in the Puy-de -Dôme, also booking 2000 euros … the French Alliance of Santiago de Cuba. Among other recent entrants to the government, the former PS Chairman of the Committee on Laws Jean-Jacques Urvoas now Justice Minister, has allocated funds in 2015 with several organizations linked to the prison, the student association for Genepi the rehabilitation of prisoners.


The compliance officer grabbed the FN in the PACA region after the revelation of a survey of Mr. Estrosi – The World

Christian Estrosi, President Republicans  (LR) of the PACA region, 18 December 2015.

Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, head of the National Front party (FN) in Provence-Alpes Regional Council -Côte Riviera, seized Monday, February 29 the compliance officer of the Region on the issue of a survey conducted by its president, Christian Estrosi (Republicans, LR). This opinion poll conducted after the election of the candidate of the right, was paid by the regional council, many of his questions were about the image of the latter in PACA.

“This use of finances in the region, and thus the taxpayers’ money, to very personal (evaluate its strategy, image, test its allies, its competitors and its opponents) do we appear neither moral or perhaps even legal “, argued M me Maréchal-Le Pen in a statement. His party demand that the entire survey and communicated to that bill.

“We can then judge (…) of the usefulness of the expenditure incurred on deniers of the community … and consider all appropriate suites. “

” No reason to hide anything

The Socialist Christophe Castaner, who led the removed PS-MRG list to beat the FN at the poll, he has meanwhile urged that this poll was made public: “the first requirement that stems from my retirement to fight the National Front by promoting the election of Christian Estrosi, is transparency. “ And it called ” solemnly “ Nice Mayor ” to commit to stop using public funds from the Region to finance new [polls ]. “

” There is no reason to hide anything. Everything will soon be made public “, said on his part Mr Estrosi Monday night. According to him, the survey covers “on the aspirations of people and the perception of the executive”. He said that similar surveys will be set up “every six months (…) to follow the changing expectations of the 5 million Provence, the Alpine and the côte d’Azur.”

the President of the PACA region “glad also that the National Front elected grasp the compliance officer” as they opposed his appointment “This is a first step and we hope they also will submit their asset declarations for better transparency. “


The actor-robber Rédoine Faïd front of the jury – Liberation

Robber cinephile and “self-taught” false repented overhyped and escaped spectacular Rédoine Faïd, 44, will finally have the right to trial in a suit whenever he spent over two decades to carve. Too wide to suit his shoulders, some cops and former middle. A solitary confinement since his arrest after a month of “beautiful” resounding in 2013, the native of Creil (Oise) appearing Tuesday alongside eight other accused before the Assize Court of Paris for an aborted robbery concluded by van the murder of a municipal police. This record river should mobilize a hundred witnesses and 25 experts until April 15.

Lead wreaths. Créteil, May 20, 2010 . It is 9 am 15 when two police officers noticed two holes in the bodywork of a van stopped at a light. One of the agents out of the car and asked the driver of the van off the ignition. No reaction, “no look” will tell the officer at his hearing. The van then starts abruptly, fire grate and is committed towards the A4. Beginning of a chase in slalom at 100 km / h. Through the rear doors, the fugitives emptied a teargas bomb and swing extinguishers on their pursuers. A tunnel, police wipe of the first long-gun bursts and replicate pulling through their windshield. Grapeshot crescendo: the shotgun to the Kalashnikov. Several motorists pay the price of stray bullets. The general alert is initiated. A cap stops the van. Under the lead shot, the police hide behind the parapet and think they have reached one of the shooters. The truck still spawning a path on the hard shoulder. The police abandoned the pursuit, the fault of a flat tire.

Villiers-sur-Marne, Val-de-Marne, the van hit a 4 × 4. The perpetrators, four in number or five according to testimony, fare hooded and equipped with bulletproof vests. They perform a first carjacking when a municipal police vehicle is positioned a few meters from them. Without hesitation, one of the men fired on the officers, hitting Aurélie Fouquet fatally in the head and his colleague Thierry Moreau chest. “They wanted to kill the cop, it’s clear they were determined” tell the agent before the judges, ensuring he could touch one of the shooters. The thugs emptied the contents of his van before setting fire. They escape by A4, steal a new car and go.

Mehdi Kider, the suppression of banditry Brigade had spotted before the assault suspect van parked outside his home, was arrested in stride. Weapons, ammunition, explosives and hoods executives met briefly hiding in the neighbor’s garden. DNA samples and the blood found in the van enable first identifications. Without giving names, Kider then explains that the van involved in the shooting was to join a convoy of five vehicles – including a truck of 19 tonnes – for an armored car robbery that morning. A scenario that

evokes the film Heat Michael Mann.

The investigation is gradually moving towards the clan Fai’d, including redoine known for tracing the procedures seen At the movie theater. Then in full promo for his book Robber: cities to organized crime , released in October 2010 and the result of interviews with journalist Jerome Pierrat, Rédoine Faïd ensures on TV shows that his ” demons [are] not asleep, but completely dead “ after ten years behind bars for robberies. The judges are interested in a documentary filmed simultaneously by Pierrat for Canal + on the “big shots of cities,” where Fai’d testifies at length. On the rushes, they recognize the box searched, and several protagonists of the aborted heist.

peroxide. Implicated in January 2011, Rédoine Faïd flees before being arrested the following summer. Of the nine suspects, most for repeat offenders, three are on trial for premeditated murder Aurelie Fouquet, including Olivier Tracoulat in his absence. The trace of peroxide robber wounded in the temple in the shooting, could not be located. It is not known whether he survived, the team that tried to smuggle the Netherlands for treatment. Fisal Faid, who calls his brother “the big boss” is probably the last member of this squad. Having fled to Algeria, where he is now held, it will be tried separately. However the presence of Rédoine Faïd in the van could not be established; he will not have to answer for the murder of police.

The Robber has always denied any involvement in the case, although it appears on video tape the day before the tragedy at the wheel Leading the convoy vehicle intended for steering. His escape with explosives and hostage-taking of Sequedin Prison in the north in 2013, has since tarnished the image of the repentant scaffolded during his media phase. For judges, Fai’d is the common denominator between all the defendants, and as such, faces life for its central role in what the prosecutor called “war operation, which could go at the end of its war logic “

Guillaume Gendron


Dismantling of the “jungle” of Calais: tensions between migrants, activists and CRS – Le Figaro

VIDEO – Clashes broke out Monday between migrants, militants “No Border” and police during the dismantling of the southern part of the slum. Four people were arrested and five slightly injured CRS.

Boards, cardboard, structural elements … Validated by the court Thursday, the dismantling of the part south of Calais shanty town, an area of ​​100 m2, began Monday. After a rather quiet morning, the situation is tense in the early afternoon, despite the police presence and “a quiet and gradual dismantling” said a police officer. One hundred and fifty migrants and radical militants No Borders, who are fighting for the abolition of borders, have launched projectiles at police. “Extremists torched empty tents, said the policeman, there was a lot of stone throwing, fifteen grenades in response.” Three No Borders and a migrant were arrested. Five policemen were injured. By early evening, migrants, some armed with an iron bar, broke into the port ring road adjacent to the “jungle”, throwing stones or taking vehicles bound for England.

“read also: in Calais, the state places its” marauders “under police escort

other officers were securing the intervention of” the company withdraws tents and unoccupied shelters “, totaling a hundred policemen. Public Security Police and the LAC were deployed in support. Despite this, the work stopped about 17 hours, the situation is extremely tense. Parallel to the dismantling, thirty officials of the French Office for Immigration and Integration (OFII), the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (OFPRA) and the prefecture of Pas-de-Calais went door-to-door in each of the cabins concerned by the dismantling.

 a  migrant xE0 & #; c & # XF4; t & #  xe9; shelter in flames.

itemprop="description"> A migrant shelter next to a burning


the first ultimatum to evacuate had been set for Wednesday, February 24. But suspensive summary proceedings filed by several associations and hundreds of migrants had left pending evacuation, before validating Thursday. In recent days, the debate has crystallized around alternative housing provided by state services. The government announced a calibrated plan for 800-1 000. A countdown largely underestimated, consider the associations, which amounted rather the number of people affected at more than 3 400. But the prefecture maintains its figures.

“We squared area and 100 police officers at the borders went into each tent” explains Steve Barbet, head of communications for the prefecture of Pas-de-Calais. “We have counted between 800 and 1000 people, and our estimate was considered reliable by the Administrative Court in its decision on Thursday. ‘

” Read also: How the crisis of migrants padlocked the borders of Europe

Several alternative housing are planned: the temporary reception center, built by the state next to the slum, has 200 available seats. Behind the ring road, civil security tents can receive 500 migrants. Furthermore, the reception centers for asylum seekers with 500 seats available, and the government announced Friday the creation of 500 additional places throughout France. But these centers are struggling to fill: most migrants do not want to give up England. Monday evening, 150 migrants were brought into the port ring road, hurling stones or typing on trucks bound for England before the police regained control of the premises.


El Khomri law: Valls lengthens his working time – Liberation

A delay to avoid withdrawal. Faced with strong protest demanding the abandonment of the draft Labour Code Reform Act, the executive has postponed two weeks the text Ministers Council examination carried by Myriam El Khomri, the Minister of Labour. Sign of a government sounding the retreat at a time when a petition against the bill approaches the 800,000 signatures and that a day of action is scheduled for March 9 with the support of the CGT? “The decline, it would abandon this text,” cut Manuel Valls Monday morning during a press conference improvised Agricultural Fair. “Since the debate is packaged, it must restore the reality of this law, said the Prime Minister. must raise misunderstandings, explain, answer false information. “ On Twitter, El Khomri it, justified the postponement as ” extra margin to deepen the dialogue with social partners and enrich “ the law.

the government had (also) need to take a breath. ” A strong signal must be given, welcomes the PS deputy Christophe Sirugue , tipped to be the rapporteur of the text. The question now is to what this report: really enter into consultation with the unions and parliamentarians, or prepare a withdrawal “ Opponents of the bill continue to call the second option?. “The Prime Minister will realize that the partners have fully understood the text,” quips Paul Christian MP, spokesman of the left wing of the PS. “The purpose of this fortnight is to decant the fluid sense, to see the red lines of everyone, do we respond in the entourage of Valls. and objectively Collectively, we must recover the positions of each other’s flat. “

” re-clean the text “

At the Elysée and Matignon it refuses for now to talk of abandoning the lower section. “You do not change the general philosophy of the text,” insist near the head of state, which specifies the areas where negotiation is possible: “Geographical scope of redundancy, level the capping of allowances to industrial tribunals and pass days to the unilateral discretion of the employer if there is no agreement. “ Exactly what should the CFDT … (read here -against). “Martine Aubry, when it moves, four people left the PS. The CFDT is several hundred thousand encartés on the bottom, “ quips a ministerial adviser. There are some days, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis already confided to Libération that her party would remain stalled on the position of Laurent Berger union. “We say that the reformist unions say” ensured the first secretary of the PS.

No need, in these conditions, tiring to get support from the CGT and FO. Both unions reject the “philosophy” text: that the primacy of company agreements. “Is that employees lose rights with greater recourse to collective bargaining? We think not , does one slice at Matignon. There are 38 000 company agreements signed each year in France, collective bargaining is a strong point of our social system. “

But beyond this “red line” government, many “cursor” including capping prud’homales benefits and the definition in the law of redundancy, so may change. “We will re-clean the text” confirms an adviser to the prime minister. A “other passageway” could be found on the day package in SMEs. And on the issue of referendum in business, the executive expects the return of the State Council to eventually evolve the device. As

for the other “key measure” El Khomri bill, the staff of account activity (CPA), it could be “enhanced” do we also know Matignon. Whether before the filing of the text in the Council of Ministers on March 24, or during parliamentary debate shifted to May.

“Presidential Seal”

In the meantime, the social partners must be received by Manuel Valls, Myriam El Khomri and Emmanuel Macron. The Minister of Labour has already started the job. She saw the CFDT and CGC late last week, UNSA Monday and is scheduled to meet Tuesday FO. Meanwhile, Valls will attempt to pick up the thread with the Social Affairs Committee of the National Assembly receiving at Matignon, its president, Catherine Lemorton and Christophe Sirugue. Both PS deputies will have their own demands: a “withdrawal” of the article “30 bis” that expands and clarifies the definition of redundancy, “easing” to SMEs and “developments” on other subjects unpalatable to the Socialists: cap prud’homales allowances, penalties and learning. A list of amendments that would put the pieces of a PS group many of whose members – not just “slingers” – felt rushed, both on the substance of the text but also the form with the threat a passage in force.

as the deprivation of nationality in January, the executive seems to have underestimated the reaction of the left on a text which affects some of its social fundamentals. Which forced him to temporize. Holland has first attempted to clear mines – in vain – the ground since his presidential plane, explaining prefer negotiation and search for “a majority” on the text. Recourse to 49.3 tussle between the Elysée, Matignon and the Ministry of Labour on the strategy? “A collective expression clumsiness” weights close to President. Just back from his trip in the Pacific and Latin America, Holland has decided to calm things down. “This solution has emerged quickly Friday night. We want to respond by negotiating with a law that promotes negotiation, “ confirm a presidential adviser. The Head of State and the Prime Minister are called Saturday and Sunday saw at the Elysee. Load the second to announce the postponement Monday morning. The same who said last week he would “to the end” . “We had to reset a party completely through debate, the Prime Minister was the first to agree,” say at the Elysee as a mini-cropping, where we want to twist the neck to the idea of ​​a reform-driven Valls alone: ​​ “the text was refereed by Holland and nobody else, he carries the presidential seal from AZ.” to prove , the head of state has planned this week traveling on the theme of work.

Lilian Alemagna Laure Bretton


The anti-crime brigades now equipped with assault rifles – Liberation

Two hundred and four assault rifles, 1,474 helmets and ballistic visors, 1835 vests: the Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve on Monday presented the new equipment provided to anti-crime brigades (BAC) of the Prefecture of Paris in the BAC-2016 PSIG plan.

the mere fact of embodying public authority, by the uniform you wear, enough to make you the target. Some criminals that you face no longer hesitate to use against you heavy weapons, real weapons of war against which you must have means of response and protection adapted , “the Minister said police officers present at the presentation in the police station in the 20th arrondissement of Paris.

the BAC will also be equipped with 241 flexible ballistic shields that with body armor will withstand Kalashnikov. Assault rifles HK G 36, issued to BAC, were previously reserved for elite response forces. These new ways, with deliveries spread until the end of June, also count 116 tasers (Taser), 134 defense ball launchers, 981 batons defense ammunition 25,200 short-range defense.

the whole for an amount of “ EUR 17 million ,” said the Interior Minister who was accompanied by the Minister of Overseas George Pau-Langevin. “ It was necessary for you to be able to replicate the Kalashnikov weapons fire that some criminals become more reluctant to use against you ,” said the minister.

These allocations are part of the BAC-level PSIG 2016. “ BAC and PSIG (platoons monitoring and intervention of the police, ie) should indeed be able to intervene as quickly as possible reinforcement of first patrols undertaken, especially when we are confronted with mass killings , “said Bernard Cazeneuve.

this requirement imposes a tight mesh of course, and a very fine articulation between police and gendarmerie, so that the

whole territory is covered. That’s my main goal, and I would even say that it is my obsession , “he said.

Alliance wants the same hardware for all police officers

We will not sulk our pleasure on hardware that comes in and that was absolutely necessary. Now, we need public servants who are endowed with such equipment is in capacity to use them, so we will have to make a big effort on training. It will be the challenge for today ‘reacted Nicolas Comte, deputy secretary general of SGP-FO Unit.

The primary stakeholders are not that LAC. These are also the staff of the General Service and they will not have all these means “Fabien has qualified Vanhemelryck, National Secretary of Alliance. To this union, “” blue “is a separate target: we want this material to all staff .”

LAC The police had made in 2011 the subject of a study by the sociologist Eric Fassin, then study which highlighted the excesses, inefficiency and even productivity-against this policy.

read also: BAC: cops indicted



Report of the Labour Act, the government appears weak position – Le Figaro

THE SCAN POLICY / VIDEO – The announcement of the postponement of the El Khomri law creates doubt in the right elected officials who were willing to vote. On the left, opponents of the text now hope to get her outright withdrawal.

Faced with the outcry provoked by the Bill El Khomri , which seeks to amend the labor law, the government is trying at all costs to get relief. The first action took the form of a deferral of consideration of the text by the Cabinet to 24 March, announced by Manuel Valls on Monday morning from the agricultural show. A postponement in particular intended to meet the demands of the CFDT and continue the dialogue left to “remove misunderstandings”, as the Prime Minister. The other measure, most cosmetics, is to change the title of the Labour Act in government press releases. Originally introduced as the “bill to institute new freedoms and new protections for companies and assets”, the text is now presented as “ draft law on new protections on business and employees “. Widely criticized gestures and mocked by the opposition, who declared previously ready to pass the law, and that sound like an admission of weakness for leftist opponents.

Asked about BFMTV, the deputy Republican of Hauts-de-Seine Thierry Solère is not fooled by the maneuver: “We were many to say right: we will vote if no reform is not changed, upset, sweetened. But we see that, while it is still not passed by the Cabinet, it postpones 15 days, three weeks a month … And unfortunately I know what it means. I am an absolute parallel with what happened on the reform of the deprivation of nationality (…) after two and a half months left mess, reform has completely changed and there will obviously not majority in Congress to vote the constitutional reform, “warns the organizer of the primary from the right. “ synthesis Holland will go and gut the Labour Act. This is the story of this five-year period: reform backwards “abounds on Twitter MP Alpes-Maritimes Éric Ciotti. “The government no longer governs, he can only do one thing: save time,” judge turn the president of the senate group LR Bruno Retailleau. A decline that purports to Senator Philippe Dallier that “the end of the five-year period will look like a cross path for the government and for France.”

“The government governs Moreover, it can do one thing: save time “

” No postponement but the withdrawal “

If the government seems in danger of losing a part of its support to the right, left many opponents welcomed the report as a first victory. “Feed-needed for a coup. Let this time of social dialogue does not end with a new provocation! “Warns the leader of rebellious deputies Christian Paul on Twitter. “What a waste of Com” says the elected PS

Pas-de-Calais Guy Delcourt, who protested against the seizure of Matignon on the record. And rebellious Laurent Baumel to respond directly to the Prime Minister: “ Manual, do not worry, we have too much” understood “the Labour Act. On termination, we do not expect the postponement but the withdrawal “.

Other, more intransigent, hoping to convert the try and secure the withdrawal of the entire project. ‘First victory! until the withdrawal continues “, says MP Isabelle Attard, related ecologist. A bell sound picked up by the senator and patron of the Communist Party Pierre Laurent: “After the first decline of the government, not let go! Continue to act for the outright withdrawal of the El Khomri law. “

Not surprisingly, this report appears as a relief for a number of moderate socialists or close to power. “Give time for dialogue to rebalance Labour Act is a good method. Reason is better than tension, “welcomes the MP Sandrine Mazetier, aubryste old who has approached the government. “Give yourself time to significantly rebalance the draft Labour Act in dialogue with unions is a good measure,” abounds Treasurer PS Jean-François Debat, support Francois Hollande. An opinion that seems to be shared by Guillaume Didier, the leader of the Socialists in the Senate: “This report should be accompanied by calming the debate to pass the improved job market of our country.”

A counselor Myriam El Khomri slams the door

This is a new illustration of the opposition aroused Bill El Khomri left. An advisor to the Minister on Monday decided to slam the door of the cabinet. “This is a beautiful ministry, which has unfortunately diverted from its primary mission: to defend the employees, in a troubled economic climate,” says Pierre Jacquemain to Humanity . The young man is however a close Myriam El Khomri, he was the pen. And since his first morocco, the Secretariat of State in charge of urban policy. “I gradually realized that we were losing the battle. In fact, the Ministry of Labour policy is decided elsewhere, at Matignon, “irritated this former close Autain Clementine (Left Front). Today, Peter Jacquemain has no words strong enough to criticize the text of his former boss: “This bill is a historic mistake. It is a matter of social rights in regression. “


Fifties of the Maine-et-Loire tortured and killed: the couple indicted – francetv info

The 55 year old man has been indicted for arrest, kidnapping followed by death, and for acts of torture and barbarity habitually on vulnerable person, heads punishable by life imprisonment. His partner of 46 years was indicted for arrest, kidnapping followed by death, said the floor.

The body of the victim, aged 57, was found Friday morning in the vineyards in Saint -Light-of-Montbrillais, north of Vienna. He had numerous bruises, burns and fractures, to clear the deputy prosecutor Patrick Maire to the press. The victim was then allegedly strangled, without establishing with certainty whether she died in the place where it was abandoned, or transferred after his death.

An important police device, deployed after the discovery of the body led to the arrest in a few hours Friday, two suspects, who were then placed in custody. They were remanded in custody on Sunday after their indictment.

According to the deputy prosecutor, the victim, a native of Montreuil-Bellay Maine-et-Loire, was kidnapped since December by the
couple Argenton-the Church, fifteen kilometers in neighboring Deux-Sèvres, where the

suspects lived. She would have been almost daily violence and humiliation.

The victim, who was under curatorship, had no family, and worrying disappearance was reported a few weeks ago by neighbors.
the motives of the crime, committed in a context of great social and intellectual distress, remained rather vague Sunday. It could be a “Revenge after a family dispute” older, said the prosecution: the victim knew the suspects, and had stayed there including 12 years for human parents.


Whither go the evacuated migrants of Calais jungle? – Le Figaro

The evacuation of part of the jungle began. Part of illegal will be relocated to centers across France, the rest dispersed in the Calais area.

That’s it, the evacuation of part of the Jungle of Calais began. This would cover between 800 and 1,000 people according to the Interior Ministry. A figure widely underestimated by the associations, which they count “3450 people, including 300 unaccompanied minors”. Whither go the evacuated migrants? The State ensures that everyone will be rehoused.

• The temporary reception center (CAP)

A center in “hard” consisting of 125 heated containers equipped with running water and electricity, was opened in early January along the Jungle. Each container contains a dormitory with a capacity of 12 seats, or 1,500 places in all priorities for families. It would remain the Government’s 200 seats.

• Accommodation Centre Jules Ferry north of the camp

Created in April 2015, this center is the first to be opened since the closure of Sangatte. There is a day care center, to enable migrants to eat, to shower, to charge their phones. It also has overnight accommodation places. 100 more spaces were created in September, aimed primarily at women and children, the total amount to 400 seats. In total, there are thus about 2000 accommodation places in Calais same. But most of the evacuated migrants intended to be spread over the entire territory.

• Reception and Orientation Centres

” our goal is to shelter the Calais migrant sustainably. It is for this reason that since October, it was open reception and orientation centers have supported 2,800 people, “said the Minister of Housing Emmanuelle Cosse after the launch meeting monitoring committee for the sheltering of the Calais migrants plan.

welcome centers and orientation were indeed

greeted in four months in 2691 migrants of Calais. Also called “respite centers” these structures receive clandestine migrants to convince them to make asylum procedures in France. It is in these centers that we evacuated for example migrant high school Jean Quarré or those of Porte de la Chapelle. There are 102 scattered across France, except in the Ile-de-France and in the North that are already saturated.

The installation is done on a voluntary basis, without coercion, in buildings made available by municipalities or requisitioned by the state. Five hundred additional places in reception centers will be made available “in the coming days” to receive migrants from the “jungle” of Calais, had announced Friday the ministers of housing and interior.

• dispersion in the region

State services organize outreach patrols in the camps to inform migrants of the possibility of their applications for asylum in France and convince them to join the CAD. But many of them refuse to register in shelters because they want to remain in areas near England. These are likely to disperse in the region, seeking, some to win the Grande-Synthe camp, the other other coastal crossings. For a domino effect, the evacuated migrants could be distributed in other ports, such as Ouistreham, in Normandy, Dieppe, Cherbourg or Zeebrugge in Belgium, from where the ferry to the UK.


A former nurse Auschwitz trial: “Justice in these cases, is symbolic” – The Obs

Monday, February 29, opens in Neubrandenburg (northwest Germany) the trial of Hubert Zafke , 95, a former nurse tried Auschwitz for “complicity” in the extermination of 3,681 Jews. The man was 19 years old at the time and was in office when the convoy Anne Frank Otto and Edith’s parents and her older sister Margot arrived. The court initially refused in June 2015 to open a trial, citing the declining health of the old man. A decision overturned on appeal on the grounds that the former SS is not entirely unfit to stand trial.

However, the issue of former judge very old Nazis arises again. A dozen procedures are still underway in Germany after the sentencing to four years in prison Oskar Gröning, former accountant of Auschwitz. Certainly, these late trials illustrate the German will to try until the last criminal in the Third Reich, but for Serge Klarsfeld , president of the association of son and daughters of Jews deported from France, until this justice at endian, generally exercised without evidence, is problematic. Interview.

Such trial-they still mean more than 70 years after the end of the Second World War and in the face of very old accused?

– The German company is today made up the great majority of people who have not experienced the Third Reich and the favorable judgment of Nazi criminals until their last breath . It was 50 years ago, this was not the case: the major Nazi criminals were protected by the German company then composed of people who had lived and supported the Third Reich. There has been certainly a positive development of the German company that understood the importance and immensity of the crime that had been committed and who would like Nazi criminals to trial.

Simply, it was 50 years ago, there were still criminals makers who have played an important role and for which there was, if not witnesses, documents signed by them, they were recipients where it was about their activities. At the time, we found medical excuses not to judge them or not sentencing.

Today, deemed criminals were subordinate positions at the bottom of the pyramid of crime, for which there is no longer any witnesses or documents. But German justice now, always docile to the will of the company, believes that a suspect, even if he is no evidence, if it was in a position, even quite subordinate and external crime, is considered criminal unless he proves his innocence. For example: accountants had no contact with prisoners, they counted the money of people who arrived at Auschwitz. They knew we murdered but they did not kill, they were a small cog. A gear which we do not even know what was the behavior at the time. But we judge them as accomplices but can not prove their personal involvement and will almost inevitably doomed. So me it hits my sense of justice

hard not to judge either …

-. I am not against, but I am not for either. This is an ambiguous situation. In my career, I never wanted to judge other criminals than those for which evidence existed. I have never been involved, beat me until I was convinced of the guilt of someone as convinced that he had a free will and he had the means to judge what was doing. I took care to consider whether it had the means to escape from the place assigned to him if he could help it. I can not fight against someone who has the place where he was, showed human feelings, did his best. There, it is young people who were 18 years old at the time and who were at the bottom of the social pyramid. It has nothing to do with a decision-criminal who would not be at risk and that men organized mass death.

In the case of Hubert Zafke, I confess myself powerless to nurse I do not know if, in relation to a convoy which

arrived Anne Frank, he addressed a smile saddened to that family or if he gave them a kick in the ass. When we do not know, it’s difficult to blame.

And then find yourself facing an old man, like John Demjanjuk [Ukrainian goalkeeper Sobibor camp condemned in 2011, note] that was on a stretcher, drooling mouth open, and do not say a word, it’s a little disarming. But justice in these cases, is symbolic.

Why then did it take so long to bring them before justice?

– After the war, West Germany would not judge the major criminals, those who organized the arrest and deportation of 3,000 to 4,000 people each time. Why ? Because these were people who had received an education. They were recycled in Germany in an honorable situation they were businessmen, lawyers, judges, senior civil servants. The basic SS, who was not part and which killed a child in a Polish ghetto, with two witnesses on the other hand it was doomed. It has sometimes found a number of criminals, but it was with reluctance.

In the 1970s, a machine head of Oradour-sur-Glane, who was 19 at the time, was indicted by prosecutors in Dortmund. But the president of the Assize Court of Cologne miners refused to open the trial saying it did not have enough evidence, despite the implausibility of his statement where he claimed not to have drawn. Besides West Germany never wanted to judge the general Lammerding, the top official of Oradour-sur-Glane.

And you say, today is the reverse: one can condemn a nurse or an accountant to which there is no evidence …

– the German court has extended the notion of guilt, which was restricted to serious criminals before. John Demjanjuk had made an appeal after being sentenced to Munich in 2010, arguing that this interpretation was invalid and had to prove personal involvement of someone in a specific crime. But he died before his appeal could not be examined by the German Supreme Court.

In the absence, for now interpretation of guilt on this extension, the German court before the pressure of public opinion, can not say she can not prove she jeopardizes the personal guardian. She now considers that the crime was a terrible crime, it can not tolerate people who were guards at Auschwitz are unpunished, that Germany must redeem himself. While many believe that even those who occupied subordinate positions must be condemned without examination of their personal behavior. She prefers to be able to judge the criminals until their last breath leaves to give them an automatic sentence of three to four years in prison that we can not apply because of the advanced age of the accused. All employees are guilty of Auschwitz, even the mason.

This is a complex and ambiguous situation because this is the last round of a judicial process that never takes place in the history.

There have been these past 70 years, an exceptional effort with justice courts allied, French and German national justice. Should not it ends in a kind of malaise to see people unable to defend themselves, tried and sentenced automatically

Interview by Sarah Diffalah


Agricultural Fair: Valls accused of being “a puppet of Europe” – The Point

For now, all is well. Manuel Valls arrived before 7 am in the quiet Agricultural Fair tense after the visit and punctuated with insults of President François Hollande. The head of government was first welcomed the Minister of Agriculture Stéphane Le Foll and the president of the FNSEA, the main farmers’ union, Xavier Beulin.

Then Manuel Valls visited the booth cattle, where sat, like every day, the mascot of the fair Cherry bazadaise a cow, and launched into a discussion with breeders. In France, “the crisis is deeper because there is this link between the land and society,” said the Prime Minister. As for Francois Hollande on Saturday, beginning his visit took place peacefully. The president had suffered his first whistles an hour later.

Exchanges with breeders

The atmosphere is tense, however. “We feel abandoned,” launched at the Prime Minister, Claude Duval, installed since 1973 and has 100 dairy cows. Manuel Valls replied: “We are aware of your problems. “In addition to the very low level of milk sales prices, the farmer whose cow Eugenie, race salers and 7 years old, was champion of the 2015 Salon also complained of problems of drought affecting fodder.

After the stand Eugenie Manuel Valls had a tense exchange with a group of breeders. “You are the puppets of Europe”, launched her Francois, farmer in Normandy, before adding: “They are there to strut, but they have no power and we we’re dying. “When asked by representatives of the dairy sector the” liberal “vision of Brussels, the Prime Minister recalled seeing last week Commissioner Phil Hogan with Minister Stephane Le Foll. “There is an awareness, I think, the severity of the crisis,” said Manuel Valls. For him, it could not be any crisis of confidence in Europe about that. “The first two pillars of Europe, it was the steel and agriculture. It is not necessary that this pillar then collapses. “

The farmers want appeasement

” We want to get the great cry of distress of farmers in the countryside, “said José Baechler, a Lot-et Breeder Garonne who would then attend a breakfast with the Prime Minister. Asked about the reception planned for Manuel Valls, the breeder said that producers “want appeasement” but want their “about being heard.” “The problem (selling under the cost of production, Ed) recurring for several years now reached an unbearable level,” according to José Baechler, who judged insufficient aid announcements made so far.

Prime Minister also happens to few hours of the official end of business Monday night at midnight negotiations between industrial and retail (GMS), accused of driving prices down by training farmers in this downward spiral. For ten days, the main actors – food manufacturers and agricultural officials – take turns to denounce

the “harder than ever negotiations” with representatives of the GMS, which sometimes take the shape of a “guard view “as an industrial speaking on condition of anonymity.

an amendment to the 2008 law

” We called the signs of large distribution to exercise solidarity by not lowering prices during trade negotiations in 2016, “warned last week Manuel Valls. On Saturday, President Hollande hit hard and warned dealers: while “the state does not set prices,” he acknowledged, but it can and “must put pressure on distributors for true recognition of the farmer’s work, “he said. The Head of State intends to change “before the summer” the law of modernization of the economy (LME), adopted in 2008 under the previous five-year period to ensure better protection of the producer, the poor relation of these negotiations, and he “is not used as an adjustment variable” to preserve margins of middlemen and distributors.

“be careful what you will do in the next 48 hours because it will determine the content this next law “, he launched the bosses of major retailers. For farmers, the LME they call “Leclerc Act”, according to the hypermarkets and supermarkets of the same name, establishes freedom of price negotiation between the central purchasing of supermarkets and their suppliers. A system that allows the first to impose their prices and demand reductions that penalize producers. “A law tailored for Michel-Édouard Leclerc by his friend Sarkozy” and accuses Bruno, a dairy farmer from the Morbihan.

A serious crisis

These purely French difficulties related to extreme concentration of large retail chains in France, defended by four central purchasing, in addition to a cyclical crisis of overproduction, falling demand and Russian embargo that weighs the latter especially on during pork. For his part, Xavier Beulin, the boss of the powerful FNSEA agricultural union first in the country, denounced these “bosses teaches hand on heart that gently come tell us that all is well, they themselves will take their responsibilities “while their groups demand decreases” – 4% – 8% on all food products. ” “Are we may have as detestable attitude? “Has he asked.


Several departments of the south of France in orange vigilance wind and avalanches – Le Figaro

WEATHER – Strong winds are expected in the Pyrenees-Orientales and the Aude and high avalanche risk always concern Savoy and the extreme southeast. The access road to the resort of Isola 2000 in the Alpes-Maritimes, was cut Monday morning in both directions because of an avalanche, blocking 3,000 people.

The bad weather already announced this weekend continue early this week. . The coming depression southwest of Europe should lead to strong weather until Monday night

Six departments were placed on orange alert by Météo Consult *: Corse-du South and Corsica for the risks of storms, the Aude and Pyrénées-Orientales wind orange alert, Alpes-Maritimes and Savoy in orange avalanche alert.

Météo-France, meanwhile, ranked the departments of Savoie, of Alpes-Maritimes, Aude, Eastern Pyrenees and Andorra orange alert.

Monday morning , the depression is centered on Corsica, hit by thunderstorm. The storm blew across the Gulf of Lions with 137 km / h at Cape Bear (66).

During the day , the mistral was also to strengthen in lower Rhone Valley and western Provence, up to 120 or 130 km / h between Aix-en-Provence, Istres, Arles and Orange, accentuating the sensation

of cold with a close feel of 0, specifies Weather Consult.

in eastern France, a risk of avalanche maximum also affects the Savoie and Alpes-Maritimes. The avalanche activity is expected “observed on average about once a year,” according to Météo-France. “The heavy snowfall, accompanied by a South East wind more or less strong” during the weekend of 40 to 60cm, “have increased avalanche risk level 4 during this -fort- day Sunday on the mountains of Haute-Maurienne and Mercantour. “

As a result of these storms, the access road to the Isola 2000 ski resort in the Alpes-Maritimes , was cut Monday morning in both directions because of an avalanche “indefinitely,” according to Traffic monitoring. Traffic is stopped on this line since 1:15, said the site of the road safety organization.

According to France Bleu Azur, 3,000 people are stranded in the ski resort after avalanche occurred on the night.

This week is the last of the winter holidays for Zone C of Education (academies of Paris, Versailles, Créteil, Toulouse and Montpellier).


Sunday, February 28, 2016

Vienna: a tortured and killed in his fifties, a couple indicted – BFMTV.COM

A couple was set Sunday to review Poitiers and detained two days after the discovery in the Vienna of the body of a fifties who was kidnapped and tortured for two months, in an apparently related to a history drama family, social distress on background, do we learned from a judicial source. The 55 year old man has been indicted for arrest, kidnapping followed by death, and for acts of torture and barbarity habitually on vulnerable person, heads punishable by life imprisonment. His partner of 46 years was indicted for arrest, kidnapping followed by death, said prosecutors.

The body of the victim, aged 57, was found Friday morning in the vineyards in Saint-Leger-de-Montbrillais, north of Vienna. He had numerous bruises, burns and fractures, to clear the deputy prosecutor Patrick Maire to the press. The victim was then allegedly strangled, without establishing with certainty whether she died in the place where it was abandoned, or transferred after his death.

The victim sequestered since December

An important police device, deployed after the discovery of the body led to the arrest in a few hours Friday, two suspects, who were then placed in custody. They were remanded in custody on Sunday after their indictment. According to the deputy

prosecutor, the victim, a native of Montreuil-Bellay Maine-et-Loire, was kidnapped in December by the couple in Argenton-The Church, fifteen kilometers in neighboring Deux-Sèvres, where remained suspicious.

It would have been almost daily violence and humiliation. The victim, who was under curatorship, had no family, and worrying disappearance was reported a few weeks ago by neighbors. The motives of the crime, committed in a context of great social and intellectual distress, remained rather vague Sunday. It could be a “revenge following a family dispute” old, said the prosecution: the victim knew the suspects, and had stayed there including 12 years with the man’s parents <. / p>


Vienna: a couple indicted after the discovery of a tortured body – Le Figaro

The lifeless body of a 57 year old woman was discovered Friday in Vienna. A man aged 55 and his partner of 46 years were indicted and detained Sunday in Poitiers. The victim was held captive for two months and have suffered violence at the couple’s home.

The garbage collectors have made a gruesome discovery Friday morning. At Saint-Léger-de-Montbrillais, north of Vienna, they found the body of a woman of 57 years in the vineyards. The body of the victim had numerous bruises, burns and fractures, according to the deputy prosecutor Patrick Maire. She was strangled, but it is unclear whether she died at the scene, or transported after death. The investigation went quickly: a couple from Deux-Sèvres was quickly put into custody and indicted on Sunday before being remanded in custody.

The 55 year old man has been indicted for arrest, kidnapping followed by death, and for acts of torture and barbarity habitually on vulnerable person, heads facing the life imprisonment. His partner of 46 years was indicted for arrest, kidnapping followed by death, said the floor of Poitiers.

After denying the facts at the beginning of the custody, both accused came to recognize their responsibility as New Republic . The man would have sought to minimize the role of his companion. The couple said at the hearings have

carried the body of the victim while she was still alive.

According to the deputy prosecutor, the victim, a native of Montreuil-Bellay Maine-et-Loire, was kidnapped in December by the couple in Argenton-the Church, fifteen kilometers in Deux-Sèvres, neighboring department, where the suspects lived. She would have been almost daily violence and humiliation. This woman, who was under curatorship, had no family, and worrying disappearance was reported a few weeks ago by neighbors.

The motives of the crime, committed in a context of great distress social and intellectual, remained rather vague Sunday. It could be a “revenge following a family dispute” old, said the prosecution: the victim knew the suspects, and had stayed there including twelve years at the man’s parents <. / p>


Child overthrown in Paris: the suspect indicted and imprisoned – The Express

The man suspected of stealing a vehicle then overturned and seriously wounded a child in Paris on Friday was charged and remanded in custody on Sunday, do we learned from a judicial source.

This man of 35 years, released from prison Monday was arrested during his flight on the A3 at Aulnay-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis), after trying to rob a fast food. While he was under the influence of alcohol, “he drove towards the police” during his arrest, the source said

The man has been indicted by a judge for armed robbery, unintentional injuries aggravated attempted murder on person holding public authority, driving without a license and driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol status, of all offenses committed in recidivism . A special magistrate was then remanded in custody, as was required the Paris prosecutor.

The suspect came out of prison

The six year old remained Sunday in critical condition, the source said. He was

overthrown by the suspect driving a vehicle he had just stolen under threat of a toy gun, earlier in the southeast of the capital, instead of Italy (thirteenth arrondissement).

The man was released from prison after serving a sentence of ten months firm. His record holder twelve convictions for drug offenses, several driving offenses without a license, extortion and theft, said the judicial source.


Poitiers: a tortured and killed in his fifties, a couple indicted – Le Parisien

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 ILLUSTRATION. A  couple was set Sunday to review Poitiers and  detained two days after the discovery in the  Vienna of the body of a fifties who was kidnapped  and tortured for two months.
ILLUSTRATION. a couple was set Sunday to review Poitiers and detained two days after the discovery in the Vienna of the body of a fifties who was kidnapped and tortured for two months.
LP / Mehdi Pfeiffer

a couple was set Sunday to review Poitiers and detained two days after the discovery in the Vienna of the body of a fifties who was kidnapped and tortured for two months, in an apparently related to drama old family story about social distress background, do we learned from a judicial source.

The 55 year old man has been indicted for arrest, kidnapping followed by death, and for acts of torture and barbarity habitually on vulnerable person, heads punishable by life imprisonment. His partner of 46 years was indicted for arrest, kidnapping followed by death, said the floor.

The body of the victim, aged 57, was found Friday morning in vineyards in Saint-Léger-de-Montbrillais, north of Vienna. He had numerous bruises, burns and fractures, to clear the deputy prosecutor Patrick Maire to the press. The victim was then allegedly strangled, without establishing with certainty whether she died in the place where it was abandoned, or transferred after his death. An important police device, deployed after the discovery of the body led to the arrest in a few hours Friday, two suspects, who were then placed in custody. They were remanded in custody on Sunday after their indictment.

class="heading"> Revenge in mobile way?

According to the deputy prosecutor, the victim, a native of Montreuil-Bellay Maine-et-Loire, was kidnapped in December by the couple in Argenton-the Church, fifteen kilometers in neighboring Deux-Sèvres, where the suspects lived. She would have been almost daily violence and humiliation. The victim, who was under curatorship, had no family, and worrying disappearance was reported a few weeks ago by neighbors.

The motives of the crime, committed in a context of great distress social and intellectual, remained rather vague Sunday. It could be a “revenge following a family dispute” old, said the prosecution: the victim knew the suspects, and had stayed there including 12 years with the man’s parents <. br />

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various Facts

Poitiers: a tortured fifties and killed a couple indicted

a couple was set Sunday to review Poitiers and detained two days after the discovery in the Vienna of the body of a fifties who was kidnapped and tortured for two months, in an apparently related to an old drama …

2016-02-28 6:09:00 p.m.

News Facts various, various Facts, National, 2016, Poitiers, one, fifties, tortured, killed, a


The Pyrenees-Orientales, Aude and Andorra orange alert for strong winds Monday – francetv info

Departments of Pyrenees-Orientales and Aude as well as Andorra were placed in orange vigilance winds with expected gusts of 110 km / h to over 160 km / h from Monday 3h, announced Meteo France. The alert level 3 is valid until Tuesday 7am.

  • By Fabrice Dubault
  • Published 02/28/2016 | 4:53 p.m., updated 02/28/2016 | 5:14 p.m.
©  illustration BENELUXPIX / MAXPPP

© BENELUXPIX / MAXPPP illustration

the next night, Sunday night and Monday, and all day Monday, the tramontana (northwest wind) is blowing hard on a large half of the Eastern Pyrenees and Aude.

for the North-westerly wind, starting Monday 3h, the north wind will blow between “110 and 130km / h on a widespread, these values ​​may be slightly exceeded the coastal areas of Languedoc Roussillon between 130 and 140km / h “, according to Météo-France, believing that ” Cape Bear “in the Pyrénées-Orientales, the gusts could exceed 160km / h.”

the northerly wind northwest will also blowing hard all day Monday on the eastern Pyrenees and especially the ridges exposed to the north wind. The

gusts then reach 110 to 130 km / h including Andorra.

According to Meteo-France, this type of event happens windy “two to three times a year.”

the consequences of an orange alert for strong winds

  • power cuts and telephone can affect the distribution networks for relatively long periods.
  • the roofs and chimneys can be damaged.
  • tree branches may break. Vehicles can be deported.
  • Road traffic may be disrupted, especially on secondary roads in forest areas.
  • The operation of ski infrastructure is disrupted.
  • Some damage may affect electricity and telephone networks.
advice behavior orange alert in case of high winds

* Limit your movement. Limit your speed in highway driving, especially if you drive a car or hitch sensitive to the effects of wind.
* Do not walk in the forest [and on the coast].
* In town, be alert to possible falling objects various.
* do not intervene on roofs and touch any electrical son fell to the ground.
* Store or secure sensitive to the effects of objects wind or likely to be damaged.
* Install imperative generators outside buildings.


François Hollande heckled at agricultural show – Le Figaro

VIDEO – Visit of President of the Republic ended on Saturday after 6 hours in an electric atmosphere. Five farmers were briefly detained after the dismantling of the stand of the Ministry of Agriculture.

The inaugural visit of President of the Republic, François Hollande, the 53th edition of the agricultural fair this Saturday morning started off well. It ended about 6 hours in a far less serene climate where police had to intervene twice to calm the angry farmers. The Head of State also said hearing those moods. “The cries I hear them (….) Anger, I prefer it is expressed on the occasion of this show and outside,” and “this is a very strong demand which is expressed, “he said during his visit. “Our action is legitimate, we can not content ourselves with having only speeches, we want deeds,” Jerome replica Despey, deputy general secretary of the FNSEA after removal of part of the Ministry ‘s stand Agriculture.

Back on these events. The President of the Republic, François Hollande, the crowd of VIP red carpet accurate 6:47, and headed in Hall 1, the farm animals by which all begins official visit. He takes care to talk on camera with the leader of the Peasant Confederation, Laurent Pinatel. Avoiding to repeat the incident last year where fierce opponent of the 1000 farm cows had been expelled forcibly from the procession. Then he goes under the hedge of green and white flags of the union FNSEA (National Federation of Farmers’ Unions) protesting against the proliferation of environmental standards. He will then greet Cherry and his breeder Landes, Joel Sillac, owner of the cow star bazadaise race salon recognizable by its gray dress anthracite. Not hesitating to fondle although sharp horns of cattle posing for photographers who are fighting to have the best plan in the crackling flashes. They then meet with a young goat herder, Lucien Bourgeois, who told him of his anxiety to see more and more of his colleagues quit the fault craft a price sufficient milk. Francois Hollande takes time to talk to each other.

But when it passes in front of Holstein dairy farmers, the dairy industry reference race, an hour after his arrival, atmosphere skids. “Resignation, resignation breaks up,” we hear in a concert of whistles. “We wanted to express our distress, says Marion, breeder at the head of a herd of 65 dairy in the Aube, at Marolle

Bailly. He would not listen. It was said out loud what people thought of him. When one is not capable of being the height of the current crisis, there is one solution: leave. Will it take that one disappear one after the other so that the power to take the right steps ?, asks the peasant. “Friends hanged themselves in their stable because they could no longer cope with loads of accumulation,” she insists. Some other young farmers, who participated last Sunday night, the action before the house of Stéphane Le Foll at Le Mans, are also among the protesters. “For two years we are promised a recovery of the dairy sector and we see nothing coming, we get impatient. Fortunately we are passionate about our business, “says Emmanuel, a farmer in the Sarthe from being molested by plainclothes policemen, approaching too close to the head of state.

When you are not able to be up to the current crisis, there is one solution: from

. then around 10 o’clock when all the participants think the hardest is over, the stand of the Ministry of Agriculture located in the institutional lobby is sacked by 130 operators of the FNSEA, Ile de France. “The police prevented us from doing what was expected to agree with them: unfurl a banner on the ministry’s stand to show our distress, Damien Greffin acknowledges the virulent boss of the Paris majority union. We were repelled by security forces and it is at that moment that everything has degenerated. ” The solidified cardboard based ecological furniture Ministerial stand was completely destroyed. “The incident is closed,” expressed himself in Xavier Beulin substance after negotiations with the prefect of Paris, the Police released the five farmers arrested after the rampage. This show really can not do without like the others. We expect more angry movements in the coming days.


Opponents of the shale gas are mobilizing in the Gard – Le Figaro

A rally in Barjac in the Gard is organized on Sunday late morning, at the initiative of collective Ardèche “Stop Shale Gas”. The reasons for the anger: a court order issued in late January that allows Total multinational to resume shale gas research

The anti sling. shale -Gas off again in the south of France. Several thousand people gathered Sunday in Barjac (Gard) requesting a total ban on the exploration and exploitation of shale gas. While the organizers announced 15,000 participants in mid-afternoon, the police dénombrait in 6000, reports France Bleu Ardeche. “Nothing is loose,” “It’s still there,” “We are not masochistic-schists,” could be read on the demonstrators placards.

“We do not want promises, we want actions,” insisted during a press conference Paul Reynard, one of the collective Stop spokespersons shale gas, which called for “citizens assembly”. “The Minister of Ecology Ségolène Royal has not stopped us unfulfilled promises, like all its predecessors. It is enough if the Socialist government wants to legislate, he must do it immediately. ” Otherwise, mobilization, nonviolent since 2010, will be transformed into “blocks”, threatened a spokesman Sebastien Spain.

A legal battle dating from 2011

The reasons for their anger: a court order issued in late January. The Cergy-Pontoise Administrative Court annulled the repeal of the exploration permit called “Montelimar” granted to two companies in the Total Group in April 2010. In other words, the court authorized the multinational to resume shale gas research several thousand km² in Drôme, Ardèche, Gard, Vaucluse and Herault.

This legal battle was in October 2011. At the time, the government had decided to repeal the three exploration licenses including the total. The executive was then made that decision under the law of 13 July 2011 banning the controversial technique of hydraulic fracturing, the only employee so far to extract the gas trapped in shale narrow cracks. And even if Total had pledged not to resort to this solution, the Ministry of Ecology had estimated that the oil was not

specific enough on substitutions solutions. Considering this decision unfounded, Total had decided to file an appeal.

Ségolène Royal appealed

On 28 January, the Cergy-Pontoise Administrative Court eventually decide canceling the repeal of the license. “The Tribunal found that the two companies of the Total group had fulfilled their obligations in a clear commitment not to resort to hydraulic fracturing,” he justified in a statement. “This decision really angry people. It has greatly expanded our movement, “said Mr. Reynard. “Oil as Total obtain permits over 15 years, they expect a change of majority and the coming to power of parties supporting the exploitation of shale gas,” he said, referring to the party Republicans.

In the process, the Ecology Minister has appealed this decision. Which for now puts the decision of the court admnistratif. The minister said in a statement that “the law on the energy transition to green growth” fixed “target of reducing 30% of the oil consumption by 2030″. She else reaffirmed its determination “to strictly enforce the prohibition of hydraulic fracturing in an objective of protecting the environment and health.”

Total had however stated shortly before the decision of Cergy court does not want to “push through on that subject” and go against the advice of the government. “If the national community does not want us to do exploration of shale gas, we will not do,” reacted the CEO of Total, Patrick Poyanne, micro Europe 1. “I think he needs to be a consensus on such a subject. ” Statements that have not reassured the opponents.


Perico Légasse: the agricultural show or cynicism of the FNSEA and supermarkets – Le Figaro

FIGRAOVOX / BIG INTERVIEW – Perico Légasse was present at agricultural show this weekend. The opportunity to take stock with FigaroVox on the crisis of the rural world and to remember that the show is primarily that of major brands.

Perico Légasse is editor of the topic wine and food at the weekly Marianne .

tHE VOX FIGARO: the agricultural show opened this weekend. Just a few weeks FigaroVox, you stated: “The Fair will remain the major industrial and commercial brands whose profits are made on the eradication of a company they have helped to ruin.” This show does -it still make sense?

Absolutely, this show has a very deep meaning, that to dedicate the triumph of the agricultural industry through the eradication of peasant agriculture. As if a gun dealer installed a mausoleum to his glory in the middle of the cemetery of the city bombed by its aircraft. When I see the giant billboard at the sign of a famous low cost distributor in the middle of dairy cows as his stores sell an infamous import white liquid, UHT brick that ruin the French breeders, I think the provocation has limits. It’s fair thugs who come taunt the people they extort and everyone wanders these aisles and say that cohabitation is a great sign of social evolution. A joke does one?

It is still the recipient of the anger of part of the peasantry. François Hollande was booed by farmers asking him to resign …

Fearing overflows, Nicolas Sarkozy had not opened the lounge 2010. This never happened during the Fifth Republic. At least, Francois Hollande, to the level of national unpopularity, he did not steal it. The intensity of the uproar and the violence that followed did were not seen. Such insulting the head of state has been shocking. The difference is that with Nicolas Sarkozy Francois Hollande has not replied, “! Go away, silly”

It should be said height of paradox, he was under the “protection”, in addition to its security Service General Tapioca way (what failure to proclaim his fear of the people with such police deployment when it was elected by universal suffrage, that’s vacillating regime that clings), Xavier Beulin, president of the FNSEA, the union mainly responsible majority of the appalling situation in which French agriculture is. Being there, I witnessed the scene. There was something grotesque to see a forest of flags, at the sign of the gravedigger union welcome the coroner to mourn over the dead body of their common victim. For if François Hollande belongs to a party that has consistently promoted and voted, right and center, François Bayrou in mind, agricultural policies that send our peasants in the wall for 40 years, there was a sacred cynicism dose Beulin from Xavier, CEO of the multinational April (ex Sofiproteol) equivalent, the agro industrial level, of what is Michelin on the tire field, playing the representative of the ruined farmers. Let’s say he is not truly representative.

What is this contradictory?

Xavier Beulin is leading a industrial empire that not only has nothing to agricultural in the original sense of the term, but promotes an economic system which, moreover, eradicates the real agriculture. Challenged by its base discredited among its members for a long time owned factories that processes of the Brazilian industrial chicken (while sending commandos of the FNSEA to protest against poultry imports putting French industry at evil), the President Beulin was reminiscent of an incendiary treating the arsonist matches merchant. Then they went for a walk booed, addressed to one as to another.

Is not it a little easier to blame when the FNSEA we know the complexity of the issues and power relations in terms of agricultural issues?

of course the FNSEA is not alone guilty. There is also in this union, including departmental federations (FDSEA) adherents who do not share the national strategy and fought to prevent the excesses that led to the current tragedy. FNSEA is not a block. Upon succeeding Luc Guyau, in 2001, two candidates opposed in the election to the presidency of the union, Jean-Michel Lemetayer, continuer of the productivist option, representing breeders, and Dominique Chardon, bearer of a new vision of agriculture concerned with environmental compliance, bio producer in the Gard. The first prevailed. In 2010, it was the victory of the grain lobby, with Beulin

Not forgetting the deadly trio Agricole. – MSA (MSA) – Chambers of Agriculture where sometimes the same dignitaries sit in three instances . Dignitaries often affiliated with … FNSEA. Coincidence. The other scourge eradicator is retail, public enemy # 1 of Agriculture and, at this level of deterioration of the market, the French economy. But it would be too easy to blame only the institutions. When he has the money, and he does not change his eating habits in the direction of a responsible and civic attitude, the consumer is also involved in the collapse of our agricultural heritage. Hence the urgency, we never repeat it enough, a civic information for adults on consumer issues and taste education for the generations that will be customers of tomorrow.

the resignation of François Hollande would it change anything to the situation. The president and the executive are they paying for the negligence of their predecessors?

The resignation of the President of the French Republic does not change much the situation in that that the fundamental levers, which we agreed to lose control in agricultural policy, are today operated in Brussels. Furthermore it is true that the current executive inherits forty years of Wrong Way and lies. The greatest criminal is Jacques Chirac who managed to make believe that he was the savior of farmers by establishing a system of total assistantship funded by the German taxpayer through the CAP. Coup, in tactical terms, to set a one-time deficiency, but disaster in strategic terms, when installing, structurally, a fundamental economic activity for the nation in a logic of generalized subsidies. Everything was modeled and continued on this principle regardless of the ruling majority. To sum up, the way the Chinese proverb, we were given a fish to eat French farmer rather than teach him to fish.

The crux of the problem is it European?

I will not say it like that. Europe, in itself, is not a defect, on the contrary. It is even the only solution brings hope to our agriculture, in a true common market subject to free and undistorted competition focusing first community interests. True greater Europe is Europe as a priority and then the world. The opposite of what has been put in place. This is the original spirit of the Treaty of Rome and I do not despair that chaos towards which we are moving strides us back one day if we do not want the “Euroexit” understand the output of the European Union Of the history. The Commission in Brussels has become a wound. Romanian Dacian Ciolos was a good Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development. His departure in 2014 was a great relief for the lobbies. Today the European Union cancer is the Atlanticist clan that acts within the institutions. The conditions of trading on the transatlantic Treaty (document kept secret, available at certain hours without permission to make a copy or translate) are hallucinating. The silence surrounding these transactions not conducted on people without warrants or representation proves that something illegal is going on between Brussels and Washington. In Paris, the topic is taboo when asked the top of the state, “Do not worry, it will not succeed, Germany will oppose.” For once, this is a big American TAFTA meteorite that may one day

fall on us.

Must start restore milk quotas? If its partners, particularly Germany, refuse to hear, France should she act unilaterally?

Let’s say it was a mistake to remove them even if they were, anyway, an artificial arrangement designed to regulate the market, thus by no means a permanent solution. The real solution is that the French market buys and consumes French French milk cows by paying a fair price to the producer, not the collecting cooperative nor the distributor racketeer. The formula may seem simplistic. Yet it is the only Cartesian, efficient, fair and legitimate. For the rest, it was agreed that Germany retains the role of major industrial power and the France of the great agricultural power. Thus the Gallic and Teutonic cows had bolts were well kept. But our friend and ally dear, dear Chancellor panzer decided otherwise and the Federal Republic has also become the first European agricultural power with methods of disloyalty unnamed, in total disregard of the major European balances. Starting with the use of Romanian workers, Bulgarians or Poles subject to the social legislation of posted workers in factories in meat that the cost ruin our producers. The Germans operate the diktat. Adenauer wake up, she went crazy!

What do you think of the reaction of Stéphane Le Foll after the night tour Sunday surprise of farmers?

as a patron of the exhibition, he resented, and this is normal. . Legitimate reaction of someone who himself was tested when protesters came interpellate the home, a Sunday night

On this question, I’ll be solemn and categorical: I do not share all About Stéphane Le Foll when he tackles some agricultural issues, I do not agree with all his decisions about production chains, and nobody can suspect me of any political collusion with the government spokesman Valls but I assert here that it is the largest agriculture minister that the French Republic has been a long time. A thought for Philippe Vasseur, Glavany Jean and Michel Barnier, who were also very good ministers. Stéphane Le Foll shows undeniable skill and knows his files like no other. Without borrowing the jargon to anyone, I think he can not do everything and, when possible, others do not allow it to decide. It has a margin of French governor in 2016 Europe and must often make difficult choices. Point. I have said and written many times, here and elsewhere, its draft to make France the leading European agro-ecology, and measures installed in this sense, is a significant event. It is even a major historical turning point in the history of French agriculture from the Edgard Pisani Modernization Act in 1964. You have to go even harder, because it’s the only voice of salvation for our farmers.

You’re the only one to come to the defense minister.

of course, this is not enough, of course, things are struggling to put in place, but given the morbid hostility of officials of the FNSEA respect to this great idea, you understand why. This animosity is also the best proof that agroecology is a step towards a situation where agronomy and ecology combined enable France to become the thriving agricultural power it was.

Also, nocturnal attack at his home in Le Mans, and the acts that followed, are unfair. They leave a sick feeling for those who believe in political confrontation in the loyalty and dignity. Stéphane Le Foll does not behave like a dignitary and use a minimum of protection for personal safety. He travels in second class on the train and everyone can approach to discuss with him. Abusing this facility is not worthy of peasants, even nerve ends. Few voices are raised to denounce the method. Saturday morning on the show, I heard the insults of unprecedented violence made against him, and despite all the sympathy and active solidarity that I bring to the peasant cause, I found just disgusting to treat so. One day it will be recognized, with all the reservations we want, the good he has done to France. I say bluntly. Should one be astonished that position and would assume anything, he owes nothing to me and I owe him nothing. It is a question of values.

The angry farmers she translated more widely the gap between the elites and the people, the clash between two worlds that have nothing in common?

Not only. I would even between two conceptions of France. In a very interesting paradox in the sense that preserving the earth world can have a connotation maurassienne while also fighting environmentalists left. For what I think ecology is a conservatism as opposed to progress as a source of environmental damage. Hence the contradictions and confusions in some parties. At the same time, a certain agriculture believes in emancipation by adopting modern methods, intensive and lucrative that the socio away the heritage character of its activity. In which case it puts sustainable in the background since the market refuses to pay him the two. We are now in overproduction for a limited offer or down. Only way, producing less but better. There is therefore a farmer who does not want to become a farmer and there is the farmer who does not want to become a farmer. Whoever loves plowing with satellite guidance and he who loves plowing with feet on the ground. Not two worlds but two civilizations who oppose. This divide is at the heart of rural tragedy that we live for twenty years. Next is to graft the urban vision of this distress. A time considered a polluter, whiny, assisted the peasant is finally perceived without which we are nothing. The future of the planet is in their hands. So civilization. And this future will be what we make of it, a floor cocksucking to eat fast and cheap or a preservative that can sit around the table with good food, clean and fair. Someone who is on Earth only to produce and conquer market share of subsidized or someone who is there to feed us, supporting himself by the fruit of his work adequately paid. The laws of nature, inalienable parameter when approaching 7 billion people, will not be satisfied from those of the mandatory unlimited growth. And there is the peasant, and resource management, which will determine the fate of mankind. The company will soon what choice do if she wants to save her children.

Can the revolt of the farmers be the spark that will lead to a national protest movement? Can there be merger of struggles?

I do not think so. The great social earthquakes are generally urban. The rural population does not have enough demographic weight, which is a tragedy in itself, to induce an earthquake. However, supportive, strong and well-coordinated, peasant anger can block the country, possibly more with other sectors of society outraged. This would require a common denominator. The combined incompetence of the political class and the art of flying in squadrons blunders may well be that denominator. The terms of the big night does not seem yet exist, it will not prevent the government from having small painful morning if the mad cow continues to kick over the traces. The urgency of urgency, at this hour, and restore pride to the French peasantry. And this requires courageous decisions.
