Perico Légasse is editor of the topic wine and food at the weekly Marianne .
tHE VOX FIGARO: the agricultural show opened this weekend. Just a few weeks FigaroVox, you stated: “The Fair will remain the major industrial and commercial brands whose profits are made on the eradication of a company they have helped to ruin.” This show does -it still make sense?
Absolutely, this show has a very deep meaning, that to dedicate the triumph of the agricultural industry through the eradication of peasant agriculture. As if a gun dealer installed a mausoleum to his glory in the middle of the cemetery of the city bombed by its aircraft. When I see the giant billboard at the sign of a famous low cost distributor in the middle of dairy cows as his stores sell an infamous import white liquid, UHT brick that ruin the French breeders, I think the provocation has limits. It’s fair thugs who come taunt the people they extort and everyone wanders these aisles and say that cohabitation is a great sign of social evolution. A joke does one?
It is still the recipient of the anger of part of the peasantry. François Hollande was booed by farmers asking him to resign …
Fearing overflows, Nicolas Sarkozy had not opened the lounge 2010. This never happened during the Fifth Republic. At least, Francois Hollande, to the level of national unpopularity, he did not steal it. The intensity of the uproar and the violence that followed did were not seen. Such insulting the head of state has been shocking. The difference is that with Nicolas Sarkozy Francois Hollande has not replied, “! Go away, silly”
It should be said height of paradox, he was under the “protection”, in addition to its security Service General Tapioca way (what failure to proclaim his fear of the people with such police deployment when it was elected by universal suffrage, that’s vacillating regime that clings), Xavier Beulin, president of the FNSEA, the union mainly responsible majority of the appalling situation in which French agriculture is. Being there, I witnessed the scene. There was something grotesque to see a forest of flags, at the sign of the gravedigger union welcome the coroner to mourn over the dead body of their common victim. For if François Hollande belongs to a party that has consistently promoted and voted, right and center, François Bayrou in mind, agricultural policies that send our peasants in the wall for 40 years, there was a sacred cynicism dose Beulin from Xavier, CEO of the multinational April (ex Sofiproteol) equivalent, the agro industrial level, of what is Michelin on the tire field, playing the representative of the ruined farmers. Let’s say he is not truly representative.
What is this contradictory?
Xavier Beulin is leading a industrial empire that not only has nothing to agricultural in the original sense of the term, but promotes an economic system which, moreover, eradicates the real agriculture. Challenged by its base discredited among its members for a long time owned factories that processes of the Brazilian industrial chicken (while sending commandos of the FNSEA to protest against poultry imports putting French industry at evil), the President Beulin was reminiscent of an incendiary treating the arsonist matches merchant. Then they went for a walk booed, addressed to one as to another.
Is not it a little easier to blame when the FNSEA we know the complexity of the issues and power relations in terms of agricultural issues?
of course the FNSEA is not alone guilty. There is also in this union, including departmental federations (FDSEA) adherents who do not share the national strategy and fought to prevent the excesses that led to the current tragedy. FNSEA is not a block. Upon succeeding Luc Guyau, in 2001, two candidates opposed in the election to the presidency of the union, Jean-Michel Lemetayer, continuer of the productivist option, representing breeders, and Dominique Chardon, bearer of a new vision of agriculture concerned with environmental compliance, bio producer in the Gard. The first prevailed. In 2010, it was the victory of the grain lobby, with Beulin
Not forgetting the deadly trio Agricole. – MSA (MSA) – Chambers of Agriculture where sometimes the same dignitaries sit in three instances . Dignitaries often affiliated with … FNSEA. Coincidence. The other scourge eradicator is retail, public enemy # 1 of Agriculture and, at this level of deterioration of the market, the French economy. But it would be too easy to blame only the institutions. When he has the money, and he does not change his eating habits in the direction of a responsible and civic attitude, the consumer is also involved in the collapse of our agricultural heritage. Hence the urgency, we never repeat it enough, a civic information for adults on consumer issues and taste education for the generations that will be customers of tomorrow.
the resignation of François Hollande would it change anything to the situation. The president and the executive are they paying for the negligence of their predecessors?
The resignation of the President of the French Republic does not change much the situation in that that the fundamental levers, which we agreed to lose control in agricultural policy, are today operated in Brussels. Furthermore it is true that the current executive inherits forty years of Wrong Way and lies. The greatest criminal is Jacques Chirac who managed to make believe that he was the savior of farmers by establishing a system of total assistantship funded by the German taxpayer through the CAP. Coup, in tactical terms, to set a one-time deficiency, but disaster in strategic terms, when installing, structurally, a fundamental economic activity for the nation in a logic of generalized subsidies. Everything was modeled and continued on this principle regardless of the ruling majority. To sum up, the way the Chinese proverb, we were given a fish to eat French farmer rather than teach him to fish.
The crux of the problem is it European?
I will not say it like that. Europe, in itself, is not a defect, on the contrary. It is even the only solution brings hope to our agriculture, in a true common market subject to free and undistorted competition focusing first community interests. True greater Europe is Europe as a priority and then the world. The opposite of what has been put in place. This is the original spirit of the Treaty of Rome and I do not despair that chaos towards which we are moving strides us back one day if we do not want the “Euroexit” understand the output of the European Union Of the history. The Commission in Brussels has become a wound. Romanian Dacian Ciolos was a good Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development. His departure in 2014 was a great relief for the lobbies. Today the European Union cancer is the Atlanticist clan that acts within the institutions. The conditions of trading on the transatlantic Treaty (document kept secret, available at certain hours without permission to make a copy or translate) are hallucinating. The silence surrounding these transactions not conducted on people without warrants or representation proves that something illegal is going on between Brussels and Washington. In Paris, the topic is taboo when asked the top of the state, “Do not worry, it will not succeed, Germany will oppose.” For once, this is a big American TAFTA meteorite that may one day