VIDEO – Breeders whistled Francois Hollande and asked him to resign. Later in the morning, protesters dismantled the stand of the Ministry of Agriculture. CRS conducted five arrests.
François Hollande, back from a long tour in the Pacific and Latin America, inaugurated earlier this Saturday morning the agricultural show, Porte de Versailles. Welcomed by a flag hedge FNSEA, he first met with Xavier Belun, president of the FNSEA at 6:47. “If I’m here today is to show that there is a national solidarity” and “we will do everything” to help agriculture because “defending agriculture I defend the whole nation,” the president said. “You arrive in a difficult environment. A context of deep crisis. It lasts “, and” there is a lot of desperation, a lot of anger, “said his chief of FNSEA, surrounded by members of flags union by hand.
But the calm has been to short one hour after the start of his visit, breeders, dressed in some black t-shirts, booed the president asking him to “resign and break,” according to our reporter on site (see the video end of article). “It’s a state of emergency for breeding!” Says one of them. “Bum”, “we are not migrants,” “asshole,” “dung” and other insults have blended while President progressed amid a hostile hedge breeders. “He’s completely fucks us,” reads another. “It’s been a year that carries out actions in France, nobody listens to us,” adds a third.
The stand of the Ministry of Agriculture completely dismantled
President , accompanied by the Minister of Agriculture Stéphane Le Foll, did not interrupt his visit so far. He then went to the hall 2 of the vegetal pole. There, the atmosphere was calmer, according to our reporter. “I have also come to hear these cries are cries of pain, suffering,” said the Head of State, before noting the various measures taken by the government in recent months, such as reducing the burdens agricultural social. “I came to the salon because I knew I would hear this proclamation. Farmers want a future. I came to act, “he added. He also asked again to distribution groups with annual price negotiations with suppliers are completed in two days, “to make an effort of solidarity.” In the absence of agreement, the Head of State said it would review the law to modernize the economy (LME) passed in 2008, which deregulated the negotiations between suppliers and distributors for pricing farm.
The stand of the Ministry of Agriculture ransacked by protesters angry
The atmosphere was tense again by mid-morning. Demonstrators completely dismantled the stand of the Ministry of Agriculture. CRS intervened to control the demonstrators, who destroyed the walls and booth furniture, and put them away. Some protesters were injured, one finding himself a bloody nose.
Five arrests
The challenge CRS demonstrators at the Agriculture Show Copyright: JOEL SAGET / AFP
After this action, tens of protesters continued to show their displeasure with loud whistles for several minutes. Five people were arrested. Protesters again face a little later to the police, trying to block a van in which their colleagues had been shipped. According to our reporter, there will be no prosecution for the five arrested.
“Our action is legitimate, we can not content ourselves with having only speeches, we want actions,” commented Jérôme Despey, deputy general secretary of the FNSEA. President Francois Hollande, on a visit to the salon this morning, was not present during these clashes. “You can hear the anger. Violence, material damage, no, “responded the president’s entourage.
A questionnaire with 13 points for the political leaders
With the widespread collapse of agricultural courses strikes particularly farmers, more than 40,000 farms are of extreme emergency, Stéphane Le Foll. More than 60,000 (of 490,000) have called for help while a pig farmer in Brittany, loses up to 6,000 euros per week.
President discusses with a farmer who submits a cheese platter during his visit to the salon of Agriculture. Copyright: BENOIT TESSIER / AFP
Despite the prevailing despair, professionals have not boycotted the show, trade fair excellence of french terroirs and a model that questions its future. “We go even if the heart is not there. This is often the only week of vacation farmers, but they are on edge, “says Florent Dornier, General Secretary of Young Farmers (JA). “This is perhaps one of the most complicated rooms for 20 or 30 years.” “Political, they will have to be very careful in what they say. There is a risk of cold shower “Did he warned.
Between bulls competition and competition beasts, will slip Manuel Valls Monday morning and opposition Marine Le Pen (Tuesday ), Nicolas Sarkozy and François Fillon (Wednesday), Alain Juppé (Thursday) and Bruno Le Maire, former agriculture minister who planned a triple timed – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. In all, the FNSEA sent questionnaires to 13 points on agricultural issues. “Those who have not responded better not will stop at our booth” warns Xavier Beulin. “The cows ass, the little glass that goes well and the smile on photo … today it is on something else,” he warned bluntly.
With AFP
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