Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Valls labor code: “I will go to the end” – Release

Prime Minister in battle of communication. Since Monday, Manuel Valls is first in line to defend the draft Labour Code reform bill to be presented on March 9 by the Cabinet. After an exit Monday helmet on the head in a Solvay plant in Mulhouse with Myriam El Khomri (Labour) and Emmanuel Macron (Economics), head of the government chose to take the field via a digital platform on Facebook and it Tuesday morning on RTL, the waves for nearly an hour antenna with questions from listeners

attempts to contain the fire challenged smoldering against the bill. interunion meets on Tuesday at the initiative of the CGT and an online petition calling for the withdrawal of the text reached in three days, nearly 300 000 signatures. Valls then place a pitch that will repeat in the coming weeks: this bill is “more freedom” for Entrepreneurs (derogation to 35 hours, company agreements au over sectoral agreements, possibility of “consultation ” of employees in the event of refusal of a majority of unions …) but also “more protection” for employees ( right to disconnection, personal account activity …).

Valls puts his threat of 49.3

But to listen to listeners’ questions Tuesday morning, it is the bosses who smile and employees who are concerned about. “ I want out, and that I assume, a sterile confrontation between employers and employees , insisted the head of government on RTL. I want out of a caricature of the company “. And since it is so highly of “dialogue” between business leaders and employees, there is no question of wanting to force it to the National Assembly. Valls puts his threat of 49.3. “ Why prejudge the collective intelligence of Parliament? ” Valls launched this morning. Monday, either in Mulhouse or its Facebook platform, the Prime Minister reiterated his “trust” Parliament .” “ A strong government does not mean absence of dialogue , he wrote. Is this law a block? Take it or leave it ? Obviously not! Improvements can be made. “ There will be

amendments, there will be changes” , he repeated on the radio. But, except to retreat, such a reform can not obtain majority left. Besides the traditional “slingers” many socialist MPs do not count adopt a bill they consider too unbalanced.

Valls therefore has to turn back to the center and part of the right and look after her posture “ Republican .” After the constitutional amendment passed in the National Assembly by some Socialist deputies, LR and UDI, the Prime Minister, calls for “ exceed Republicans cleavages” in “the battle for jobs” . “ I do not necessarily think only to the left, even if I am, but I think first the French, France ,” said Valls on RTL. And if the majority is not found? “ I will go to the end” , he promised an entrepreneur Tuesday morning. If he succeeds, he holds his trophy there “reformer” . If he can not, can always say Valls will have been prevented either because of left it deems “outdated ” or right “ not up “ in the fight against unemployment. A setback that he would benefit staff: proof that he, the “progressive” and “pragmatic ” remains “free” in the battle against “ conservatism” . A political position in itself. For the Prime Minister, the Labour Code this operation is, as it says on the content of the bill, “win-win” .

Lilian Alemagna


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