INVESTIGATION The announcement of the discovery of traces of explosives on the victims of the crash of flight egypt air from Paris to Cairo, may 19, 2016, raise the investigation…
elements revealed to the media on Thursday raised new questions in the investigation on the crash of flight egypt air from Paris to Cairo, may 19, 2016, and who has made 66 dead. Thus, traces of explosives have been detected on the remains of the victims, said on Thursday the egyptian ministry of aviation. The track criminal could be followed. Back on the main information and the main issues around this tragedy…
On may 19, 2016, the flight MS804 from Paris to Cairo crashed in the Mediterranean sea after having suddenly disappeared from the radar screens at an altitude of 37000 feet (11.250 meters), without the need of distress call. The crash site is located off of Karpathos, an island located between Rhodes and Crete, in an area of the airspace of egypt. The 66 people on board, of which 40 Egyptians and 15 French, are killed.
The black boxes were rescued in mid-June. One of the two black boxes recovered revealed that alerts of the smoke on board were triggered before the crash of the Airbus A320. By the way, the word “fire” has been picked up by a recorder of vol, But the evidence does not permit to determine, at this day, if a fire was caused by a mechanical problem or a criminal act.
The different tracks for Egypt or France
Until Thursday, the French investigators have privileged the hypothesis of a technical problem, in particular in the absence of a claim and due to alarms indicating failures. The egyptian authorities have leaned more to the terrorist hypothesis.
The question of explosives
The discovery of traces of explosives detected on the remains of the victims raises new questions for investigators. These include : How do these traces of explosives are they arrived at the victims ? Explosives would have been placed in the device ? Where are the explosives, and could they have been placed in the plane to Paris ? These traces of explosive could they prove a terrorist act ?
This element is taken very seriously by the commission of inquiry into egyptian who sent these items to the public prosecutor of egypt. The egyptian ministry says in a press release this Thursday that according to the egyptian law, the prosecutor is seized ” if it becomes clear in the eyes of the commission of inquiry [on the crash] that there are suspicions about the criminal origin of the accident “.
previous ?
at the End of October 2015, a bomb exploded aboard an aircraft of the Russian tourists after take-off from the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh in eastern Egypt. The drama has been 224 deaths. The attack was claimed by the group jihadist islamic State.
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