Manuel Valls, François de Rugy, François Bayrou, Laurent Wauquiez… This weekend, the arrows are parties of the left, center, or right.
The state of grace is already completed for the French prime minister François Fillon. Three weeks after his impressive victory in the second round of the primary to the right, the candidate is invested has lived a tough week. Obliged to rétropédaler on his health project, criticised for his silence on the syrian issue, the former prime minister is already weakened. According to an Ifop poll published by le Journal du dimanche, his victory in 2017 is desired by only 28% of French and 62% of the respondents say they are “worried” by his program. This weekend, French prime minister François Fillon has chosen to take to the pitch in moving Mali and Niger at the meeting of French soldiers. But the attacks have intensified, coming from all sides of the political spectrum.
” Bayrou calls for a reorientation of its programme
to The MoDem, the social program of François Fillon continues to act as a scarecrow. “For the moment, the project (Fillon) is a project that I consider as risky for the unity of the French society and its economic recovery”, warned the president of the MoDem Sunday on BFMTV. “I’m not the only one” to issue these doubts, “including in the camp of François Fillon, people say mezza voce”, according to him. “It is important to see if there are possible developments”, said François Bayrou, who does not rule out a bid.
” Valls denounces his “cynicism”
For the former prime minister, the project of Fillon, “it is less independence for France compared to Russia and this is a project hard for the French, bringing into question the underpinnings of the social model”. “You can’t change project and programme between the primary and before the French. It is cynicism, it is not honest,” said Sunday the candidate for the primary, in allusion to the withdrawal of a paragraph of the draft Fillon on social security, which had raised many concerns, “Me, I want to defend a Republic firm on the principles, about secularism, about rights, about duties, but a Republic so benevolent and generous, which ensures that everyone has access to health care for example, this is a big difference between François Fillon and me”, explained Manuel Valls.
” Rugy wants explanations about his links with Moscow
Candidate ecologist at the primary, François de Rugy has chosen to attack the candidate of the right on two fronts: on the one hand, its “pro-Russian”, at a time when Moscow is challenged by the western camp for its role in Syria, on the other hand, the possible remuneration of his company 2F Board. “We know that François Fillon has made several trips to Russia, gave several conferences in Russia”. “Is it that they have been remunerated in the framework of her consulting company?”, questioned the member of parliament for the Loire-Atlantic region, asking Mr. Fillon “total transparency” on its ties with Moscow. When asked at the Grand Jury RTL-LCI-Le Figaro, the special adviser of François Fillon Jerome Chartier has assured that the former prime minister had never been paid for a conference in Russia.
” Wauquiez said purge
Other critics, coming out this time of the right: the new organization of his party, which gives little room for sarkozystes, was denounced, particularly by Laurent Wauquiez. “Elected officials engaged behind Nicolas are ready to a total loyalty to. Still it is necessary that they do not feel humiliated”, was released in the JDD as the new vice-president of LR, a subordinate role to a man who was considered by Nicolas Sarkozy as his possible successor.
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