Saturday, December 17, 2016

Seven candidates for the primary from the left by the high authority – The World

The nomination of a socialist activist Gérard Filoche, and that of the municipal councillor of Châteaudun (Eure-et-Loir) Fabien Verdier have not been validated by the high authority.

Jean-Luc Bennahmias, Benoit Hamon, Arnaud Montebourg, Vincent Peillon, Sylvia Pinel, Francois de Rugy, and Manuel Valls, the seven candidates for the primary on the left.

the Seven candidates, four socialists, and three members of other parties, have been permanently applied to the primary of the left, announced Saturday, December 17, the high authority of the ” primary citizen “, to officially launch the start of the campaign. It is the socialist Benoît Hamon, Arnaud Montebourg, Vincent Peillon and Manuel Valls. The only woman in the fray, Sylvia Pinel (radical Party of the left), Jean-Luc Bennahmias (Front democratic party) and François de Rugy (ecologist Party) will participate in this primary which will be held on 22 and 29 January.

The nominations of the municipal councillor of Châteaudun (Eure-et-Loir) Fabien Verdier and the militant socialist Gérard Filoche have not been validated by the high authority, because they have not been able to collect the number of referrals required. The latter told Franceinfo that he had the intention to do ” a double action, at the level of sponsorships, and if not to go directly to the primary [outside of the PS], as Pinel, Rugy or Bennahmias “.

Other disappointed, Pierre Larrouturou (New deal) who believes that ” the socialist Party will bear a terrible responsibility in the defeat of the left in the presidential election “and Bastien Faudot (republican and citizens ‘Movement), which determines that” the rue de Solferino has decided to prevent the emergence of a dynamic of gathering and refoundation of the left.”

To validate their nomination, the contenders had to meet the sponsors of 5 % of one of the following groups : members of the national council of the socialist Party (PS), socialist parliamentarians, regional councillors and departmental socialists representing at least four regions and ten departments, mayors socialist of cities of over 10 000 inhabitants representing at least four regions and ten departments.

Read also : the Candidates, calendar, rules of the game : the primary of the left, how to use it

24 applications in total

” We have had to deal with a very large number of nominations, 24 candidates have arrived to the ” high authority “, explained to the press the president of this instance, the lawyer, Thomas Clay. the ” This underscores the tremendous interest in this primary (…) one true passion “, he rejoiced in it.

The PS table on a participation of between 1.5 million and 2 million people, up from 4.4 million of voters to the right, organised in November and won by François Fillon.

The candidates will now have to make campaign to the forced march, interrupting all the same during the holiday season. Three televised debates are scheduled in January, before the first round. There will then be a debate between the two finalists.

Read also : Primary from the left : who supports who in the PS (and around) ?


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