VIDEO For Bruno Bézard, who was then the director at Bercy, a strategic structure in charge of the case, Adidas, the fate of the folder Tapie was afoot at the highest level of ” the State apparatus “.
At the bar of the Court of justice of the Republic (CJR) on Wednesday, Bruno Bézard, 53-year-old, sure of himself as only some of the senior officials raised the grain of the administration. Today in the private sector, he was the director at Bercy, the Agency of the interests of the State (EPA), strategic framework support, particularly, of the CDRS, the entity created to manage the setbacks of the Credit lyonnais, among which the folder Adidas-Tapie.
Mr. Bézard is overwhelming, at first chief, Stéphane Richard, director of the cabinet of Christine Lagarde, but his testimony is not flattering to the minister. Selected songs: The EPA, many of our notes on this point in the show, was convinced that the arbitration was fundamentally contrary to the interests of the State, without even suspecting a massive fraud. We had understood that the policy decision was to go there, in spite of huge risks and unjustified. My services have worked day and night to try to limit the damage. We have never been consulted about a possible "moral damage" of the spouses Tapie, which has been introduced in the context of a discussion of the singular between M. Rocchi (chairman of the RDC, editor’s NOTE), and the other party (the camp Tapie). The minister was not aware of not most of this addition is scandalous in the back of the State. (…) Mr. Rocchi was in the habit to work directly with the director of the office.
arbitration is implemented in October 2007. In July 2008, the award falls. Cost to State: $ 403 million, of which € 45 million for the very ghostly “moral damage” of the spouses Tapie. Mr. Bézard continues: “Before a decision as scandalous, even with one chance in a thousand to win, there should be an appeal. This was not in the interest of the State to renounce it too quickly. But a lot of things are surprising in this folder…”
The attorney general of Marine, which better supports the defence that the prosecution: “What was your relationship with Stéphane Richard?”
The witness, as warm as a reprimand administrative: the “Professionals.”
According to him, the fate of the folder Tapie was afoot at the highest level of “the State apparatus”, and the decision to bypass the Court of cassation had been made before the appointment of Christine Lagarde: whatever the minister of the Economy, Mr Tapie received 17 times in the Élysée under Nicolas Sarkozy, would have had his arbitration. Mr. Richard, Bruno Bézard never calls that “the director of firm”, would have been the arm of the”State apparatus” within the fortress Bercy. The witness is not believed, moreover, not impossible that his notes alarming on the consequences of an arbitration, for the minister, have been blocked at the office.
On the other hand, his analysis of the renunciation of the use of which embarrasses the current director general of the IMF. It was tried Tuesday to justify his decision, she says, after having carefully established “balance” between the advantages and disadvantages of accepting the curious sentence, but without waiting for the deadline. The incisive questions of the president, Ract-Madoux have, sometimes, made to stagger his beautiful assurance of a woman of power.
called as a witness, Stéphane Richard, CEO of Orange, did not want to move. Indicted with five other persons for organised fraud in the non-departmental statement on the arbitration Adidas-Tapie, he felt that he was not in a position to swear the oath of the witnesses at the trial of her ex-boss who, on Wednesday, was also a bit of his own.
The lesson of common sense policy Thierry Breton, the former minister
there are compliments which would go well, especially when one is accused before the Court of justice of the Republic, in the face of twelve judges, parliamentarians. When Thierry Breton, who preceded Christine Lagarde at Bercy, said of her who was his secretary of State that she “has demonstrated a real political sense” at this time, the applicant does rengorge not. She just continued to have missed, and Mr. Breton describes, at the hearing, as the anti-Lagarde.
On the calamitous folder Adidas-Lurking, he, he, chose the path of justice classic, forming an appeal in cassation against a decision of the court of appeal favouring the businessman, after having publicly taken the advice of a committee of wise men. “And we won! welcomes there. The State was in a very favorable position, the time was playing for us, much less for Bernard Tapie.” However, Ms. Lagarde will a few weeks after his appointment a private arbitration, with the consequences we all know ; in the face of a sentence of extraordinarily generous to “the other party”, she will forfeit the remedy of cancellation, without burdening his decision until the last minute of legal. Mr. Breton is as a minister on the bridge 24 hours on 24, including weekends, reading each note, receiving at their request any of its directors in the event of a serious problem, establishing with them a head-to-head and a system of merit, controlling the lesser press release, denyin g any interview with Mr. Tapie – Ms. Lagarde consent, pressed by his cabinet director. Has he received any pressure from the Elysée, Matignon, in favour of Bernard Tapie? “No, I am formal,” says the former minister. A friendly conciliation was possible in parallel to the proceedings in cassation? Why not, provided that the business man does “not earn a penny”.
The president: “Bernard Tapie would he have accepted a conciliation without pocketing a single euro?”
Mr. Breton, right in its ‘governance’: “My only concern was to protect the interests of the State.”
By leaving the microphone, he shakes the hand of Christine Lagarde. Sitting, the director general of the IMF, meditates, without doubt, the great lesson of common sense policy to which she has just witnessed.
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