The former foreign minister, soon President of the Constitutional Council, resigned Monday from bad night with the presidency of the COP21. Laurent Fabius said in the microphone of Jean-Pierre Elkabbach from 8:18
& gt;. & Gt; & gt; Watch the interview of Laurent Fabius Jean-Pierre Elkabach:
Europe 1 Live by Europe1fr
Laurent Fabius so not cumulate. The future president of the Constitutional Council will not remain that of COP21. Against his will, the former Minister of Foreign Affair, facing a burgeoning controversy and firmness of the Elysee, sent a letter Monday to François Hollande to tell him of his decision. “Given the signs of internal polemic, I judge best to give you my term as President of the COP,” he wrote. Laurent Fabius will explain more fully his decision, and his feelings on Tuesday morning on Europe 1. He is the guest of Jean-Pierre Elkabbach from 8:18.
“A very uncomfortable situation.” Artisan of the agreement against global warming reached in December in Paris, Laurent Fabius hoped to retain the presidency of the COP21 until November. This will quickly drew him criticism to the summit of the Constitutional Council. Monday on Europe 1, Jean-Louis Debré, who heads the Sages since 2007, questioned combine the functions desired by his successor, saying that it created an “extremely uncomfortable” for the other members.
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