Acknowledging the controversy created by its desire to cumulate presidency of the Constitutional Council and the COP21, the former head of French diplomacy Laurent Fabius threw in the towel on Monday night by waiving follow the climate record, success his visit to the Quai d’Orsay. His decision, taken in the day, he announced in a letter to the president, leaving the field open to the successor as the head of state could decide to appoint. The Minister of the Environment Ségolène Royal, who saw his portfolio expanded last week to “international relations climate”, had said Friday he was “clarifying the rules of the game” regarding the dual role which Laurent Fabius aspired. “You have done me the honor of sense to me to chair the Constitutional Council and I thank you very much. In my view, there is no incompatibility with the Presidency of the last phase of the COP21″ wrote Monday evening the applicant in its letter to François Hollande. “However, given the signs of internal debate on this subject, I judge best to give you my term as President of the COP,” he adds. Laurent Fabius “considered that neither the Chair of the COP or the presidency of the Constitutional Council did not deserve this degree of controversy,” says one in his entourage. “Deeply attached to this great cause (climate, Ed), I hope that the implementation of the historic agreement of Paris will be as successful as its adoption”, concludes in his letter Laurent Fabius, who was elected the November 30, 2015 at the Le Bourget climate conference by acclamation by delegates from 195 countries.
France must hand over to Morocco in November for COP22 in Marrakech, to begin to realize the great principles the global agreement against global warming, obtained in Paris under UN auspices. The President of the COP21 will aim to support the implementation of the pact. By Marrakech, few formal appointments are planned, including the launch of the signing of the agreement at the UN in New York on 22 April. Day by day, it is especially Laurence Tubiana, kingpin of the Paris agreement, which will monitor them. In the eyes of Laurent Fabius, there was not impossible for him neither legal nor term schedule, because this voluntary and temporary function is not within the “public service” sector prohibits members of the Council constitutional. At its handover to the Quai d’Orsay Friday questioned about his intention to keep an office for the presidency of the COP, he replied without blinking: “An office Yes, surely?”.
cumulation controversy
last month, the former foreign minister, explained that the JDD remain president of COP21 to Marrakech. “I have to lead in 2016 what I call the year of the” 4 P “. P as a process of signature and ratification, P as details of the Paris agreement, P as pre-2020 period and finally P as preparation of Marrakech “Had décalré.
A decision very quickly particularly challenged by Jean-Louis Debré, the current President of the Constitutional Council. Thierry Mandon Monday, Secretary of State for Higher Education and Research, told iTV, as he pulled the alarm: “Good governance implies that the authorities in the Republic are absolutely indisputable. The Constitutional Council is above all powers, it can not have missions that fall under the executive. ” The Presidency of COP21 could return to the Environment Minister, Segolene Royal.
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