“assumes” . Always the same. Valls manual “assumes” of the government he leads politics, he now considers a left “irreconcilable” and “voice” which, according to him, “is more than ever what this country needs,” . Monday night, before some 400 socialist activists and supporters gathered in a small room of Corbeil-Essonnes, Prime Minister first pretended not to have “well understood” that “Republican gathering” organized by his deputy, Carlos da Silva, was “a meeting” with loud music to greet and deployed two large French flags on his right and his left.
It’s true we’ve seen public more excited about the arrival of a head of government, we have already heard more applause nourished during his speech and a final cut Marseillaise to substitute a remix of the Gossip, it was quite unusual … But it is also true that Valls was conquered territory: at the heart of his district, facing a public who knows for years, in a city where this “Republican gathering” is held every year, except 2014 and 2015 because of local elections
Valls, after defending the policy in Paris. – revision Constitutional economic decisions through position “ human ” but “ closes ‘on refugees – thus ” assumed “ the “voice” – or “path” , depending on how we hear – that “was forged here” , in Essonne. One that allowed him to stand in the socialist family with a triptych: ‘security’ , “secularism” and “drop in labor costs” for companies … “this voice, my voice, her account because she meets, she is more than ever what this country needs,” , has he insisted after again advocated “coherence” makes “credible” policy.
But this way is now, slice the head of government, “irreconcilable” with the rest of the left. Preferring the left working on his “ overflow ,” Valls reiterated that he was against the idea of a primary open to all the political sensitivity to nominate a single candidate in 2017: “The problem is not to hold a primary Jean-Luc Mélenchon to Emmanuel Macron [...] I can not govern with those who believe that François Hollande, it’s worse than Nicolas Sarkozy or Manuel Valls c ‘ is worse than Marine Le Pen, “ or ” with those making meetings with Tariq Ramadan “. Or, with Jean-Luc Mélenchon who harshly criticized the ruling Socialists since 2012 or Clémentine Autain, one of the spokesmen of the Left Front, whose party – Together! – Relayed a call to a meeting “for peace” where the Swiss Islamic scholar intervened in the inter-regional rounds. At the same time, they also did not imagine govern Valls …
While defining new “social-reformist” and “republican”, the prime minister insisted that “there are two possible attitudes, and often they are found to the left “ ” escape “ or ” assume “ responsibilities. The aim is for the Prime Minister to define the boundary between those who left would be able to govern because they have agreed to be part of his government – the majority Socialist Party, the Radical Left, a minority environmentalists – and those “flee [ed]” the responsibilities of power – Duflot and EE-LV, the left Front, the left wing of the PS. Both sides left “irreconcilable.” “We must assume, we assume, I assume , he repeated, we assume with the permanent concern of the general interest” .
“Act boldly”
And if the Prime Minister conceded that his government’s policy could produce “misunderstandings” miss “readability” or there could be “many doubts about the effectiveness” and he reiterated hope that “companies, employers play the game” responsibility pact, it is also applied to remind the “Message left” , the Valls sauce: “act boldly, even if it shakes” . So, too, to keep his “voice” , specific time within the Socialists. One who, when he was a backbencher of Essonne, has allowed it to stand, but that requires Matignon channel.
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