ELECTION the candidate for the primary of the left, describes her project in ” Le Parisien-today in France “…
A project inspired by a ” socialism embodied in a contemporary way, both by Dominique Strauss-Kahn by Jean-Pierre Chevènement “. This is how Arnaud Montebourg, one of the seven candidates in the primary to the left, boasts this Sunday its project in The Parisian-today in France.
” My project is located in the heart of the different lefts, the left social, the left side of the work – I am in favour of the repeal of the law El Khomri – the left side of the values, the defence of civil liberties, secularism, “says the ex-minister, who says he is also” favour the left-hand entrepreneurial “. “I said that my project was socialist but not only. It is also inspired gaullist, eco-friendly, republican “, described Montebourg.
Against the ” decriminalization of cannabis “
He was the minister between 2012 and 2014, also believes that ” the new generation of the left has been burned by this quinquennium “. “It will now be able to move into the future, without forgetting the acts of each other “, does he want to believe. For him, ” it would not be the candidate who will face François Fillon is a candidate for social-liberal “.
Montebourg also regrets that it does not yet know ” neither the program of Vincent Peillon, nor that of Manuel Valls “. “And I disapprove of at least one important point of the program Benoît Hamon, it is the decriminalization of cannabis,” says Montebourg.
>> also read : Primary to the left: The list of 7 candidates in the fray
the proposals include halving the number of parliamentarians and the establishment of the election of a ” fraction of the national Assembly by proportional representation “. It also offers ” the entrance to the Senate of citizens drawn at random on the electoral lists, by department. Montebourg also wants to ” regain control of the administration “, if he is elected, by asking for the resignation of the directors of central administrations, ” to the arrival of the new minister.”
A stimulus package of $ 30 billion
On the social level, the ex-minister seeks full employment. “If it is to reverse the curves…. it was not worth it to bother us “, he noted. It’s focus is on ” recovery plans “, which is a 30 billion euros over the first three years.
>> also read : Valls, Montebourg, Hamon, Peillon… Who are the supports of candidates ?
In the field of education, he wished ” to concentrate efforts, for a start, on the age group enrolled in CP-CE1-CE2, because the delays at that time by some of the children are almost final “. It proposes to create a “master” of basic knowledge “that will” follow students from class to class during these three years.”
Finally, he wished the establishment, in terms of health care, a ” mutual low-priced, that would hold the social Security itself.”
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