Tuesday, December 13, 2016

State of emergency: the Assembly votes on a fifth extension – Obs

Paris (AFP) – meps largely voted in on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, a fifth extension of state of emergency until 15 July, on the grounds of a terrorist threat acute at election time, but many have called to prepare the output of this plan.

Passed by 288 votes to 32, and five abstentions, it should be voted consistent with Thursday in the Senate to avoid the automatic interruption of a state of emergency on 22 December, fifteen days after the resignation of the government Valls.

The very large part of the majority and of the opposition voted for. Only mps left Front, environmentalists protesters and a handful of mps LR have voted against it.

France will see its longest period of state of emergency-uninterrupted – 20 months – since the inception of this plan except during the war of Algeria. Hardened by the Parliament for a year, the plan allows house arrest, searches, administrative bans processions, identity checks and searches of baggage and vehicles, closure of meeting places…

The new Interior minister Bruno Le Roux emphasized that “weighs in today on the France a terrorist risk to an extremely high level”. Since the last extension, passed shortly after the terrorist attack of Nice”, ” we have foiled no less than 13 attacks, involving about thirty individuals,” he pleaded.

With multiple public gatherings, the successor of Bernard Cazeneuve argued that “the intense electoral period in which we enter further increases the risk of passage to the act of terrorists”.

In this period, was held by the new president of the group PS Olivier Faure, “if the worst happened after a strike prior of the state of emergency, it would necessarily be exploited by the far right to call for a regime change.”

Given the tight schedule, the LR group did not seek to harden the text, as in July, and will reserve its amendments “for the reset of the Nation”, according to Guillaume Larrivé, for the last bill’s safe quinquennium modifying the rules of self-defense for the forces of the order, which will be debated in January.

A handful of mps LR, however, have not supported this extension, as Pierre Lellouche, for which “the state of emergency has not helped to prevent terrorist attacks”.

The main challenge came from the deputies left Front, environmentalists, non-registered or ex-PS.

The ecologist Cécile Duflot lamented, “a form of resignation and habit to discuss such exceptional measures”, asking “which government will dare to put an end to this state of emergency” and in which “hands” there is a risk of falling.

“This regime must remain an instrument of emergency. Our arsenal of anti-terrorism is enough,” she said the left Front of André Chassaigne.

These members are based in particular on the advice of the Council of State, which, despite its green light to the draft law, pointed out that “threats to long-lasting or permanent, must be treated, within the framework of the rule of law, by instruments in permanent fight against terrorism, such as those from the adopted laws in the past two years.”

Ex-speaker of the commission of inquiry on post-attacks in 2015, Sébastien Pietrasanta (PS) has expressed its reservations. “Lift the state of emergency is not a disarmament of the State in the face of terrorism”, which will be the “battle of at least a generation”, has it launched.

The radical left Stéphane Saint-André, has, like others, wished that “this extension could be the last.”

- duration Record -

The only incident of the evening was concerned, the amendment introduced by the draft law for the residency, up here not limited in time, which could lead to “an excessive amount of time in the light of freedom to go and to come”, according to the State Council.

commission members were limited to a maximum of 12 months, with possible extension of three months upon a decision of the Council of State.

during the meeting, they are first in revenues, after a close vote on the initiative of Guillaume Larrivé (LR), the initial version of the government, which proposed to limit the subpoena to “15 consecutive months in the absence of new evidence”.

But the chairman of the Law commission Dominique Raimbourg (PS) has requested a second vote on this amendment, calling into question “the ridge line between the protection of civil liberties and effectiveness of the state of emergency” and having already “been the subject of discussions with the Senate” majority of the right.

Confusion and anger of the right, who shouted out in the chamber “in denial of democracy” and to “the amateurism” of the minister, who was surrendered to the wisdom of the Assembly. The text is, however, reverted to the version of the commission.


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