Sunday, September 4, 2016

Primary: Juppé and Sarkozy do not have the same idea of ​​good behavior – Le Figaro

VIDEO / THE SCAN POLICY – The two candidates in the primary have a different understanding of the rules that must govern the country of primary

(from our special correspondent in La Baule and Agen)

Small exchange 600 kilometers away. In his Saturday speech at La Baule, Alain Juppe had invited its competitors to follow a “code of conduct” which would spare many blunders in the primary. “No personal attack,” he had urged, adding: “I think not having uttered a long time.” “A clear and indisputable elections,” he had then asked. He finally promised “a clear commitment to support” behind whoever will be appointed after the primary. “I will continue to exercise calm, coolness and serenity,” he further assured.

On Sunday, however, before the same audience, Nicolas Sarkozy explained why, in he said the solution presented by its competitor was not good. “I do not like codes of conduct, said the former president of LR. I love good conduct. When talking about code is that already has problems. “

Agen, where he was Sunday guest of the Federation of Lot-et-Garonne, Alain Juppe expressed to his surprise. “It’s pretty amazing to explain that there is no problem, said Alain Juppe Figaro. There is a problem is discord! “” Just listen to the activists who come to me and worry about the bites of each other, “he added. In his speech, the mayor of Bordeaux has also renewed its call. “In this open primary, we need a code of conduct,” he repeated. “What is happening today in Agen is exemplary”, has he also welcomed in an allusion to his presence and that of Jean-Francois Cope at the same meeting, at the same table and “courteously” .


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