Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Three teenage girls kidnapped by two armed robbers in … – TF1

Three teenage girls kidnapped by two armed robbers in … – TF1

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the December 31, 2014 at 9:19 p.m.

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Miscellaneous When a burglary that took place Tuesday Montataire in Oise, three teenage girls were kidnapped from their home by two armed burglars. No violence was observed.

Three girls aged respectively 12, 13 and 14 were kidnapped from their home in the absence of their parents by two armed robbers on Tuesday in Montataire near the town of Creil in the Oise , said on Wednesday in the day the prosecutor Senlis.

The two men broke into the house on Tuesday afternoon “time to search several rooms of the house,” sequestering girls without physical violence, told the AFP Amélie Cladière. “We asked them to put in one place and not to move, under the threat of a weapon,”

she detailed, adding that teen had not been gagged and could not ” not say if (the weapon) was real or fake. ”

The burglars “came away with things that do not have a lot of value, it was not a wealthy family,” assured the prosecutor Senlis. Teen, shocked, fled to a neighbor, who called immediately the parents and the police. The Creil police station was seized of the case and the investigation.

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The prosecutor Tours reaffirms the legitimate defense of police – DNA – Latest News from Alsace

The prosecutor Tours reaffirms the legitimate defense of police – DNA – Latest News from Alsace

         The police Jou & # XE9;. -the-Tours AFP / GUILLAUME Souvant

The police Joue-les-Tours. AFP / GUILLAUME Souvant

The prosecutor of Tours Jean-Luc Beck reiterated on Wednesday that police officers who killed Dec. 20 Nzohabonayo Bertrand, in the police station in Joue-les-Tours, had acted in self-defense, while attacking with a knife.
“As it stands, the police witnesses and civil (present at the facts, ie) say the same thing, namely that the assault (police by Mr. Nzohabonayo, note) was immediate,” said Mr. Beck, who further stated that all the facts were undertaken “inside the lock” the input station. He further stated that Mr. Nzohabonayo went spontaneously only at the entrance of the police station he shook the door before a security assistant comes to open and do enter it in the entrance hall, and that it was not the subject of any proceedings or convening at the time.
prosecutor called all the witnesses who had not yet done so to develop quickly with the police. “I am willing to investigate any element we would like to inform me and which would go against what I have said so far,” he said. “I will make every effort to ensure that this investigation as rigorously and dispassionately as possible,” he added. “It is extremely unpleasant to have unfounded direct testimony which then circulate it as a serious matter.”

“No CCTV camera”
Asked about the fact

that Mr. Nzohabonayo have cried or not “Allaouh Akhbar” at the facts, the prosecutor, who is in charge of the investigation into the circumstances of his death while terrorism prosecutor of Paris investigating his possible terrorist nature, responded that he could “neither deny nor deny” on this point, outside of its jurisdiction. Finally, the prosecutor stated that there was CCTV cameras either inside or outside the police station. “Obviously I would have preferred to have,” said he said.
Counsel for the family of Mr. Nzohabonayo, Me Jérémie Assous, who spoke at a press conference in Tours immediately after the prosecutor nevertheless considered that the clarification did not raise doubts about what really happened. “How is it that ten days of witnesses people the facts, which have extremely important explanations, have still not been heard,” he asked himself. “Today after the press conference (the prosecutor, ed) the only items that were collected are in line with the official version.” But “there are other elements that contradict” this version, he reiterated, calling the prosecutor as those with items to bring into the course of events to come forward with the judicial police. “Satisfied” remarks of the prosecutor corroborating the first elements of the investigation of self-defense, the Regional Secretary of Alliance National Police Lilian DEMASY interviewed on site was also called witnesses who have a different version to “move” and “come to the prosecutor”



Burglars kidnap three teenagers – Le Parisien

Burglars kidnap three teenagers – Le Parisien

href="" target="_blank">LikeTweet

Oise: 3 teenage girls kidnapped by burglars –

Oise: 3 teenage girls kidnapped by burglars –


A police car patrolling the streets on May 15, 2014 (illustrative picture)

Three girls aged 12, 13 and 14 were sequestered at home in the absence of their parents by two armed burglars Tuesday, December 30 in Montataire near Creil (Oise), said Wednesday the prosecutor Senlis.

The two burglars broke into the afternoon “time to search several rooms of the house,” sequestering young girls without physical violence , said Amélie Cladière, confirming a report of France 3 .

The girls do not subjected to violence

“They were asked to put themselves in a place and not to move, under the

threat of weapons,” she detailed adding that teen had not been gagged and we could “not say if (the weapon) was real or fake.”

Burglars “came away with things that do not have a lot of value, it was not a wealthy family” is it has the same source. Teen, shocked, fled to a neighbor, who called the parents and the police. The Creil police station has received the investigation.

Writing recommend


VIDEOS. UMP: the race for the primary in 2016 through the vows – L’Express

VIDEOS. UMP: the race for the primary in 2016 through the vows – L'Express

What vows evoke the future, what is more normal. But with the political, exercise takes particular round. Yes, they are looking to the future. Their future.

Alain Juppe did not even try to hide it. The mayor of Bordeaux seriously thinking for president in 2017 and ends his blog notes: “It is my hope that together we in 2015, 2016, 2017 … good years for France.”

The darling of the polls has opened the ball of wishes to the UMP, grilling politeness to the president. On Twitter and Facebook, Nicolas Sarkozy has delivered a video in the line of refined communication in recent months: short, interspersed with French words and close to a campaign video.

The former head of state repeated a dozen times the word “gathering”, which should be the new name of the UMP in February. Two words come insistently: “France” and “rotation”. The first completely replaces the UMP-as in his political comeback in September the party’s name is not mentioned, the second shows the will to lead the campaign for the succession of François Hollande today.

Bruno Le Maire also has some antsy. In a very short -50 seconds video, he announced the continuation of the Tour de France started during the campaign for the presidency of the UMP, “I’ll meet you because I find in you a force, an energy, a will, exceptional generosity, which restore my confidence in France. ” And “my future”, could he add.

No Tour de France for Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet ,

focused on Paris. The defeated candidate in municipal capital devoted to a very large part of his wishes. Not to mention after two minutes remain mysterious about its future intentions. “We need to reinvent our old system At this reinvention, I would spend all my energy in 2015.”

The other frames (Fillon, Bertrand) had not shared their vows this December 31, by mid-afternoon. But one can imagine that they will incorporate a formula like this: “Thank you to all the French who have shown me their affection and support every day Together in 2015, we will continue working to the recovery of France..”

The UDI is not far behind. As the UMP, the vows are an opportunity to display his ambitions. Jean-Christophe Lagarde slips a note on the primary that allowed him to be elected president of the centrist party, thanking its competitors Yves Jégo and Hervé Morin. But not a word about Jean-Christophe Fromantin. Hervé Morin, he chose not to mention he lost the primary greeting and wishes for 2015 and 2016. As for François Bayrou, it is in Pau. And it shows.


The investigation and rumors of Joue-les-Tours – The World

The investigation and rumors of Joue-les-Tours – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

The forensic police station in Joue-les-Tours on 20 December 2014.

Joue-les-Tours (Indre-et-Loire) – Special Envoy

The procession slowly progressing in the cemetery. A television camera has anticipated the arrival of the hearse. Placed on a grave, immortalizes the bereaved faces and raises murmurs of disapproval. In this Monday, Dec. 29, they are a hundred, mostly Muslims, accompanied Bertrand Nzohabonayo,

nicknamed “Bilal” since his conversion, for his burial. The young man was shot dead on December 20 in the entrance hall of the police station in Joue-les-Tours, Indre-et-Loire, by police that he had assaulted kitchen knife.

Wrapped in his long black coat, Vénérand Nzohabonayo, practicing Catholic, a former Burundian refugee policy dignitary now unemployed, took the shovel and covered the coffin of her son. The imam says a prayer. The wind whistles between the graves. Discussions resumed quietly. Loop.

Ten days after the tragedy, few faithful to believe that Bilal has launched a “terrorist attack” against the police, as is the “official version” . Bar-PMU Victor Hugo, which are found around a retired and unemployed youth beer, it is not easier to find a resident who gives credit to the account of the forces of order. Each young person here has personal experience of police violence to tell. And in turn feeds the rumor Joue-les-Tours.

The rumor of a revenge of the “cowboy”

The distrust is such that a worm .. .


VIDEOS. The wishes of policies for 2015 – Le Parisien

VIDEOS. The wishes of policies for 2015 – Le Parisien

December 31 2014, 3:38 p.m. | Updated: December 31 2014, 5:36 p.m.

On the same subject


Alain Juppé, wishes for 2015 but also for 2017 … As usual, it’s on his blog that the UMP mayor of Bordeaux (Gironde) chose to express themselves. Having made his vows “all French,” the UMP candidate primary for 2017 was “a special thought for those and those, on this website or in other ways, showed me their support and encourage me to continue my business. ” And slides this message while innuendo: “It is my hope that together we in 2015, 2016, 2017 … good years for France.”

Jean-Pierre Raffarin , senator wishes to fifteen. It’s his little ritual. As every year, the UMP Senator of the Vienna publishes (Funny) greeting list. This year there in fifteen formula. In particular, “that Nicolas Sarkozy finds the path to moderate primary anti-Sarkozysme “; “That the president does not exhaust the patience of the French”; “Alain Juppe laced up his boots seven leagues” or “the Poitou inspired by the PS Congress a little tenderness his lambs ” The … tastier, he keeps it to the end, “What Philae (Note: the new labrador Hollande) is set with authority and sincerity, two qualities of a good teacher.”

NKM, coffee Former candidate for mayor of Paris and now leader of the UMP in the City Hall is from a café in the capital Nathalie Kosciusko Morizet sends his greetings to the French. A tackle in Hidalgo, another François Hollande, and more generally to “the left that never ceases to despair the French.” 2015 will, she says, “a year full of challenges” including the opportunity to “take many territorial executive”. All in his new role as vice president of his party, it also warns that “the UMP today must change from top to bottom its organization, its people, its way of generating ideas.” “With a goal of restoring hope.”

VIDEO. Greeting NKM

Anne Hidalgo Mayor primarily “Parisian Parisians …” It was mayor of Paris in his clothes , Anne Hidalgo, who took last March’s estate Bertrand Delanoe at City Hall, presented his wishes. Focused on the policy it wishes to drive in the capital, it evokes in turn the need for “economic recovery in employment service”, “ecological transition”, “solidarity” and the “challenge of democracy. ”

VIDEO. The wishes of Anne Hidalgo

Jerome Guedj, so undercover Policies Election year requires, the President of the

General Council Essonne wants to show the face of a “department 100% useful.” Then to his vows in 2015, he has worked hard. To make “tribute to the officers of the departmental service,” Guedj turn donned the costume bus driver, cook, nurse, employee of a nursing home, public works officer, fireman … The figure of left wing of the PS does not hide his fear of the departmental Socialist debacle in March. And struggles to defend the record of the general councils. For, as he was moved there a fortnight ago on France Info: “I do not want to be scanned for reasons that escape me, so we worked seriously and worked in the departments! “

VIDEO. Greeting Jérôme Guedj

François Bayrou, since Pau This city, “a jewel” in his eyes, made his 2014. After many unsuccessful attempts, Francois Bayrou was finally elected mayor of Pau (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), in the municipal of March. It is therefore natural in its stronghold as the boss of the Modem recorded his wishes to the French in 2015. Advocating a “duty of optimism,” he recalls three imperatives for the political year ahead: “lucidity requirement “” courage to duty, “a” new democracy “. At his party, he gives this mission:

VIDEO “Wear a life force which the country needs to renew its political life.”. Greeting Bayrou

Marine Le Pen, the eye on the elections Some dates are already checked in its agenda. Those of departmental and regional elections of March and December. In his vows, available on the website of his party, the president of the National Front makes this call: “Consolidate in 2015 the successes of 2014.” Those municipal and European last spring “historic for the Patriots.” For Marine Le Pen repeat several times in his message, it is good for the FN to “put the stones of his way to power.” “Our electoral gains, our local presence, our professionalism, our openness to new themes, new rallies occurred lately … These are our strengths that bring us closer each day a little more power,” slipping away-t she, having blasted the balance of socialist power.

VIDEO. Greeting Marine Le Pen

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Nicolas Sarkozy addresses his vows of “gathering” and … – The World

Nicolas Sarkozy addresses his vows of "gathering" and … – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

Nicolas Sarkozy on December 13 in Paris.

The message is clear: the year 2015 will be that of Nicolas Sarkozy to rally his political family and the French. In a video posted on Facebook and realized as a campaign video, the new president of the UMP wants his wishes to his countrymen since his party office. A statement where activists speak before leaving the former president speak.

“Nothing is possible without the gathering of everyone together we can build the alternative for France. I want to tell all our members to our friends, to all those who trust in us, that this gathering and this union were on. Nothing will question them “ says Sarkozy


In a little more than two minutes, the word ” gathering “ and ” gather “ are pronounced nine times. Perhaps a reference to the new name of the party that should be unveiled in January. But also a willingness to “appeasement” from the new president of the UMP in 2016 while the primary is already in everyone’s minds. Its main competitors are accelerating their campaign in 2015. The mayor of Bordeaux, Alain Juppé, will begin a series of thematic trips in the month of January.

Attracting new members

Nicolas Sarkozy to prepare collective maturity, including departmental elections in March and regional December. It must also upgrade its advantage by providing it with new statutes in the study that should be voted by the militants during a re-founding congress in April 2015. A

series of thematic conventions should help build the foundations of a program to to prepare for the presidential election in 2017.

“The French have asked us to prepare the conditions for alternation. Why? Because they realized that globalization is a fact that nobody would be above and must modernize our country for businesses to be competitive, that young people want to succeed in their country which is theirs for the school trains young people for tomorrow’s world, not the world of yesterday “, says the former head of state by taking one of its major autumn campaign themes. During his meetings, Sarkozy often mentioned the departure of young French abroad.

One of the largest projects of the new president of the UMP will expand its base activist. He promised that the party would exceed the 500 000 members in 2017, while the number of militants is currently about 210 000. tracks are being considered to attract new troops.

Personal Ambiitions

“2015 is the year of work in the service of the French. All those who wish to participate are welcome (…). That at least this time the holidays is a moment of calm where everyone ends up in the universe that trusted him (sic) , that is to say, the family universe. Happy New Year 2015. My best wishes are with you “, he says in this video tour before leaving on vacation in Morocco.

After his 2012 presidential campaign, during which he had revived the notion of borders, and after tough internal campaign for the presidency of the UMP, this fall, Nicolas Sarkozy has chosen to play the “gathering” and “appeasement” to take her vows “warmest” . Two notions had also chosen to highlight Hollande to differentiate itself from its rival in 2012 …

Since his election on 29 November, the new president of the UMP received his main rivals and found a balance by appointing their relatives in the flowchart. For personal ambitions will put a strain on the right in the coming months. On his blog, Mr Juppe also wished his wishes by turning resolutely towards the future as well. “It is my hope that together we in 2015, 2016, 2017 … good years for France” , writes the mayor of Bordeaux.


Joue-les-Tours: the police were in self-defense – TF1

Joue-les-Tours: the police were in self-defense – TF1

The police acted in self-defense. This is the message of attorney of the Republic of Tours who had announced the day before “an intermediate point-Press to cut short the rumors.”

“As it stands, the police witnesses and civil (present at the facts, ie) say the same thing, that the attack (police by Mr. Nzohabonayo, note) was immediate, “Mr. Beck said, who also stated that all the facts had occurred” inside the airlock “input station. He further said that Bertrand Nzohabonayo went spontaneously only at the entrance of the police station he shook the door before a security assistant will come and open it and do it into the porch, and that it was not the subject of any proceedings or convening at the time.

Call for witnesses

The prosecutor has called all the witnesses who had not yet done so to manifest quickly from police services. “I am willing to investigate any element we would like to inform me and which would go against what I have said so far,” he said. “I will make every effort to ensure that this investigation be most rigorously conducted and calmly as possible,” he added. “It is extremely unpleasant to have unfounded eyewitness circulating so that it is a serious matter.”
Asked about the fact that Mr. Nzohabonayo have screamed or not “Allaouh Akhbar” when facts, the prosecutor, who is in charge of the investigation into the circumstances of his death while countering Paris prosecutor investigating his possible terrorist nature, responded that he could “neither deny nor deny” on

this point, outside of its jurisdiction.
Finally, the prosecutor stated that there was CCTV cameras either inside or o utside the police station. “Obviously I would have preferred to have,” he said.

Doubts persist

The lawyer for the family of Mr. Nzohabonayo, Me Jérémie Assous, which s’ Tours is expressed to the press immediately after the prosecutor nevertheless considered that the clarification did not raise doubts about what really happened.
“How is it that ten days of witnesses people the facts, who have extremely important explanations, have still not been heard, “was he asked. “Today after the press conference (the prosecutor, ed) the only items that were collected are in line with the official version.”
Or “there are other elements that contradict” this version , he reiterated, calling the prosecutor as those with items to bring into the course of events to come forward with the judicial police.
“Satisfied” remarks of the prosecutor corroborating the first elements of the investigation of self-defense, the Regional Secretary of Alliance National Police Lilian DEMASY interviewed on sit e was also called witnesses who have a different version to “move” and “come to the prosecutor.”


France: at least six people homeless during the cold snap –

France: at least six people homeless during the cold snap –

France: at least six people homeless during the cold wave

Paris – The cold wave that hit in recent days over France left at least six dead since Saturday homeless victims of hypothermia or died in a fire trying to warm up, according to local authorities.

Two homeless people (SDF) were killed Tuesday morning in a fire in a squat the Paris region, where they had taken refuge from the cold and where they are likely to have tried to make a fire, will we police said.

The fire broke out in this disused building in Brie-Comte-Robert, about thirty kilometers east of the capital. The bodies of two men, two homeless, were found charred inside. We believe they had fled there because of the cold, said the source told AFP.

Rodez (southwest), where temperatures dropped to -8 degrees the night of Monday to Tuesday, a 42-year-old was found dead in the early afternoon by the fire in a shipyard in the city where the homeless had taken shelter.

On Instead, the police found several empty bottles of alcohol. Investigators favor the hypothesis of a death from hypothermia, but the cause of death is still being determined, pending a review by a pathologist Wednesday.

In the capital, a homeless died Sunday night in a neighborhood is obviously due to the cold, did he do on Tuesday to the services of the city of Paris.

The man, aged 50, was found at about 9:00 p.m. (2000 GMT) in a state of hypothermia, and he made a heart attack while emergency services were providing first aid in a vehicle health, the source said.

The day before, a homeless 29-year-old had been found unconscious in the equipment room of a high school of Douai (North) where he had taken refuge. The young man had died a few hours later in the


In both cases, the victims were approached by social services in the previous day, but had declined the accommodation proposals for emergency.

Another SDF, a Belgian aged 46, was also found dead Sunday in his tent in Mandelieu-la-Napoule, near Nice (south-east), death due to cold , combined with alcohol, according to the local prefecture.

The expected drop in temperatures and the establishment of an orange level of vigilance in different departments led many cities to increase their accommodation capacities emergency.

The number of homeless in France exploded (+ 44%) in 11 years in medium and large cities, with 112,000 homeless, including 31,000 children registered in 2012, according to latest study published in November

burs / bpi / blb / gg

(© AFP / December 30, 2014 6:59 p.m.).

(AFP / 12.30.2014 7:02 p.m.) ^ ->

Videos that should be of interest to you


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Constitutional Council: most of validation of the FAA in 2014 – LégiFiscal

Constitutional Council: most of validation of the FAA in 2014 – LégiFiscal

Last updated 31/12/2014

  • Date:

The Constitutional Council has validated what most Monday, December 29 the provisions of the Amended Finance Act for 2014 (LFR 2014) and the Finance Act 2015.


Most validated provisions


The Constitutional Council voted Monday on the amended Finance Act for 2014 which had been seized by more than 60 deputies and 60 senators. The main provisions were validated by the Council of “wise men”.


Article 31 which allowed some municipal councils in tense areas to establish a residential surcharge (20% increase) for unassigned furnished apartments in a main residence has been validated. The city of Paris, especially in the short term could use this new provision to fight against the housing shortage.


Article 46 amendment is adopted by the second provision made the most debate in this LFR 2014. It provides for a 50% increase in the tax on commercial surfaces (TASCOM) for institutions whose surface sales exceeding 2 500 m². This provision, which affected mainly supermarkets was declared constitutional by the Council.


be found among the other measures of the FAA in 2014 unchallenged by the Council of “wise men”, the following:


  • suppression of the premium for employment from 2016 in favor of a new aid package for modest workers

  • instaurations new measures to fight against tax fraud (in particular VAT)

  • more taxes of the banking and insurance and tax offices in Ile de France will now not deductible from taxable income at the corporate tax.



The provisions censored


The Constitutional Council nevertheless censored the following:


  • Section 60: it were to create a tax of 75% real estate capital gains persons or bodies established in a non-cooperative State. The Council considered this rate as excessive and contrary to the principle of equality before public burdens .

  • Section 80: he foresaw the submission of a report to Parliament on the financial consequences of a unilateral breach of motorway concession contracts privatized in 2006. The report to be
submitted by 30 December this year The Constitutional Council considered that this provision was contrary to the principle of accessibility and intelligibility of the law.

From the press release of the Constitutional Council – 2014-708 DC



The Council, in addition to the censorship of section 109 that had no place in the supplementary budget, also censored:

– the fifth paragraph Article 72 on the arrangements of the parent companies which did not allow to assess the activities subject to tax under this provision, including the activities of subsidiaries and sub-subsidiaries of a parent company.

– the provisions of Article 60, which instituted a tax rate of 75% real estate capital gains of individuals or organizations based outside France in a non-cooperative State or territory within the meaning of Article 238-0 A of the General Tax Code. With social contributions on investment income, the tax rate of 90.5% posed to taxpayers an excessive burden in terms of their ability to pay and violated the principle of equality before public burdens;

– Article 80 provided for the submission of a report to Parliament with the consequences for the state budget of a unilateral breach at the initiative of the State, contracts of six motorway concession companies privatized in 2006. This break as the report was tabled in Parliament were to occur no later than 30 December 2014. Such a provision contrary to the principle of accessibility and intelligibility of the law was declared unconstitutional with the Constitution.


“Constitutional Council: validation of the essen … NEWS PREVIOUS NEXT NEWS exceptional solidarity tax on high …”


Copyright (c) LégiFiscal –


Cold wave in France: six dead – The Obs

Cold wave in France: six dead – The Obs

Paris (AFP) – Three dead in Paris, one on the French Riviera, one in the Aveyron and another in the North: the cold wave that hits much of France has killed at least six homeless, despite a strengthening of the capacities of the poor.

A 50 year old man was found Sunday evening in Paris by the emergency services in a state of hypothermia on a square twelfth arrondissement. An autopsy is underway but, according to the mayor of Paris, it is “manifestly” died because of the cold.

Two other homeless people, who had taken refuge in a squat in Seine-et-Marne to protect freezing temperatures, have died in a fire Tuesday morning, presumably after trying to make a fire, police said.

Rodez, a homeless 42-year Belgian was found dead Tuesday noon in a yard where he had taken shelter. Even the French Riviera is not spared in Mandelieu-la-Napoule, the body of another homeless Belgian 46 years was found Sunday in his tent, announced Tuesday the prefecture. “The cold, combined with alcohol” and an icy wind seem to cause of death.

The day before, a 29-year, according to the prefecture, had repeatedly declined the ” hosting proposals “SAMU Social, was found lifeless in Douai, in the North.

The expected drop in temperatures and the establishment of an orange level of vigilance in different departments has led many cities to increase their emergency accommodation possibilities.

The prefecture of Paris on Tuesday opened 50 new places for the families in the east of the capital.

Ile de-France, 1,454 seats are available including 752 in Paris. North Prefecture has set up 300 accommodation places in addition to the existing 11,600 throughout the year.

Gironde, 860 accommodation places are open for occupancy 93%. In Toulouse, the town has triggered the opening of 72 emergency beds in two municipal structures, which hosted a total of 51 people on the night of Monday to Tuesday. According to the head of one of the centers, some homeless people prefer to go

in squats where they do not have to bend the rules of emergency shelter, like getting up at 6:00 for example.

– ‘-5 ° C is expected to open spaces’ and more –

The number of homeless in France has “exploded” (+ 44%) in 11 years in medium and large cities ., with 112,000 homeless, including 31,000 children, reported in 2012, according to the latest study by the INSEE published in November

And the places abound: in November, 17,000 people have called 115 in 37 departments More than 9,000 remain unresolved, according to the barometer of the National Federation of reception and social reintegration (Fnars) released last week.

Florent Gueguen, CEO of Fnars has denounced “a lack of anticipation and preparation by the government.” “We made a management thermometer: we expect it to do -5 ° C to open additional seats while local associations exist and are ready to welcome the public,” he laments


Christophe Louis, president of the association “Dead in the street”, said that there is “death throughout the year,” and asks that “places are not only open during winter but throughout the year. “

The Housing Minister Sylvia Pinel asked the prefects and associations that the open emergency accommodation places in winter are not closed before the end of the truce late March, “even if improved temperatures.”

Asked on Europe 1, the minister lamented “the terrible and tragic situations,” and assured that the Government does stopped “trying to sustain alternative solutions.” “Even if we can only note that these increased resources are insufficient to meet all the demands,” she added.


The Constitutional Council validates the budget – The World

The Constitutional Council validates the budget – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

Illustration Aurel

That’s done. The government ended the year on a high note with validation in their near entirety by the Constitutional Council, Monday, December 29, of the Finance Act 2015 and the Amended Finance Act for 2014. Of the 239 items included these two texts, only seven minor provisions were deemed unconstitutional or because they had no place in a budget law –

called “budgetary riders” – or because they were poorly drafted and did not respect the principle of “intelligibility” of the law.

For the government, the key is that its economic assumptions were considered “sincere” and the savings measures and the most emblematic tax provisions have been validated. The opposition parliamentarians who had seized the Constitutional Council challenged including lower allocations to local authorities, levies on working capital of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the expected outstanding resources to the defense budget sale of radio frequencies – which some consider unlikely before the end of 2015 – or the surtax on second homes and 50% increase in the tax on retail space of over 2500 m 2 . None of their grievances, echoing the complaints of persistent pressure groups, has been upheld, the impugned sections do not pose difficulties constitutio …


Six dead homeless during the cold spell in France – FranceTV info

Six dead homeless during the cold spell in France – FranceTV info

Despite a strengthening of capacities of the poor, the cold wave hitting much of the France has killed several homeless. At least six homeless people died during the first cold snap of winter hit much of France, according to a report efectue Tuesday, December 30 in the evening. The deaths reignite debate about the poor housing.

Where do these homeless are they dead?

On Saturday, a SDF was found lifeless in Douai (North). He died in the hours that followed, probably hypothermia. He had repeatedly declined “hosting proposals” social Samu, said on Tuesday the northern prefecture.

The French Riviera is not spared by this cold wave: Mandelieu-la-Napoule (Alpes-Maritime), the body of a homeless 46-year Belgian was discovered Sunday morning in his tent. “The cold, combined with alcohol” and an icy wind seems the cause of death.

Then, on Sunday evening, a man, aged 50 years, died, “manifestly” because of the cold, place du Colonel Bourgoin, in the 12th arrondissement of Paris. Two other homeless people, who had taken refuge in a squat in Seine-et-Marne to protect against freezing temperatures, have died in a fire Tuesday morning, after probably tried to start a fire, police said.

A sixth homeless, also from Belgium, was found dead at a construction site of Rodez (Aveyron), where he was sheltered. He had made a makeshift shelter with materials of construction, stopped for a few days. The 42-year-old was known to police as a homeless person.

What are issued criticism?

The expected drop in temperatures and the establishment of an orange level of vigilance in different departments has led many cities to increase their emergency accommodation possibilities.

Notwithstanding this measure, all the homeless are not supported. Associations blame the government for this lack of places in emergency accommodation structures.

“The device is not enough” , says Florent Gueguen, CEO National Federation of reception and reintegration associations. He denounced as “a lack of anticipation and preparation by the government.” Christophe Louis, president of the association for the slain of the street, also find that “the response of the authorities is late.”

“We is collective failure, it’s a disaster, “, complained of sonc side on BFMTV Christophe Robert, Deputy General Delegate of the Fondation Abbé Pierre. As for Jean-Baptiste Eyraud, spokesman for Housing Law, he moved the silence of the Minister of Housing Sylvia Pinel.

What are the answers?

Finally questioned on Europe 1, Sylvia Pinel regretted “terrible and dramatic situations.” She also assured that the government has consistently “trying to perpetuate alternatives. ” “Even if we can only note that these increased resources are insufficient to meet all demands” , she added.

Guest BFMTV of the Minister Health Marisol Touraine also reacted to the topic. The Government “is fully mobilized for the homeless” in this period of cold weather, she assured. “The urgency for us is beyond the cold period, work to create thousands of new permanent seats are planned in the months and years to come. It is a commitment” , promised Marisol Touraine.

The government also reaffirmed its “mobilization” in the fight against poverty and exclusion by the voice of Secretary of State in charge of the fight against exclusion, Segolene Neuville. “The government is extremely mobilized on these issues, both housing (…) but also on all issues related to poverty. We did not expect that it is cold to act on these issues “, she said during a visit to a Parisian winter shelter.

On the same subject


Annoyed, a sexagenarian causes a false bomb threat at … – TF1

Annoyed, a sexagenarian causes a false bomb threat at … – TF1

Two days before Christmas, the false bomb threat had forced the closure for six hours, the Super U Chissay-en-Tourain. Enormous damage to the store, estimated at least 100,000 euros.

A woman of about sixty years was sentenced Tuesday by the Criminal Court Blois to have triggered a false bomb threat. The investigators’ suspicions were directed first to the husband of the sixties, aged 63, whose phone was used to pass the malicious call. Tried the following day in immediate appearance, the man, who denied the charge, was acquitted for lack of evidence.
Investigators became interested by his wife of 68 years, surprised a few days earlier stealing food in the supermarket. She was then forced to pay his theft of only 21 euros, without further proceedings.


Placed in custody and tried before the Criminal Court of Blois Tuesday morning, the sexagenarian who had not come to the aid of her husband when he was involved in his place, confessed to the facts. She explained that she wanted revenge of the store and have specifically targeted this holiday season, knowing that attendance would be very high.

She was sentenced to six months suspended sentence. The prosecution had asked two months in prison.


6 SDF died since Saturday because of the cold snap – L’Observateur

6 SDF died since Saturday because of the cold snap – L'Observateur

A Belgian homeless was found dead on 30 December in a yard of Rodez, Aveyron, where he was sheltered. This is the sixth person to die homeless in France since the cold wave plaguing much of the country.

Man 42 years died in Rodez was found dead around 13:30 by firefighters, alerted by an individual. He had made a makeshift shelter with materials from one site to stop for a few days. On site, Rodez police found several empty bottles of alcohol.

Investigators favor the hypothesis of a death from hypothermia, but the cause of death is still being determined, pending an examination by a forensic doctor that will take place on Wednesday.

The homeless had been hosted for about a month, until November 1, in a center for homeless Rodez, said the prefecture, without being able to say why he left this center . The plan “Green vigilance”, set up to temperatures between 0 and -10 degrees, is in force in Aveyron. It provides for the passage of a marauding four times a week, but the presence of the Belgian SDF was unknown. It was becoming invisible from the outside, housed in the covered and fenced yard, said the prefecture.

Richard Mir, chief of the prefecture, said that 300 accommodation places for emergency had been made available. “Today, we get to meet identified needs,” he said at a press conference, noting that the hotels that can be requisitioned if necessary, have so far not needed to be. Temperatures dropped to -8 degrees in the night of Monday to Tuesday in Rodez.

Three other homeless away from the cold

Three other homeless died of cold since Saturday in Paris, Douai (North), Rodez and the Alpes-Maritime.

A homeless man died Sunday night “manifestly” because of the cold, in the 12th arrondissement of Paris, will

on Tuesday from the services of the city of Paris. The man, aged 50, was found at about 21 hours instead of Colonel Bourgoin by the emergency services, “in a state of hypothermia,” and has a heart attack when we provided first aid in the medical vehicle has is it the same source.

The person “has not solicited the services of 115″, who had approached a few days ago, is it said.

A Belgian SDF 46 years is too frozen to death Sunday morning in his tent in Mandelieu-la-Napoule in the Alpes-Maritimes, announced Tuesday the Prefecture.

“The death was due to the cold, combined with alcohol,” informed the prefecture. In the night from Saturday to Sunday, Mandelieu-La Napoule had been swept by a cold strong wind, probably causing a fatal hypothermia man highly alcoholic, said the municipal police.

We had already learned Monday that SDF died Saturday at Douai (Nord), probably from hypothermia.

Two killed in a fire at a squat

Furthermore, two homeless people died Tuesday morning in a fire in a squat in Brie-Comte-Robert (Seine-et-Marne) in which they had probably found refuge from the cold and where they are likely to have tried to make a fire, do we police said.

The fire broke out around 5:30 in the disused building located thirty kilometers east of the capital. “The bodies of two men, two homeless, were found charred inside. We think they took refuge there from the cold,” said the source.


GREECE. The cargo ship “in difficulty” off Corfu has finally … – The Obs

GREECE. The cargo ship "in difficulty" off Corfu has finally … – The Obs

The inspection by the Greek authorities of the cargo, which was presented as exceptional Tuesday, December 30, off the island of Corfu, revealed that the boat did not know any problem and that he would continue his journey.

A frigate, a helicopter of the Greek Navy and two patrol the port police were dispatched to the scene to rescue the freighter Blue Sky million, beating Moldovan flag after a distress call, which was passed via a mobile phone, the emergency number 112, s ccording correspondent in Athens “Telegraph” Bruno Waterfield. An unusual call because it is not radio the freighter that would have been used.

According to Greek media, “The Telegraph”, between 400 and 700 illegal immigrants were aboard the ship and armed men.

“Nothing suspicious on the boat”

However, it eventually proved that there was “no problem (mechanical) and nothing suspicious on the

boat, “said the head of the press office of the port police. The inspection was therefore not confirmed the presence of undocumented migrants on the boat.

Strong winds of 49km / h blowing in the region, according to the port police.

It is in the same area, off Corfu, between Greece and Italy, the ferry Norman Atlantic caught fire Sunday with almost 400 people on board, including at least ten died. A huge rescue operation was launched since Sunday, led by the Italian maritime authorities, Greek and Albanian.


A ship was hijacked off the coast of Corfu – Les Echos

A ship was hijacked off the coast of Corfu – Les Echos

A ship flying the flag of Moldova Tuesday sent a distress signal off the Greek island of Corfu due to the possible presence of armed men on board, announced the Greek Ministry of Merchant Marine


Article (s) associated (s)

So far confined to areas at risk, such as the Horn of Africa, the Indian Ocean or the Red Sea (see here), is piracy winning the Mediterranean? A ship flying the flag of Moldova sent a distress signal off the Greek island of Corfu due to the possible presence of armed men on board, said Tuesday the Greek Ministry of Merchant Marine.

The ship “Blue Sky M” would carry between 400 and 600 illegal migrants, said a Ministry spokesman, confirming a report in the NERIT Greek state television that she evoked the presence of “hundreds” of illegal immigrants on board.

The incident took place not far from where the Italian ferry “Norman Atlantic” was a victim of a fire this weekend. A frigate and a Greek naval helicopter and two patrol the port police were dispatched to the area where winds blow measured at 49km / h.

According to the website Marine Traffic (see below), the ship was diverted to set sail for Italy (follow the live position).

In 2013, 264 pirate attacks recorded

itemprop="ArticleBody"> So smugglers or pirates? Interviewed by Channel 4 News, Roy Paul, who heads the Maritime Piracy Humanitarian Response Center, is cautious about the possibility of an act of piracy in the Mediterranean. ” Perhaps he was on board of illegal immigrants who tried to take control of the ship “; said he was emphasizing the abscence of a ransom.

According to some sources (see below), the Greek authorities were informed at the last position of the “Blue Sky M” that would carry Syrian migrants from a Turkish port.

Last year, piracy fell on the seas of the world according to the published report. by the International Maritime Bureau and the International Chamber of Commerce 264 incidents involving pirates were recorded in 2013, against 297 in 2012 (down 11%) and 445 in 2011 (-41%). This year, the assigned piracy to Somalis was at its height, with 237 incidents recorded off the coast of Somalia, but also in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf (see picture of the situation drawn up by the International Chamber of Commerce to 24 December 2014).


Paris: The ban on open fires is canceled –

Paris: The ban on open fires is canceled –

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Paris: a homeless die from the cold – Le Parisien

Paris: a homeless die from the cold – Le Parisien

December 30 2014, 9:27 | Updated: December 30 2014, 9:57

The cold killed a homeless second weekend. After the death of a young man in Douai Saturday, another homeless died Sunday evening, “obviously” because of the cold, in the 12th arrondissement of Paris, will on Tuesday from the services of the city of Paris .

On the same subject

The man, aged 50, was found at about 21 hours instead Colonel Bourgoin by the emergency services, “in a state hypothermia, “and has a heart attack when we provided first aid in medical vehicle has is it the same source.

A SDF found dead in Douai

Another homeless 29 years was found unconscious Saturday at Douai (North). The man, from

Bruay-sur-l’Escaut, was found in the entrance of the school Châtelet, lying between two bins at the door “deliveries”. Rescued and taken to hospital, he died a little later. The cause of death would be a priori hypothermia.

In 2012, France had 112,000 homeless, including 31,000 children, in medium and large cities, a figure up 44% in 11 years, according to INSEE

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