VIDEO – The UMP has grillager new town hall benches to prevent the “marginal” settled there. A decision that has sparked an outcry.
On Christmas Eve, Wednesday, a handful of the center of Angouleme in the Charente benches were convicted by a fence, to discourage the homeless facility. A drastic measure that surprised many residents and sparked outrage of online shocked to such an initiative during the “Christmas truce”.
Nine beds, adjoining the canopy of a shopping mall the de-Mars, were completely girded by a fence 2 meters high, while many other banks, located a few tens of meters, remaining accessible to them.
A benches used by people “indulging in a recurrent alcohol”
The UMP municipality explained taking the initiative in consultation with traders because the banks in question were “almost exclusively used by people who engage in recurrent alcohol every day. “
Photo credits: PIERRE DUFFOUR / AFP
“This is not 0.1% of the population that must annoy 99.9% who wants to work,” sums without qualms Thierry Courmont, president of the association of the Gallery of Mars, in the South West. The same does not seem to be full of contradictions: “It has nothing to do with the homeless, homeless they do not bother us. Here are drug dealers, “said he said on RTL.
Anyway, Hall defends his process. “We consider the grievances of passersby, residents,” said AFP Jean Guiton, Deputy in charge of security. Incidents, alcoholic fights involving homeless, sometimes with dogs, were not unusual in recent years on the sector in question. The elected official said that the date of installation of the fence, Christmas Eve, was accidental, and that the measure was part of a “global” device that will include video surveillance, enhanced municipal police, but also mediation Social with SDF, about twenty were accompanied Tuesday sporting activities.
He added that the provision “is not final” and could be reassessed once video surveillance in place if it is effective. According to traders, the initial idea was to fill the fences with greenery, or pebbles.
“Angoulême is the laughing stock of the world”
Still, the banks ‘caged’ have provoked many reactions on the Internet or on the website La Charente Libre which revealed information. Some users applauding, others denouncing a “local indignity” at Christmas, and others stressing qu’incivilités, fighting, aggressive begging, “the poison of Mars for years,” but that these “horrible fences “are perhaps not the solution.
” Angoulême is the laughing stock of the world, “says one resident La Charente Libre .
The socialist deputy Guillaume Garot also expressed his indignation:
“It’s a bit radical, as a solution, right? Maybe that mediation would have been enough, we could move into a corner a little down. All we want is to be among friends, “said one homeless.
Sev personalities from the world of comics, which Angoulême is the capital, asked in a public letter to Mayor Xavier Bonnefont to reconsider this decision.
“At first we thought it a joke, but it was necessary to make us the obvious. You actually made grillager public benches Angouleme to prevent homeless people and punks dog pose it. It is very difficult for us, designers, journalists, editors, fans of comic strips or simple passers accept this expression of intolerance, ugliness and indignity without flinching. We therefore ask you to remove the grids and make the Angoulême benches functionality. We would like to ask our butts at the next festival. This would save you embarrassment and additional manifestations of our distress. “Write the artists.
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