The disambiguation is unpleasant: it affects the singularity. In politics, at best, it’s annoying when it associates you with a police officer involved in the case of pandering that affects Dominique Strauss-Kahn. At worst, it can hinder a career that is destined for higher office. Jean-Christophe Lagarde is not spoiled: he has to deal with both. The trial of Lille, in February 2015, will be a bad time to pass. However, Christine Lagarde is still in radar. Fortunately for Jean-Christophe, exiled in Washington, she does not often occupies the headlines.
Under the previous five years, he had suffered from his presence in the government. Shortly after leaving the IMF to the former minister, Aude Lagarde, wife of sir, his deputy mayor of Drancy (Seine-Saint-Denis) and his first supporter, could not repress a sigh of relief “Now there are no more two Lagarde, anything is possible.”
On November 13, Jean-Christophe Lagarde succeeds Jean-Louis Borloo to the presidency of the UDI against all odds, and especially that of its main competitor, Hervé Morin. “I thought it was won,” admitted the former Minister of Defense. Revisiting the political career of his younger than six years could have mitigated surprise. Against all expectations already in 2001 to 34, the child of Drancy, who knows every corner, life and soul out of the town hall of communists embedded in local history. Against the odds again, a year later, he steals the riding red beard. On this territory that has largely left Hollande voted in the last presidential, he has since held positions.
“I’m not the wimps centrism”
His opponents would also do well to remember, if indeed they know of the particular teen “JCL”. It certainly builds its ongoing need for victory, lest time is short. And the air too. For twice child, a stubborn asthma failed to win. At 15, the teenager is sent to 1,326 meters above sea level breathing pure oxygen Hautes-Alpes. He spent his high school in Briançon, alongside “climate”, not far from tuberculosis.
On November 15, after being elected head of the UDI, alongside Yves Jégo (center).
Today, if n ‘ has more nocturnal seizures, it keeps recurring insomnia, difficulty sitting still and coughs between two clouds of Marlboro red, more nicotine addicts. Kamikaze? When we almost lost the essential, we have nothing to lose and we play more easily with fire. Health is one. The power another.
On the right, left as at home, in the center, he is accused of cronyism -from “pasquaïsme” tackle François Bayrou- and not owe his election to the UDI as memberships the chain of his constituents, his wife is never far away. “He holds his town under the scalpel, accuses Hervé Morin It is based on the bearded. Against hiring and subsidies, they ensure peace in neighborhoods and re-election.” “Offense dirty mouth!” Lagarde retorted.
The elected estimated pay a chronic illegitimacy extraction of 93 systematically associated methods of “scum” or “boss.” Whether you are powerful or miserable, amalgams do not make a difference. “I’m not the wimps centrism. In their view, be centrist, is inherited. For me, it is to convince and conquer. People join because I am a good mayor,” defends the forties, which claims in the matter communist affiliation. He does not deny that the list CFTC in the last elections for the Public Service in Drancy, 11 candidates out of 14 have their card to the IDU.
Even infiltration assumed a list of representatives to the housing office, the Unli. That does not excuse anything, but it explains. It also may explain gender confusion when he had to reimburse the municipality in early 2013, more than 50,000 euros improperly supported for political association.
Thug or filibuster?
“It deals with rogue you, you are rather a filibuster, able to go hussar without royal pavilion,” he has one day launched his ally the former Socialist Jean-Marie Bockel. If there is a little trickster, he is also smart. When he gets only a victory because he “doi [t] anything to anyone,” Lagarde does not yield anything. In June 2013, the UMP Bruno Beschizza announced his candidacy for mayor of Aulnay-sous-Bois, the third most populous city in the Seine-Saint-Denis. Lagarde enters an angry triptych: “I do not give you Aulnay Aulnay UMP will not, I will not yield.” He keeps his word and deploys its energy in favor of the competitor IDUs.
According to the account of a local part of the UMP -that Lagarde- contest, a week before the first round, the Drancéen summons the two rivals. “Convinced that his candidate will arrive in head, he told Beschizza how it should be positioned on the poster of the second round!” recalls the near of it. Finally, the UMP well ahead. In the morning, the phone rings Beschizza. Lagarde not called to wish him on his birthday. “Bruno, you degrade me” he screams, demanding six councilors centrist instead of four.
Nothing in the world, he would have accepted a similar scenario in Bobigny, prefecture of the city riding. He dreamed it falls into his pouch, did everything and succeeded. Because he is convinced that people do not want a “mayor like them” – he says “cash” and does “not explain” – Lagarde dismissed his deputy MP believed Leila Bouzidi in favor of an unknown, inexperienced, Stéphane Paoli. He went on to change the lock of the permanence to prevent Bouzidi to receive it.
Jean -Christophe Lagarde. Nicolas Sarkozy respects but is wary. Here, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet.
Since her and found her a modus vivendi, but above all, Lagarde took distanced the new municipality as it is synonymous with disappointment. Hall effect Bobigny is embedded in a dark case of violence and defamation. The first deputy of the city, Christian Bartholmé, it continued. The same Bartholmé is also a faithful collaborator Lagarde firm in Drancy …
Play solo without the UMP, as soon as he can
These hazards have scalded by many. They have not dried up his appetite. If the General Council of the Seine-Saint-Denis is a great catch on socialist and Claude Bartolone, often presented as his alter ego left, Lagarde has given up. Now its dual rear base of 93 and UDI, the Drancéen a greater territorial ambition of the Ile-de-France region. As soon as there is a possibility to play solo, without the UMP, he does not deprive.
Failing to lead the list in December 2015, it could be second to Chantal Jouanno. André Santini, one of his political mentors -some of his detractors wear the word in a less filiale- sense, feared overheating. “Regional, this is not necessarily a good idea, says deputy mayor of Issy-les-Moulineaux. He must be wary of himself.”
Yes there is, for example, anything to a good word. “Even to jump out the window,” smiled a friend. With the help of former journalist Jean-Luc Mano, he discipline his language. Throughout the campaign UDI, he does violence to contain and avoid adding enemies. He already has a good package. “Because people do not know how to take me, they prefer to caricature me,” he complains. Would she facade of arrogance does not encourage empathy. It sometimes causes fear among former militants who accuse him, at a rate perhaps, of all evil. It grows to doubt wrongly this time of his emotion when he talks about the hard knocks of his beginnings in politics.
His early activism is common with Nicolas Sarkozy. The two men have a special relationship, a mixture of respect and mistrust. “It’s the smartest, the one who has more vision, but take care not to give him everything,” said, in 2009, Nicolas Sarkozy a lieutenant. Since the Elysee, he will regularly inform the future of the elected via Christian Lambert, his watch in the department, where he was appointed prefect. Anxious not to insult the future, the centrist has emancipated moderation of the former head of state. In 2012, he sulks media, it does not, however, refused the title of spokesperson. “I prefer the man in politics,” he will tell him the day after his defeat. Very progressive on marriage -in favor social issues for all and the decriminalization of cannabis, European federalist all crins- he resented the rightward of the former president.
Soon the center of all the requests?
The new office of President of the UDI conducts TVs radios. As he likes to talk about him in particular, and he is a good orator, he does not hide his pleasure. MegaMeeting in Villepinte in March 2012, Sarkozy had registered among the speakers. He still shudders: “If there is one thing I am indebted to him, it’s allowing me to speak in front of 50,000 people Quite a shot.” During the two years that followed, he claims to be one of the few not to have requested a hearing with the former host of the Elysee. But on December 18, a month after his election as head of the UDI, he came to visit his new alter ego of the UMP. “A sign of submission,” François Bayrou plague.
By 50 years, in 2017, he is left to hope that the UDI does not explode and the retirement of Jean-Louis Borloo is really final. All that work for nothing … But if all the planets align, it could be at the center falls well -it all solicitations, Sarkozy Bayrou, to Alain Juppé. This would be a first success. It will not suffice him. “In politics, we are not there to participate but to win” if he enflamme-.
He readily maintains doubt explaining a primary UMP without the participation of the Bayrou would immediately lapse and leave open a UDI candidate in the first round of presidential elections. Hers, it inevitably penset-. “He has no sense of the ridiculous. It will not burn out alone,” Judge Santini his friend. “He will go, even to 1%,” slice his enemy with IDU Maurice Leroy. He has a habit of saying, “If you do not want the power, it does not come into politics, mounting a philosophy club.”
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