Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Trial of the brothers Adama Traoré : injury to lively in the neighborhood Boyenval – Release

A small road dented and a few residences on the flanks : the area Boyenval in Beaumont-sur-Oise, stuck to the edge of the forest, is a piece of city rather peaceful. Hard to imagine the night of a riot in the month of November where a bus and several cars were torched. “It hurts me that it stigmatizes Boyenval as a city hot whereas this is completely false, reacts Pauline, 25 years old, who lives here since one year. the I was placed in housing this quarter, I’ve chosen not to live there but I am very happy, continues the young woman. the It is the Oise, just below the cinema not far away, and the races are not expensive.”

Posture. It is Boyenval, that has grown Adama Traoré, young man who died on the 19th of July last, a few minutes after his arrest by the gendarmes. A place that is today caught in a vise safe and which is fractured by the tensions between the family Traoré at the town hall. In the night of 23 November, the area has been ignited. A bus is set on fire. the “We had to take the initiative to turn it off ourselves with buckets of water, tells Samba, one of the brothers of Adama Traoré. the It would never have had to happen like that.” The inhabitants of the surrounding buildings have beautiful multiply phone calls, firefighters don’t intervene. The next day, Samba decides to put in place a mediation in the district still shocked by the large flames that threatened to attack the houses. the “You talk to people, it is user-friendly. It is necessary that it remains a quiet neighborhood”,< /em> he continued.

the city of Boyenval, on the 8th of December. Photo: Martin Colombet. Hans Lucas to Release

For several weeks, the reports have become explosive between the family Traoré and the city of Beaumont-sur-Oise. In mid-November, the mayor UDI Nathalie Groux announced its intention to file a complaint for defamation against Assa Traoré, the daughter of Adama, for about held in September on Canal +. the “The mayor of Beaumont-sur-Oise has chosen his camp, it is puts on the side of the gendarmes, that is to say, on the side of the police violence”, had reacted Assa Traoré. The one which became the spokesman of the family complains to Nathalie Groux its attitude vis-à-vis their fight. Since July, the latter objects to the holding of events in tribute to Adama Traoré. It is justified : “My priority is to ensure the public peace, the inhabitants have ras-le-bol of the riots.”

but there was no problem during events organized by the Traoré. This firmness does not pass, and the conflict settles. the “When I thought of this complaint, my original intent was to say stop to the pressure. When you said that I am all for the police violence or that I am racist, it makes me a target in the back. I wanted to protect myself and end this climbing”, defends the chosen one.

In November, during the municipal council where the mayor wanted to submit it to a vote-in support of his legal fees for his complaint against Assa Traoré, a part of the family of the latter is denied to the entry. the “Lack of space”, claims to the town hall. On the outside, the supports are protesting. The municipal police use tear gas to disperse the crowd. A few days later, Bagui and Youssouf Traoré, two brothers Adama are arrested. The justice is suing them for “insults” and “violence” against officers vested with public authority. After two days of police custody, they are remanded in custody. They will be judged on Wednesday at Pontoise. According to Yassine Bouzrou, their lawyer, the folder is almost empty. The municipal police complaint has been a day of ITT, caused in part by the tear gas she had used.

The 8 DéDecember à Beaumont-sur-oise, stood a city council for a particular vote in support of the legal costs of the Mayor, who has porté complaint for death threats and insults, suite à la mort d’Amada Traoré during his interpélation by the police. Following the council, the Assa, the sister of Amada took the floor in front of the média réuinis. Assa Traoré, the daughter of Adama, at the heart of a protest against the municipality of Beaumont-sur-Oise (Val-d’oise), in the evening of 8 December. Photo: Martin Colombet. Hans Lucas to Release

“Controls”. Since then, the district Boyenval is squared by the police. The forces of order are present in multiple entries, and do patrols in the car at intervals very regular on the road. According to Mohamed, a close friend of Adama Traoré, the relationships with the force are not good : “We often control and it is always the same tu, and aggression. They tell us “take off your cap”, “ removes the hands from your pockets”. I never dare to ask me-down from me, and I no longer supports these controls.”

this tense situation is added an inquiry into the death of Adama Traoré who do not advance. In the moments that follow the death of the young man, the prosecutor of Pontoise in post at the time, Yves Jannier, will do everything in its communication to bring out the gendarmes. According to him, Adama Traoré was suffering from a “extremely serious infection involving multiple organs”. It will evoke then a “heart condition” to explain his death. His statements will be contradicted by the results of the investigation. Both autopsies indicate that one of the causes of death is a “syndrome asphyxia”. at this day, the final results of several medical tests that are still not known and the matter has been “dépaysée” in Paris on request of the family.

Ishmael Halissat


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