Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Government Will it reduce parental leave for mothers? – TF1

The Government Will it reduce parental leave for mothers? – TF1

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the September 27, 2014 at 10:45 am, updated September 27, 2014 at 11:41.

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marisol Touraine, parental leave, family <- Time g dé! n dé ration ISS / ESI: 0376 seconds -> <- Total time in requ & egrave, thy: 0 seconds (0 requ & egrave, thy) -> <- / blk = 166,896.395, R, prdfriweb001 -> <-! - Blc = 167866 "lci / TF1NewsWidgets" -> <- / blk = 167,866.5, R, prdfriapp002 -> <- / Zon = 2100 ->

Social According to Le Parisien The Minister of Social Affairs is expected to announce a reform of parental leave next Monday. The duration should be reduced by half … <- / blk = 167,130.13, R, prdfriweb006 -> <- blk = 167894 "GeneralPub" -> <- / Blc = 167,894.6, R, prdfriweb006 -> <- blk = 167132 "PapierUniversel" ->

The announcement should be made Monday afternoon, according to information from Paris . The government is indeed still looking for savings in Social Security. And several tracks are being considered. But one of them should make noise, if confirmed.

In fact, the government is preparing to reform the parental leave . The duration should be reduced to 18 months, whereas at present a female employee may partially or completely interrupt activity for three years. It must, however, already have a child. The benefit is then paid 530 euros each month by the family allowance.

Video & gt; Families France opposed the parental leave reform:

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